• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Holon's Beatstick


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 24
  • 1 Mewtwo EX (bw45)
  • 2 Mew EX (46/124)
  • 4 Darkrai EX (63/108)
  • 2 Keldeo EX (49/149)
  • 1 Zekrom EX (BW38)
  • 1 Registeel EX (81/124)
  • 1 Tornadus EX (98/116)
  • 1 White Kyrem (102/149)
  • 4 Holon's Castform
  • 2 Holon's Electrode
  • 4 Holon's Magneton
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums 24
  • 3 Professor Juniper
  • 3 Skyla
  • 3 Pokemon Communication
  • 3 Super Rod
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Energy Search
  • 2 Colress
  • 1 Speed Stadium (114/130)
  • 1 Town Map (136/149)
  • 1 Computer Search
Energy 12
  • 8 Dark Energy
  • 2 Psychic Energy
  • 2 Rainbow Energy

*Deck has been Edited to show changes made.

The Strategy
This deck emphasizes on its ability to search search and search some more using its massive search ability to pull the cards needed to the hand and ready for play. Since this deck uses many EX pokemon it is this decks goal to cause fast kills. Using Darkrai EX's Dark Cloak ability It makes it possible to switch out active pokemon for various reason including health and status condition issues. Keldeo EX is also in play to offer an out when Darkrai EX isnt in play. Once again this deck is built for the fast game.

***The Format that my friends and I use is very simple. Use any cards you want and ignore reprint rules, what you see is what you get. The basic 60 card deck size is used as is 4 copies of any card in exception of basic energies or unless the card states otherwise. Other then that we play the game the same.

Any ideas for deck improvement would be awesome I use many different cards to offer a wide variety of options depending on the situation.

Edited to coincide with the standards set in the rules! :D ~Kecleon
You should use Pokemon Collector instead of Holon Mentor because there are no restrictions on Pokemon you can choose. It also doesn't have a cost to use it.

I'm not sure if you realize this, but you can't attach Double Rainbow Energy to a Basic Pokemon, nor can it be attached to a Pokemon EX. I'd say to change them to Dark Energies since you have multiple Darkrai EX.

-3 Holon Mentor
-4 Double Rainbow Energy
+3 Pokemon Collector
+4 Dark Energy
King Arceus said:
You should use Pokemon Collector instead of Holon Mentor because there are no restrictions on Pokemon you can choose. It also doesn't have a cost to use it.

I'm not sure if you realize this, but you can't attach Double Rainbow Energy to a Basic Pokemon, nor can it be attached to a Pokemon EX. I'd say to change them to Dark Energies since you have multiple Darkrai EX.

-3 Holon Mentor
-4 Double Rainbow Energy
+3 Pokemon Collector
+4 Dark Energy

OK no i did not notice that, thank you for pointing it out to me. Also I noticed a bit of a draw back with the Holon's Magnetron, castform, Electrodes as well. They require me to have a energy already equipped to the pokemon before i can use them so I will do the -4 double rainbows for +4 dark energy. I may also do -4 rainbow for +4Dark or +2 Psychic/ +2 Dark. And do a -2 on Holon's Electrode to put the deck back at 60. Does this sound good to you?

**Additionally I will flop out the Holon's Mentors for 3 Pokemon Collector I didnt know about that card.
This reminds me when i first started out pokemon TCG with my friends, playing random decks outside of modified format lol

Ok anyway,
Instead of 4 ultra balls, try luxury ball. Its ultra ball with no drawback. Unfortunately, you are technically limited to putting in only one per deck, but its still pretty sweet.
Rainbow energy puts 1 damage counter when you attach it. And since you play all basic pokemon, why not use prism energy instead? Prism energy acts like rainbow only if you attach it to basic pokemon, not putting any damage counters.
3 super rod is kinda overkill.. I may suggest you use some pokemon retriever also (the one with rocket's machine on it) allows you to put one pokemon to your hand (and its a trainer-item!) so if you need an energy back you can always use it to take back your holon pokemons.. Alternatively, you can take an attacker from your discard pile and play it immediately.

-1 ultra ball
+1 luxury ball
-2 rainbow energy
+2 prism energy
-1 super rod
+1 pokemon retreiver
IceCascade said:
This reminds me when i first started out pokemon TCG with my friends, playing random decks outside of modified format lol

Ok anyway,
Instead of 4 ultra balls, try luxury ball. Its ultra ball with no drawback. Unfortunately, you are technically limited to putting in only one per deck, but its still pretty sweet.
Rainbow energy puts 1 damage counter when you attach it. And since you play all basic pokemon, why not use prism energy instead? Prism energy acts like rainbow only if you attach it to basic pokemon, not putting any damage counters.
3 super rod is kinda overkill.. I may suggest you use some pokemon retriever also (the one with rocket's machine on it) allows you to put one pokemon to your hand (and its a trainer-item!) so if you need an energy back you can always use it to take back your holon pokemons.. Alternatively, you can take an attacker from your discard pile and play it immediately.

-1 ultra ball
+1 luxury ball
-2 rainbow energy
+2 prism energy
-1 super rod
+1 pokemon retreiver

I like it I believe i will do that when I get a chance to get those cards. I dont have prisms or luxury right now but the idea sounds good and sound. I like playing outside of modified it allows for much much better and more powerful decks.