Ho-oh EX Variants

Dark Void said:
Big Basics without Bodor is definitely not Tier 1. Without Bodor, Big Basics loses really badly to Rayeels and Blastoise and depending on your build can also have a meh matchup vs Klinklang. Garbodor gives it a better (albeit still negative IF they run Tool Scrapper imo) matchup against Blastoise, a chance against Rayeels if you don't donk them, it helps greatly vs Klinklang, and while Darkrai doesn't rely on its abilities too much, it does make HTL much more annoying against them.
Even if Blastoise has tool scrapper, it's still favorable IMO.
I played around with it, but it's honestly not that good if you don't run Tropical Beach. I had a 4-1-4 line, 4 Rare Candy, 3 Skyla, 4 Ultra Ball, and I was lucky to get a T2 Gallade (and even when I did, it was only swinging for 60 usually). Plus Mewtwo donks Ralts. It would do really well with Tropical Beach since you tend to have a pretty low hand size. But the people who have Tropical Beaches would most likely be too busy playing Darkrai Lasers or Keldeo/Blastoise.
Ho-oh is far from destroyed after plasma storm :) if anything it has gotten way more powerfull ! Its just one really bad matchup and that is blastoise :) but i managed to get a second place at my reginiols with it :) This is in norway tho...
Dark Void said:
Big Basics without Bodor is definitely not Tier 1. Without Bodor, Big Basics loses really badly to Rayeels and Blastoise and depending on your build can also have a meh matchup vs Klinklang. Garbodor gives it a better (albeit still negative IF they run Tool Scrapper imo) matchup against Blastoise, a chance against Rayeels if you don't donk them, it helps greatly vs Klinklang, and while Darkrai doesn't rely on its abilities too much, it does make HTL much more annoying against them.

Wanna restate this or what? :)
Garbodor makes the deck better. If you are able to take it out and still win, then do that. The space saved will be worthwhile. I will definitely keep playing Garbodor in my Big Basics deck(s).
Ho-oh is NOT TIER 3
It beats the shit outta plasma klang searly how can you lose? terrakion and early game pressure and fudge yeah bouffalant ?
AND IF YOUR THAT SCARED OF IT V create victini...
It beats darkrai aswell!!
Good big basic matchup
Good bodor matchup
Ray eels is a bad matchup but not to hard
blastoise is an okey matchup unless they are runnng black kyurem.. then your boned
TrainerNaru said:
Ho-oh is NOT TIER 3
It beats the shit outta plasma klang searly how can you lose? terrakion and early game pressure and frick yeah bouffalant ?
AND IF YOUR THAT SCARED OF IT V create victini...
It beats darkrai aswell!!
Good big basic matchup
Good bodor matchup
Ray eels is a bad matchup but not to hard
blastoise is an okey matchup unless they are runnng black kyurem.. then your boned

Nope. Sorry but no.
TrainerNaru said:
Ho-oh is NOT TIER 3
It beats the shit outta plasma klang searly how can you lose? terrakion and early game pressure and frick yeah bouffalant ?
AND IF YOUR THAT SCARED OF IT V create victini...
It beats darkrai aswell!!
Good big basic matchup
Good bodor matchup
Ray eels is a bad matchup but not to hard
blastoise is an okey matchup unless they are runnng black kyurem.. then your boned

A. Use proper spelling and grammar.
B. Be respectful. I make the Tier placings and don't deserve to be yelled at for them.
C. This isn't the place for discussion of Tiers. That would be more suited for the Tier Discussion thread. If you feel that Ho-oh is in an incorrect Tier, please argue against that in that thread.

SheNinja said:
TrainerNaru said:
Ho-oh is NOT TIER 3
It beats the shit outta plasma klang searly how can you lose? terrakion and early game

Note "Ho-Oh EX"

start lol'ing.

I think he knows that, he meant that Ho-oh has access to so many non-ex attackers that the deck destroys PlasmaKlang.
Cobalion-EX OHKO's all of Ho-Oh's non-EX's...
(Not including Terrakion but Terrakion sucks...)
Has anyone tried Terrakion EX in this? Unfortunately, I don't run this any more, but it just seems like Terrakion would stand up more to the match up it was meant to counter. And the acceleration from the hand is a nice perk for powering up your next attacker. It could be used to fill some of Rayquaza's difficult energy requirement or just getting more energy onto the field. It's a pretty good card except for the attack cost, but with Scramble Switch, I don't think it will be too hard to power up.
How I made mine last format was to get the three major decks Darkrai, Klinklang, Blastoise, and get a counter for them. I used Virizion NV, Terrakion NV, and Resiram. Added some mewtwo, and got some pretty good success. I'm not sure how it will work in this format, but I'm waiting too see if Genesect EX gets popular so I can bring it back.
R-R-Revive time.

Anyone else think this could be good after Plasma Blast hits? Rainbow Burn tears through Genesect/Virizion and Trubbish.dec, Terrakion can wreck Darkrai and Plasma, seeing as they'll probably be reducing their Laser counts, and Cobalion can deal with Kyurem. With the probable reduction/elimination of Gothitelle and Keldeo, this deck really only has one matchup, and with enough Cobalion that's easily handled. The deck still has a fantastic ability to stream attacks, and it's just strong overall. I don't see any reason why this wouldn't be tier 1 with its typing and less Keldeo.

EDIT: lol there's a PB filter
If America follows Japan (like that ever happens), then Laser will be a near dead card. Virizion stops it cold. And iirc Laser was the one card that singlehandedly destroyed Terrakion, which was Ho-Oh's main attacker.
Normally I would stop discussion in a thread of a deck without a Tier placing because it's not viable in the current format, but I agree that Ho-oh could possibly be decent after Plasma Blast.

Feel free to continue.
If I understand what your logic is:

-Lasers are going out of style because Virizion (G- type) stops them cold
-Ho-oh and Terrakion do very well together, but struggled against lasers.
-Since Virizion has lowered to depleted laser count Ho-oh with terrakion (G-weak) as a main attacker might be a viable deck.

While I see Ho-oh potentially rise as a deck again because of it's versatility, I think the max count for terrakion would be 1, he's grass weak and would strongly struggle against the deck.

And although this is a little off topic, I think because lasers lowered usefulness darkrai might also decline as a deck. Because of this terrakion might also be a less useful tech. I'm theory-monning but I'm pretty sure Terrakion will not be as good as it once was.
If the format rotates to ND-On, Ho-Oh won't even be a deck. It loses Energy Switch, Cobalion NV and Super Scoop Up (not that most Ho-Oh's play SSU, I was just saying). Without Energy Switch, Ho-Oh is just that, Ho-Oh. Techs don't get any stronger in this deck, and I'd rather run something like Victini EX that's actually helpful in other match ups. And without Cobalion, it loses hard to Kyurem.

I'll admit, if there is no rotation, Ho-Oh does actually sound pretty solid. But until the rotation is annonced, we'll just have to wait and see.
The main reason for the Terra at this point would be Thundurus EX, because it gets an easy OHKO there too. And you failed to list as a reason the fact that fire type is fantastic next format because it hits both Virizion and Genesect for SE, making for an OHKO with a heads and an attachment or PlusPower.

And @Machamp, Just Ho-Oh is still solid because of its favorable matchups with VG and Trubbish. And if we get the Mewtwo/Genesect deck and EXBB, the only thing we lose is SSU, and Max Potion is still better.