Hmm, Weird


~The Real Fire Pokemon Trainer~ (I wish)
You kno how there aren't any normal animals n pokemon. Well i just noticed that on one episode, Brock wuz suposedly making chicken stew, but since there are no normal animals he wuz really probably making Torchic stew. it's kinda weird once u think about it.
That is weird. Also, when Ash is at the Cerelean City Gym, looking for the Gym Leader, he walks through a hallway with glass walls with water on the other side. If you look at the water, you see fish. Not Pokemon, but real fish. Creepy.
this is on this one episode of pokemon series 1 weird when i saw when broke was cooking chickn stew on this on episode!!!
together w/ other real animals, pokemon inhabits the world. i dont think brock would cook a farfetch'd.he's a pokemon breeder right?
there was an episode toward the end of season 1 where ash and co. went to pallet town's green house. inside was PokeNip, the description was:

PokeNip: had the same affect on grass type pokemon as CATnip has on CATS.

so, unless they were talkinabout meoth, persain, or the uncreated shinx, luxio, luxray, glameow, or perugly, then apparently, there are real animals, which i doubt
Its like your eating some food and you say "taste like chicken" Then you look like an idiot while everyones looking at you saying"what the hecks chicken."