Wi-Fi Trades Holon's Hero's My Player Page

I would like any of the shinies i can get from you for my shinies
They are:
To Shiny Squirtle: I'd be willing to trade either my shiny Raticate or Manectric for either your shiny Rapidash or Flygon.

Also, check my page, I updated it with a link to my freewebs page. It has pages on Pokemon reviews and articles, along with all of my Diamond and Pearl Haves/Wants, records, and Teams of the Week, but in greater depth. So check it out!
WaterMasterº said:
Holon's Hero said:
A Cyndaquil with Blast Burn
A Totodile with Hydro Cannon

how did u teach them hydro cannon and blast burn???

I finished Mt.Battle without leaving or changing my team, and as a reward I got a Cyndaquil with Blast Burn. I did it again and got a Totodile with Hydro Cannon.
i can get you:
Elekid with Electrizer
i want: anything on your list besides hacked/semi-hacked pokemon and the shiny breloom
First off, I like your name.
Anyways, I'll trade Elekid for Cyndaquil, and Shieldon for Totodile. Okay?
Okay, so my trades thus far are:
Bacon-boy: My Magneton for his Metagross
Haseo:My Lugia for his Jirachi?
Eevee-Master:My Cyndaquil for his Turtwig
Light-Venusaur:My two Shiny Ralts, soon to be Kirlia and Gardevoir, for her Shaymin and Palkia?
Shiny-Squirtle:My Shiny Manectric for his Flygon
Jiroxys:My Breelom for his Raichu
QWERTYUIOP:My Cyndaquil for his Elekid, and my Totodile for his Shieldon

The people with question marks at the end of their lines are people that I have not gotten trades confirmed from yet, so If your name is on the list and you're reading this, please respond and say whether these conditions are okay!
I'll save up for the Japanese Diamond so that I can call it a deal (meaning: so that I can do the glitch/es again.)
ok i noticed that you where rejected ealier for a trade of your Lugia from XD for jirachi. if you want i can do this trade with you since i am looking for a lugia XD. you can choose either jirachi from english pokemon channel or one from Collosseum bonus disk.
also i am interested in your shiny manetric. can you check my player thread to see if you want something for it.
HaniKazmi said:
I'll give a Elekid with Electrizer for a cyndauail or totodile. Deal?

Uhhh.... Sorry. I already have some one lined up for this trade.

Gardellade: Would you trade your Flying Pikachu for my Manectric? That would be really awesome.  
As far as the Jirachi Lugia thing goes, I want to wait and give Haseo a chance to respond to my previous post, so I'll give him 3 more days, and if he doesn't respond to confirm his part of the trade, I'll terminate it and give the trade to you.  I would be willing to trade something else for my Lugia.
To Gardevoir_Milotic: Sorry. I'm not really interested in a Feebas or Bagon at the moment.  (I used a Gameshark SP to get my Ralts Shiny.)

Also, My My Player front page has been edited with new info about my site. Check it out!
Um... what do you want for the Shiny Ralts then? I've got a few Larvitar, Chansey, and Pichu with Volt Tackle, if your interested.