

Aspiring Trainer
I came across something interesting while looking up DW abilities on Bulbapedia: Hitmonlee gets Unburden. Unburden doubles the Speed of the Pokemon with this ability once its item is used. So the set I had in mind goes something like this:

Hitmonlee@ Normal Gem
Insert nature and EVs here
- Fake Out
- Hi Jump Kick
- Sucker Punch/Stone Edge/EQ
- Stone Edge/EQ

The idea is to Fake Out your opponent, making them Flinch and using up the Normal Gem, then sweep with your now base 174 Speed.
Now then, the main problems I see are priority users(lawl 53 Defense) and Ghost types like Jellicent and Dusclops. Sucker Punch is risky when taking out these Ghosts because the opponent would probably try to use WOW to end your sweep.

How competitively viable do you think this Hitmonlee set is?(not counting whether or not its ability is released)
I could see it being used in UU, but as you said, 53 defence is crud. Bulky Ghosts and priority kill it, and weather also slaughters poor Hitmonlee. It definetly has improved with the new ability, but it isnt competitive.
Interesting ability but i would rather use this moveset
Hitmonlee@ Liechi berry
Adamant/Jolly 4HP/252atk/252spd
- Substitute
- Hi Jump Kick
- Sucker Punch/Stone Edge/EQ
- Sucker Punch/Stone Edge/EQ

It is very vulnerable to priority but has more power.
I could see your set being used as a lead with a bit of tweaking, but not much else. As you say, hitmonlee is too fragile for OU play. Also there are just far better fighting types out there that don't need all the set up and can utilize an item.
I don't use all the fancy set up stuff with Unburden. I just use...

Hitmonlee@Life Orb
252 ATK/252 SPE/4 HP
Close Combat
Mach Punch
Sucker Punch
Stone Edge

This leaves him with 372 Attack, and anything slower than his 273 Speed is most likely 1 or 2HKO'd by it. Limber is EXTREMELY useful in the fact that it blocks a move that cripples most offensive Pokemon. Honestly, I use this in OU and UU, and it always does really well. Unsuspecting Chandelure get Sucker Punched, and in UU, so do Mismagius. But sometimes Mismagius wants to sub up :S.

Also, nickname any Hitmonlee you use, Potatohead.
Unburden is a worthless ability. Jellicent stops him cold. If you mispredict on Sucker Punch and eat a WoW you are done. Limber is infinitely more useful.