Writing Hoenn's Legacy


Aspiring Trainer
this is my first fan fic here so please don't be mean to me. I have been typing this for a few months and I thought I would like to share it with some of you guys. the story gets good towards the end of it. If anyone would like to help with the sequel just send me a message or post on here .

***************Chapter 1***********************

Ash and Rocky have been battling they’re way through the Evergrande Pokemon League Championship they have made it to the sixth round and they were hyped at who they were going to face.

“You two need to get to the Pokemon Center to see who your facing, “ Max told Ash and Rocky

“Yeah we know,” Rocky told the boy, “ Max there’s the place right in front of us.”

“Well you two get in there and find out who your facing,” May commanded Ash and Rocky.

“ Geez May calm down,” Ash told her as he and Rocky walked inside.

“No way!” Ash and Rocky were shocked at what they saw.

The first match of tomorrow was Ash versus Rocky.

“ This can’t be happening,” Rocky couldn’t believe his eyes.

May walked in and gasped.

“May what’s wrong?” Max asked his sister.

“ Ash and Rocky are going to face each other in tomorrow’s first match,” May told her brother.

Brock then walked in.

“I knew this would happen,” said the breeder. “it happened before between Ash and Ritchie in the Indigo League.”

“Who am I going to cheer for I can’t just cheer for one and not the other,” May was thinking about tomorrow’s match.

Max noticed the worried look in May’s face.

“What’s wrong sis?” Max asked.

“Oh nothing Max I’m alright,” May lied to her brother.

“Well we need to be getting are pokemon ready for tomorrow right Rocky,” Ash told him.

“Pika pi,” Pikachu wasn’t happy about the match.

Ash stepped outside with pikachu on his shoulder.

“Pikachu I can’t believe we have to battle a friend her in the Pokemon league,” Ash told his little electric mouse.

“ Ash wait up,” said Max as he ran towards Ash and Pikachu.

“What’s up Max?” Ash asked Max.

“You forgot to register your pokemon,” Max reminded him.

“oh I forgot!” Ash ran back inside to the counter.

“Hello do you need to register your pokemon?” the Nurse Joy asked.
“Uh yeah they are Swellow, Corphish, Grovyle, Glalie, Torkoal, and Piakchu,” Ash told nurse Joy and looked around to make sure Rocky wasn’t listening.

Back at their hotel room was Rocky trying to think of some way to win without anything bad happening.

“Man I just don’t know why they did this , why did they put me up against one of my best friends.” Rocky wondered. May then walked in with some bags.

“oh I’m sorry to bother you but I couldn’t carry this all over the place,” May apologized.

“here let me help you,” Rocky told her. Rocky got off the bed and grabbed some bags from May and sat them on her bed. “ Man how much stuff did you buy?” Rocky asked May.

“ Oh maybe about ten more bags,” May told him.

“Good lord you buy more crap then my mom,” Rocky told May as he got more bags.

“Well I don’t buy crap,” May assured him.

Rocky got all the bags in.

“Thanks for helping,” May thanked Rocky.

“Your welcome now can I have some time to think,” Rocky retorted to May.

“Well you don’t have to be mean about it humph.” May walked outside.

“He must be kind of feeling the same as me about the battle in who to win, but either way a friend will lose,” May thought..

Rocky stepped out back and released two of his pokemon.

“Guys we have to face some friends tomorrow in the tournament, I know it won’t seem right but just treat it like a normal battle,” Rocky told them.

“Umbre.” said a black cat-like pokemon.

“Swampert,” said a big blue pokemon with fins as a tail and orange fin like cheeks.

“ You two are my strongest pokemon with me as of now,” Rocky started to pet them. “But the other guys will still be as strong and help us win.”

Brock was staring through the window and listening to Rocky.

“This is going to be a good battle I can just see it,” Brock said quietly to himself.

Ash then walked up to the hotel room with Max. “ Ash I just hope you and Rocky have a great battle and one of you becomes the champion that’s all that matters.” Max told Ash before going inside.

“Yeah I guess your right,” Ash told him, smiling. “thanks for showing me Max.”

Ash and Max walked in and saw Brock sitting on a bed watching TV.

“Hey Brock where’s Rocky and May?” Ash asked Brock.

“Well Rocky’s out back and I don’t know where May is,” Brock told the two.

“And what’s with all of these bags?” Max asked Brock.

“Don’t know they were here when I came in,” Brock told Max as he got up.

Ash walked over and looked inside a bag and saw some clothes in one.

“Their May’s,” Ash knew what he saw.

“Yep May always buys clothes,” Said Max, adjusting his glasses.

Rocky then walked in the back door. “Hey guys have you been off training,” Rocky asked Ash, while taking his headband off.

“No we just went to register me for the battle,” Ash told Rocky.

May walked in. “Hey everyone, Alright who touched the stuff?” May asked everyone.

“I was outside so wasn’t me,” Rocky answered.

“I was watching TV.” Said Brock.

“I was too.” said Max.

Ash was whistling trying to not get into trouble.

“Ash was it you?” May asked him.

“Uh well I was in the bathroom.” Ash told her a lie.

“You liar you did touch it,” Max yelled out.

“Max shut up!” Ash told him.

“Ash why did you touch my stuff?” May asked him.

“Because nobody knew whose their where so I looked and saw clothes and saw that it was yours.” Said Ash.

“Well Rocky was here and he knew about the bags.” She retorted to him.

“Gosh May cool off,” Ash insisted.

“May I’m kind of with Ash on this one,” Said Rocky.

Rocky ran up to May and pulled her over to her bed.

“How about I fix us some dinner,” Brock insisted.

“Oh that would be great,” May just stopped being mean.

“Ok that was freaky.” said Max.

Brock went into the kitchen to get ready for dinner.

A news report about the tournament was coming on.

“The tournament gets up and running once again tomorrow folks and it starts off with a shocking battle between two best friends,” Said the news man. “It will be between Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and Rocky Grayson from Littleroot Town But Rocky originally grew up in Virdian City.” said the news man.

“Wow Rocky I didn’t know you moved here from Kanto,” May told him.

“Yeah I forgot to tell you guys about that,” Rocky had just remembered about telling them about that when that came up.

“Ash Ketchum came in the top sixteen in the Indigo league and the top eight in the Silver Conference. But Rocky had gotten top eight in the Indigo and Top four in the Silver Conference,” Said the News man.

“ Hey you even entered those tournaments but you two traveled separately,” May commented.

“yeah me and Ash started traveling here in Hoenn.” Rocky told her.

Max and Ash were in the kitchen helping Brock fix the food.

“ How much longer I’m starving,” Max was laying his head on the table.

“ Hang on Max It’s not done yet,” Brock was stirring some food in a pan.

Ash stepped back into the bedroom and noticed May was gone.

“Hey where did May go?” Ash asked.

“She went to take a shower,” Rocky told him.

Ash then saw that Rocky was watching his match against Ritchie from the Indigo League.

“ Hey your trying to plan something aren’t you,” Ash asked him.

“ No It just came on when I was watching it talk about our match tomorrow, It’s just showing our matches from the leagues we’ve been in.” Rocky told Ash.

Rocky saw Ash’s Charizard laying on the ground on TV.

“That is what caused you the match if you would have chosed your kingler or muk you probably would have won,” Rocky told him.

“Man he’s right I can tell that he knows a lot about battles so I’m going to need to train.” Ash thought.

“Hey guys foods ready,” Max ran into the bedroom and told them.

Rocky left the room and Ash followed.

Everyone sat at the table but May was still in the shower.

“Brock this food is great,” Said Ash.

“ Thanks Ash, Hey what’s taking May so long in the shower?” Brock wondered.

“Oh she’s probably pretending she has a boyfriend again,” Said Max.

Someone walked up to Max from behind him and Grabbed his ears and pulled them.

“I don’t pretend I have a boyfriend you little jerk,” May was yelling at Max.

“Uh oh another fight,” said Rocky.

May then sat down in her chair.

Pikachu was down in the floor eating some of Brock’s home made poke-food.

“Pika chu pi,” Said Pikachu very delightful.

“hey Brock Pikachu likes your new recipe I guess,” said Ash.

“ Ha ha I guess he does.” Brock laughed.

After everyone was done eating it was time for bed. Everyone was asleep but Rocky.

“Tomorrow is the day that two friends face off to see who is the true Pokemon Master.” Rocky thought as he dozed of to sleep.
yeah and some of the chapters get more intense and longer in the future. Rocky is actually just a fictional trainer I came up with.
I'm actually writing fics about Rocky traveling in all 4 of the regions but this is the second half of the Hoenn one and the begining of the Sinnoh one.
Man I'm hyped up about who wins between Ash and Rocky. i really hope this story starts to get good though.
Well I guess i will go on and post up chapter two now enjoy :)

***********************Chapter 2***************************************

“Ladies and Gentlemen we are here at Evergrande Stadium awaiting the arrival of the two trainers who are about to face off.” said the announcer.

Rocky was sitting in his locker room waiting till it was time for his match then May walked in.

“ Rocky I know you need to focus on this match but there’s something I need to tell you,” May told him.

The P.A. turned on “ Will Rocky Grayson and Ash Ketchum please take place on the battle field.” the intercom announced.

“You’ll have to tell me after my battle May,” Rocky walked out.

“Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for our first battle of the day between two friends. First is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!” Yelled the announcer.

Ash and pikachu rose up out of the ground on a red platform.

“Now here is his opponent Rocky Grayson from Littleroot Town!” Yelled the announcer.

Rocky rose up out of the ground on a red platform.

The referee stepped in the middle of the field.

“You may each use six Pokemon but first we must see who goes first.” he said.

On the board was a roulette and it was red and green and it began to spin and it kept spinning.

The arrow began to slow down then stopped on the red side.

“Ash Ketchum will be making the first move.” Said the announcer.

Brock, Max, and May were sitting in the crowd.

“Well it’s about to begin,” said Brock.

“Begin!” Yelled the referee.

“ Go Swellow!” Yelled Ash.

“Go Shelgon!” Rocky commanded.

“So Ash is starting with Swellow and Rocky is starting with shelgon.” Said the announcer.

“Swellow use aerial ace go!” Ash commanded.

“Swe!” Yelled the dark blue and red bird.

“Shelgon use head butt!” Yelled Rocky.

The two pokemon went head to head.

“Fight him off with dragon claw!” Rocky yelled out.

Shelgon’s claws began to glow and it clawed Swellow.

“No Swellow hang in there!” Yelled Ash. “Use wing attack!”

Swellow went in at shelgon with it’s glowing wings.

“Flamethrower.” said Rocky.

Shelgon shot a stream of fire out of it’s front side at Swellow and hit it’s wing.

“Oh no ladies and gentlemen looks like Swellow has gotten burnt.” said the announcer.

“Swellow return now!” Ash commanded.

“Smart move by Ash with Swellow burnt Rocky has a chance.” Said Brock.

“Go Glalie I choose you!” Yelled Ash.

“Shelgon flamethrower!” said Rocky.

“Glalie use ice beam.” said Ash.

The attacks collided and were in a standstill.

“Shelgon full power!” Yelled Rocky.

“SHEL!” yelled the Shelgon as it started to glow.

“No way that’s not fair!” Yelled Ash.

“Oh yeah!” Yelled Rocky.

“People it looks like Shelgon is evolving!” said the announcer.

Shelgon evolved into Salamence.

“Alright Salmence use hyper beam.”

Salamence’s mouth began to glow a orangish yellow color then salamence released a beam from it’s mouth and blasted Glalie.

“Glalie is unable to battle Salamence wins!” Said the referee.

“Return, Go Corphish!” Yelled Ash.

“salamence use steel wing.” Said Rocky.

Salamence’s wing glowed and it flew towards Corphish.

“Grab it’s wing with vice grip.” said Ash.

“ Cor-Phish.”

Corphish clamped onto salamence’s wing and it roared in pain.

“Salamence fly up into the air.” Said Rocky.

Salamence flew up into the air and and flew back down and slammed Corphish into the ground.

“Finish him with dragon claw.” said Rocky.

Salamence’s claws glowed and it clawed corphish and Corphish fainted.

“Return, Go Grovyle!” Yelled Ash.

“Bad choice Ash Rocky’s salamence has a double advantage.” Said Brock.

“Yeah It’s a dragon flying type,” Max agreed.

“Salamence aerial ace!” yelled Rocky.

“Grovyle use your quick attack leaf blade combo.” said Ash.

Grovyle ran at very fast speed at salamence and hit it and then went behind him and slashed him with his glowing leaves.

“Salamence is unable to battle!” said the referee.

“Return salamence, Go umbreon!” Commanded Rocky

“What why would Rocky use his strongest pokemon already?” Max wondered.

“umbreon use agility!” Yelled Rocky.

Umbreon was running everywhere and was coming closer to Grovyle.

“Now blast him with shadow ball!” Commanded Rocky.

Umbreon shot a black orb from it’s mouth and blasted Grovyle.

“Bullet seed go!” Yelled Ash.

“Grovyle started to spit seeds at umbreon but right as they got to his face they stopped.

“Hey what’s going on here!” yelled Ash.

“That’s My umbreon’s psychic attack.” said Rocky.

Umbreon then threw all the seeds back at Grovyle.

“Hang in there!” Yelled Ash.

“Use faint attack.” said Rocky

Umbreon went towards Grovyle and rammed into it.

“Grovyle is unable to battle.” said the referee.

“Now that three of Ash Ketchum’s pokemon are fainted each trainer will take a ten minute break.” said the announcer.

Rocky and Ash both went back to there locker rooms.
“Guys I’m going to get me some food from the food stand.” Said May.

May walked off.

Rocky was trying to think of a way to keep Ash out smarted. Then May came in.

“ Hey your not supposed to be in here,” Rocky tried to tell her.

“I know but what I was going to tell you earlier before the battle I need to tell you.” said May.

“What?” Rocky Asked.

“I- I- I like you,” Rocky was shocked at what May just told him.

“Wait is it just you like me as a friend or a crush on me kind of like me?” Rocky asked May.

“The Crush.” May blushed as she said it.

“Oh May don’t be embarrassed you would have had to tell me sometime sooner or later.” Rocky told the girl.

“I know but I was afraid you wouldn’t like me, wait do you?” May asked.

“Well as a friend yeah,” Rocky lied and was blushing.

Someone was knocking on Rocky’s door. “ It’s time to get back on the field.”

Rocky walked out of the room and went back to the field.

“It’s either him or-”

“Ladies and gentlemen we are back out here for the second half of the match.” Said the announcer.

“Go torkoal!” Yelled Ash.

“Go Manectric!” Yelled Rocky.

“Torkoal use flamethrower!” Ash commanded.

Torkoal shot the stream of fire at manectric.

“Use Thunderbolt.” said Rocky

Manectric’s thunderbolt blocked the flamethrower.

“Body slam.” Said Ash.

Torkoal jumped into the air and landed onto manectric and it started to spark.

“Ha you activated my manectric’s static ability.” said Rocky

Torkoal was paralyzed and wasn’t moving much.

“Overheat now!” Yelled Ash.

Torkoal shot a very powerful fiery blast at manectric and blasted him.

“Mane!” Yelled Manectric as it got blasted.

“Manectric is unable to battle.” said the referee.

“Go Swampert!” said Rocky.

“Swam-pert!” Yelled Swampert.

“Swampert use water gun!” Yelled Rocky.

Swampert shot water from it’s mouth at torkoal.

“Iron defense!” said Ash.

Torkoal went inside of it’s shell and it got hit by the water gun .

“Now while it’s still in it’s shell use earthquake!” Yelled Rocky.

Swampert jumped and landed on the ground and it started to shake very rapidly.

“Torkoal hang in there!” Yelled Ash.

“Finish it with focus punch!” Yelled Rocky.

Swampert ran up to Torkoal and punched the back of it’s shell with it’s glowing blue fist. Torkoal then came out of it’s shell.

“Torkoal is unable to battle.” said the referee.

“Go swellow!” Yelled Ash.

Swellow came out of it’s ball with a painful look on it’s face.

“I forgot he was burnt.” said Ash

“Use iron tail.” said Rocky.

Swampert was walking up to the injured bird pokemon and it swung it’s tail at it and slammed it against it.

“Swellow is unable to battle.” said the referee.

“Pikachu it’s up to you buddy please win it for us.” said Ash.

Pikachu hoped out onto the field.

“Pikachu quick attack!” said Ash.

Pikachu ran at swampert and tackled it.

“Fight back with focus punch!” Rocky commanded.

Swampert punched pikachu and it sparked.

“NO!” Yelled Rocky.

“Ha you just got pikachu’s static.” said Ash.

“Take it out with iron tail!” Yelled Ash.

Pikachu ran at swampert with his glowing tail and slammed it in swampert’s face.

“Swampert is unable to battle.” said the referee.

“Ash it is impossible for you to win why don’t you just quit.” Said Rocky.

“No I never quit!” Yelled Ash.

“But look at Pikachu he’s tired and he’s your last pokemon and I still have three left.” said Rocky.

“He’s right there’s no way Pikachu could win.” Ash thought. “Pikachu come back, We surrender!” yelled Ash.

“Are you sure?” The referee asked Ash.

“ I’m certain.” Ash told him.

“The winner is Rocky Grayson by forfeit!” Yelled the referee.

Ash walked up to Rocky.

“Thanks bud you tought me a lesson.” said Ash.

“Actually I outsmarted you quitter Ha-Ha! Yelled Rocky.

“You tricked me oh dude that’s not right.” Ash was ticked off.

May and the others walked up.

“Congrats on winning Rocky!” Said Brock.

“Thanks man.” Rocky thanked Brock.

“Rocky I need to tell you something private.” Said May to Rocky.

Rocky walked over to her.

“Let’s get away from the paparazzi.” said May.

Rocky and May went back to his locker room.

“Rocky your not the only guy I like.” May told Rocky.

“Well that’s a surprise,” said Rocky

“I can’t tell you who it is.” Said May.

“ Oh come on tell me.” Rocky insisted.
“I can’t tell you!” May ran out of the room.

As she was running back out she accidentally bumped into Ash.

“Hey May where’s Rocky at?” Ash asked.

“Come with me.” May grabbed Ash’s arm and was taking him somewhere.

“Listen Ash I like you.” Said May as she blushed.

“ Well I like you too buddy.” Said Ash.

“ Oh not that like the other like.” Said May.

“You mean you have a crush on me?” Ash wondered.

“Yes..” Said may shyly.

“May it’s alright to tell me you don’t have to be shy or nothing.” said Ash.

“ The other guy said the same thing.” Said May.

“There’s another guy.” Said Ash

“Yes I have a crush on someone else.” Said May.

“Is it Brock?” Ash Asked.

“Hell no!” Yelled May.

“Well I better go.” said May.

May walked off.

As she was walking she bumped into Rocky in front of a food stand.

“Oh hey.” said Rocky.

“ How are you doing?” May asked.

“ I’m fine.” Rocky told her.

There were still three people working at the food stand.

Ash then walked up with Pikachu on his shoulder.

“Get ready.” one of the workers said.

“NOW!” They yelled and pushed the stand over on top of Rocky, Ash and May.

“Hey what was that for!” Yelled Ash.

“ Prepare for trouble.” one of the workers said.

“Make it double.”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”

“To extend our reach to the stars above.”



Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.” said Jessie.

“Surrender now or prepare to fight.” said James.

“Meowth that’s right!” Said Meowth.

Ash and the others couldn’t move. And Team Rocket grabbed Pikachu in a rubber sack.

“Pikachu no!” Said Ash.

“See ya Twerps!” Said Meowth.

Team Rocket Ran off.

Rocky somehow got out from under the stand and helped the other two out.

“Let’s go get them.” He told them.

They chased after them.

“We gotsta hurry before dos twerps catchs us!” Said meowth.

“Shut up Meowth and keep running we are nearly there.” said Jessie

Ash and the others had caught up to Team Rocket.

“Stop right there and give back my Pikachu!” Yelled Ash.

“And What are going to do loser.” said Jessie.

“Don’t make fun of him just because he lost he worked hard getting here too you jerks!” Said May.

“ Well we hope you have good dreams brat!” Jessie had some kind of bombs in here hands.

“Knock out gas!” Yelled Rocky.

The gas went off in their faces and knocked out Ash, Rocky, and May and team Rocket put them in a net and tied it to their balloon.

“Let’s just drop them off somewhere far away from here.” said Jessie.

“Yes that would be brilliant.” Said James.

Team Rocket Carried the three off towards Pacifilodg town.

“Hey at least he’ll get disqualified from the tournament now for not being there.” said Jessie.

“Wobba.” said Jessie’s blue pokemon.

Team Rocket dropped the three off at Pacifilodg and floated off. Rocky then woke up and noticed they weren’t in Evergrande City anymore.
Wow Rocky won the match Ash lost just like he did in the anime. I like how you make Meowth talk though it's quite funny.
I am now posting up chapter 3 and please don't spam on here pikachu1246.

After Team Rocket had taken Rocky and the others far away from Evergrande City, Rocky had awoken and found themselves in Pacifilodg Town.

Rocky looked around. “Yeah this is Pacifilodg.”

Ash then began to wake up.

Ash then leaned up and yelled. “Pikachu where’s pikachu!”

“Team Rocket still has him,” Rocky mentioned.

“Well my Swellow can find them!” Ash reached for his Swellow’s poke ball and noticed all of them were gone.

“Wha they took are pokemon!” Ash bellowed.

“oh hey what are we doing here? May had just woken up.

“Long story but we need to find Team Rocket,” Rocky told her.

They got up and started looking through town for Team Rocket.

“Rocky they could be anywhere the were in a hot air balloon,” May told him.

“I know but hot air balloon’s use propane for their fire to hold it up and Team Rocket brought us all the way here,” said Rocky.

“Your right they would have to stop to get more!” Ash told him.

“Now let’s go,” Rocky told the two.

They ran off looking for the balloon but didn’t see anything. May asked to see if anybody saw a balloon but no one saw one. Ash accidentally thought an old woman was Jessie in disguise and pulled her hair.

“ Man we’re never going to find them,” said Ash. “And it’s getting dark.” he remarked.

“we’ll never find them now,” said May, as she started to cry.

“I know they have our pokemon but the Pokemon Center has a phone,” Rocky mentioned.

“hey we can call our hotel room in Evergrande and tell Brock to look for them,” Ash thought up.

“Let’s just find somewhere to get some food,” Said May.

Rocky and the other two went to a Pokemon Center nearby and went to a phone.

“Here Ash call them,” Rocky told him.

“Alright,” said Ash as he dialed the hotel room’s number.

“Hey Ash where are you guys at?” Brock asked him.

“We are In Pacifilodg Town,” Ash told the breeder.

“How on earth did you guys get over there?” said the breeder in shock.
Ash told Brock about what happened with Team Rocket.

“So Team Rocket took all of your pokemon and you want us to be on the look out for them over here.” said Brock.

“That’s right,” said Ash with a nod.

Rocky was walking towards the door.

“Hey where are you going?” May asked him.

“well if we are going to need to find Team Rocket then we’ll need some Pokemon.” Rocky told the girl.

Rocky went over to another phone and called Professor Oak.

“Uh yes hello?” the Professor asked.

“Hey Professor send me my typhlosion over please,” Rocky asked the Professor.

“But why I thought you were only using your Hoenn pokemon and Umbreon in Hoenn,” said the Professor.

“I know but this is an emergency,” Rocky told the old man.

“Alright hang on,” said the Professor.

“and send me noctowl,” said Ash.

“Hold on they are on their way,” Said the Professor.

Rocky got his Typhlosion and Ash got his Noctowl.

Ash and Rocky released they pokemon from their poke balls.

“Hey Typhlosion it’s been a while buddy,” Said Rocky as he petted his Pokemon.

“Guys we should get some sleep and then start looking tomorrow,” Ash told them.

They went over to the waiting room and saw some couches they could sleep on. Ash was already asleep and was snoring like a snorlax.

“Hey Rocky,” May whispered to him, “do you think we’ll find our pokemon tomorrow?” she asked.

“I know we will,” he told the girl.

May then began to doze off to sleep.

Rocky then looked over at May. Do I really like as much as she does me?” he thought.

Rocky then fell asleep.

The next morning Rocky then woke up to see Ash was awake and ready to go but May was still asleep.

“Well I’m going to go looking around for them,” said Ash.

“See you later,” Rocky told him.
Ash walked out.

“Noctowl I choose you!” He yelled.

Noctowl came out of it’s poke ball.

“Noctowl use your psychic powers to search for Team Rocket,” Ash told his owl pokemon.

Noctowl flew off with his eyes glowing blue.

Back at the pokemon center Rocky was watching TV and his next battle was in eight hours.

“God we need to hurry,” said Rocky to himself.

May then woke up to find just herself and Rocky there.

“Hey Rocky where’s Ash at?” She asked.

“He’s out looking for Team Rocket,” he told the girl.

“Hey I have an idea how about me an d you go over to the cafeteria here and have some breakfast together,” said May.

“What?” Rocky asked

May grabbed Rocky’s arm and was pulling him towards the cafeteria.

“Hey what’s going on with you May?” Rocky asked her as he blushed.

“oh we’re just eating breakfast,” she told him.

Rocky and May sat down at a table.

“Aren’t you going you going to order anything?” May asked him.

“I’m not hungry,” Rocky told her. Man what’s with her this morning she’s acting crazy.

“oh you must be love sick.” she told him.

“What the crap why would I be love sick and there is no such thing!” Yelled Rocky as he blushed.

“Yep your love sick,” May told him.

“No I’m not.” said Rocky.

“You like me don’t you I knew it all along.” said May.

Do I like her ? he thought.

“Remember I have a crush on you Rocky,” She told him as she winked.

Ash was still waiting on Noctowl to come back.

“man where is he?” Ash asked.

Noctowl came flying by and was telling Ash that he saw some people that looked similar to them.

“Great noctowl.” He told the bird.

Ash was running back to the pokemon center nd he saw Rocky and May through the cafeteria window. May then smiled and waved at him. Ash then walked inside.

“Why are you guys eating without me?” Ash asked them.

“Well uh you weren’t here and we were hungry so we just came in here.” said May.

Ash then sat down at the table and told the other two about finding Team Rockets location.

“Well let’s find them.” Rocky told them.

“ Hey I still have to eat,” said Ash.

“which do you care more about food or Pikachu.” May asked him.

“oh you got me there,” He told her.

Ash got up and went outside along with the others and he led them to the hideout.

“Here’s where noctowl found them.” said Ash.

Rocky let his Typhlosion out.

“Use quick attack on the doors and take them down,” He told the fiery pokemon.

The pokemon ran fast at the doors and rammed into them and busted the doors down.

“Ah twerp alert!” Yelled Meowth.

“ oh no how did they find us,” Said James.

“Typhlosion use flame wheel!” Yelled Rocky.

Typhlosion ran at Team Rocket and was covered with fire and he tackled them.

“Hey where’s Jessie at?” May asked.

Jessie was trying to escape with all of their pokemon.

“GO noctowl use peck on that balloon!” Ash commanded.

Noctowl flew up at the balloon and busted it and it came down with Jessie inside of it.

“You brats will never win go Seviper!” Yelled Jessie.

“GO cacnea!” Yelled James.

The little cactus pokemon hugged James with it’s spikes and all.

“Go battle you moron!” Said James.

“Typhlosion use fire blast!” Rocky commanded.

Typhlosion’s fire on it’s back got more intense as it let loose a type of star shaped fire attack at Team Rocket’s pokemon. The attack blasted them up into the air.

“Looks like Team Rockets blasting off again!” They yelled as they flew off.

The bag holding their pokemon fell from the sky and landed in front of them.

Ash then ran up and opened it. “Pikachu I’m glad to see you buddy,” He said with joy.

“Pika pika!” Said the electric pokemon.

The three trainers got their pokemon back but they couldn’t figure out how to get back to Evergrande City. Rocky then noticed the balloon was still there. They repaired the balloon and got in it but it wouldn’t start.

“Typhlosion we need some help!” said Rocky.

Typhlosion blew some fire into the balloon and it rose up into the sky.

“Noctowl Swellow pull us towards Evergrande city.” said Ash

Noctowl and Swellow started to pull as hard as they could towards Evergrande City. Rocky’s next Match was in just a few hours so they needed to hurry.
you did what they did in season 1 sort of except used two birds and a fire type to keep the balloon lite. awesome I hope Chapter 4 is just as good.
Yeah it took me awhile to think of a way to get them back to Evergrande so I had to ask some friends for help and they told me about using the flying types and fire type and I remembered it from somewhere before in the anime.
thanks darkrai1645 i'll be sending you over the first few chapters of it. here's chapter 4.

The two Bird pokemon were pulling the balloon with all their strength and typhlosion was keeping the balloon afloat by using it’s fire.

“Come on we’re nearly there guys.” Said Ash.

“Man I need to get there to win my next match!” Rocky yelled out.

“Calm down Rocky we’ll be there soon,” May told him.

“You don’t get it, if I win this next match I’ll go to the finals.” Rocky told her.

“Hey look I can see some lights,” said Ash.

“ That’s Evergrande!” Yelled Rocky. “But my match is in fifteen minutes oh man,”

“we’ll make it I know we will.” she told Rocky.

Typhlosion was starting to get tired.

“Oh no Typhlosion!” Said Rocky.

Typhlosion stopped breathing fire and it’s flame went out.

The two birds were trying to keep the balloon from falling into the ocean.

“At least get us to shore guys.” Ash told them.

The birds pulled the balloon to the shore and let it go and the balloon started to fall fast.

“Salamence go!” Said Rocky.

Rocky’s dragon pokemon caught rocky on it’s back and got May as well and Ash grabbed it’s tail.

“Take us to the ground.” Rocky told it.

Salamence lowered to the ground and Rocky returned it.

“Thanks for saving us salamence.” said Rocky.

Rocky and the others were running as fast as they could towards the stadium. But then they got stopped by some familiar faces.

“Where do you think your going twerp.” Said Jessie.

“Pikachu thunderbolt them!” yelled Ash.

Pikachu shocked Team Rocket and they got sent back into the sky again.

“Pika.” said Pikachu.

They continued running to get to the stadium as soon as they got there they heard the announcer.

“Rocky Grayson has a few seconds to be here or he’ll be disqualified.”

“Oh man.” said Rocky.
Rocky ran through the doors with Ash and May behind him.

“Hm looks like he did make it,” said his opponent.

“Rocky has just arrived ladies and gentlemen!” said the announcer.

Rocky got on his platform. Ash and May went up to the stands to find Brock and Max.

“This is a battle between Rocky Grayson of Littleroot Town and Johnny from Lilycove city let the match begin!” Said the referee.

“Go arcanine!” Johnny yelled.

An orange black striped dog appeared on the field.

“Go Manectric!” yelled Rocky.

“Arcanine extreme speed.” commanded Johnny.

Arcanine disappeared and reappeared in the blink of an eye right in front of manectric and tackled him.

“Use Bite.” said Rocky.

Manectric bit arcanine’s ankle.

“Now thunder.” Commanded Rocky.

Manectric shot lightning bolts up into the air and they came back down and struck arcanine.

“Arcanine is unable to battle Manectric wins.” said the referee.

“Go rhydon!” he yelled as a giant rhino like pokemon appeared on the field.

“Manectric iron tail.” said Rocky

“Manec!” yelled manectric as it ran at Rhydon with a glowing tail.

“Defend with horn drill.” Said Johnny.

Rhydon’s horn started to spin and the moment Manectric hit it spun off.

“Darn it didn’t work.” said Rocky.

“Use mega horn!” said Johnny.

Rhydon’s horn began to glow and it jabbed manectric.

“manectric is unable to battle.” said the Referee.

“Go nuzleaf!” yelled Rocky.

“Nuz leaf nuz!” it yelled out as it came onto the field.

“Use bullet seed!” Rocky commanded.

Nuzleaf shot multiple seeds at rhydon and hit it in the face.

“rhydon use take down.” said Johnny.

As rhydon was running towards nuzleaf the ground was shaking like there was an earthquake.

“Nuzleaf use shadow ball!” said Rocky.

The nuzleaf shot a dark ball at the rhydon and hit it’s face and it made it stop running.

“ Nuzleaf use extrasensory.” said Rocky.

Rhydon started to feel odd and could feel pain coming to it.

“Rhydon is unable to battle.” said the referee.

“Go gengar! Said Johnny

“gen.” said the ghost pokemon.

“Nuzleaf shadow ball.” said Rocky.

Nuzleaf shot a shadow ball at gengar but gengar shot one of his own to block it.

“sludge bomb now.” said Johnny.

Gengar started to shoot sludge balls out of it’s mouth at nuzleaf and hitting it across the face.

“Now go in with a thunderbolt.” said Johnny.

Gengar ran up to nuzleaf and thunder bolted him.

“Nuzleaf is unable to battle.” said the referee.

“Go umbreon.” said Rocky.

“Gengar shadow ball.” said Johnny.

Umbreon jumped over the ball as it came by.

“ show him your shadow ball umbreon.” said Rocky.

Umbreon shot a black orb from it’s mouth and hit gengar and umbreon appeared in gengar’s face.

“Finish him with bite!” Rocky commanded.

Umbreon was going in for a bite on gengar then gengar licked umbreon which caused it to pass out.

“What the hell no way.” Rocky couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Umbreon is unable to battle.” said the referee.

Since three of Rocky’s pokemon have been defeated there will be a ten minute break.

Rocky was in his locker room and couldn’t believe what happened his umbreon had that won.
“How on earth did Umbreon lose that match.” said Rocky.

May then walked in.

“May not again your not supposed-” rocky tried to tell her but she stopped him.

“I saw what happened that gengar is tricky.” said May.

“I know.” said Rocky.

May sat down beside him.

“Even if you lose you’ll still be a pokemon master to me.” May told him.

‘Ha but I know I won’t be one.” said Rocky.

“Three minutes Grayson.” said the announcer.

Rocky got up and was fixing to go back out there.

“Rocky wait.” May stopped him.

“What?” he asked.

May walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek and said “Good luck”

Rocky then stepped out of the room and couldn’t believe what she just did.

Rocky got back on his platform and was ready to battle.

“Go salamence!” yelled Rocky.

“Go dragonite!” yelled Johnny.

“No way this is going to be an awesome match ladies and gentlemen a battle between two dragon type pokemon!”

“Begin!” Yelled the referee.

“Salamence use flamethrower.” said Rocky

“Dragonite blow it away with your wings.” said Johnny.

Dragonite blew the flames away.

“now use dragon claw.” said Johnny.

“Salamence use head butt!” said Rocky.

As Dragonite was coming in for the attack salamence made it flinch by head butting it’s stomach.

“Hyper beam.” Said the two trainers.

The two dragon pokemon shot their blasts at each other and the collided and it exploded and there was a lot of smoke.
“We are having problems seeing due to the smoke people.” said the announcer.

“Dragonite use iron tail.” said johnny.

“Steel wing salamence.” said Rocky.

Salmence’s wing and dragonite’s tail collided.

“Dragon claw now.” said Rocky.

Salamence clawed dragonite across the face.

“dragonite use outrage!” said Johnny.

Dragonite’s eyes began to glow and it was going all over salamence with attacks.

“Hydro pump salamence go!” Rocky commanded.

Salamence shot a powerful water blast at dragonite and knocked it back.

“finish it with twister.” said Rocky.

A tornado started to form around dragonite and it started to spin.

“Dragonite no!” said Johnny.

“Dragonite is unable to battle.” said the referee.

“That was one incredible match people.” said the announcer.

“gengar get out there.” said Johnny.

As soon as gengar came out salamence was in it’s face.

“Lick it!” said Johnny.

Salamence stomped on it’s tongue and breathed fire on it.

“That was for umbreon!” said Rocky.

“Gengar is unable to battle!” said the referee.

“Go zangoose!” Johnny yelled out.

“Goose.” it said.

“Salamence use steel wing!” said Rocky.

Zangoose jumped up and slashed across salamences face.

“salamence is unable to battle.” said the referee.

“Go swampert” said Rocky.

“Zangoose use crush claw.” said johnny.
“protect swampert.” Rocky commanded.

Swampert protect itself from the attack.

“Now focus punch!” yelled Rocky.

Swampert ran up and punched zangoose across the face.

“Zangoose use iron tail.” said Johnny.

“Swampert use hydro pump.” said Rocky.

Swampert blasted zangoose before it could get to him.

“Finish him with ice beam.” said Rocky.

Swampert shot an icy attack at zangoose and froze him solid.

“zangoose is unable to battle.” said the referee.

“Go armaldo!” Yelled Johnny.

Armaldo appeared on the field.

“Muddy water.” said Rocky.

Swampert covered the field in filthy water and hit armaldo with waves from it.

“Take him out with hydro pump!” said Rocky.

Swampert shot an aquatic blast at armaldo and hit it’s face.

“Armaldo use slash.” said Johnny.

“focus punch!” said Rocky.

Swampert and armaldo ran up to each other and both attacks hit.

Armaldo went down.

“Armaldo is unable to battle the winner is Rocky Grayson from Littleroot Town.” said the referee.

“I won Yes I won I’m going to he finals woo-hoo!” Yelled Rocky.

Rocky’s friends got on the field to celebrate.

“Rocky your salamence was awesome!” said Max.

“Thanks Max,” he thanked the little boy.

“Rocky you only need to win one more match.” said Ash.

“And when I do I’ll be the champ.” said Rocky.

They continued to celebrate for a few more minutes and then went back to the hotel.

Rocky was in the bathroom taking a shower. While the others were getting ready for bed.

“Good night everyone,” Brock told everyone.

Max and Brock had already fallen asleep. Ash and May were talking.

“So Rocky is in the finals.” said May.

“Yeah but tomorrow is a day off so he can get rest,” he told her.

“I’m just glad at least one of you guys made it to the finals,” May told Ash.

May then saw that Ash was now asleep.

May smiled. Rocky then came out of the bathroom and laid in his bed.

Rocky was thinking about his final match for the championship. Will I win I hope I win this at least.

“Hey Rocky,” May whispered.

Rocky looked over at May. “Yeah?” He asked.

“Congratulations on your victory earlier,” she told him.

“Thanks May, oh one more thing why did you kiss me earlier?” He asked her.

“It was for good luck Rocky and it looks like it worked.” She told him, as she giggled.

“Hey since tomorrow’s a day off why don’t we go do something together,” Rocky told her.

“May couldn’t believe what she heard it’s like Rocky had just changed into a different person just then.

“I would love to,” she said, with a blush.

Rocky and May then dozed off to sleep.

Enjoy it everyone and please start replying readers.