Ruling Honchkrow + TM/ Regice


Aspiring Trainer
I want to know whether it is possible with the Poké-Body of Honchkrow, use a TM with a Murkrow ?


Is it possible to use the Poké-Power of Regice while the opponent's Defending Pokémon is an evolved?
1.I'm gonna say no.

beacause honchkrow's pokebody says that "each of your murkrow can use Honchkrow's attack as its own"
and a TM says that the pokemon this card is attached to may use "this cards attack instead of its own"

which means that if you have a TM attached to a honchkrow, it doesn't count as one of HONCHKROWS attacks. Just an alternative at your disposal, and if it isn't honchkrows, they your murkrow can't use it.

2. No.
because Regice clearly says "choose one of your opponents pokemon that ISN'T an evolved pokemon"
thank you.

for honchkrow, that is a pity :(

I wanted to say to Regice is that, do we have the right to discard 2 cards even if you can not exchange the Defending Pokémon ?
With Honchkrow, I believe the answer is no. Although I'm not quite sure. I would wait untill there is an official ruling on it. I would expect there to be one in the near future. (Mind you, this is all just speculation.)

With Regice, you cannot just discard 2 cards for the heck of it using its power. If their active IS evolved, then you can't use the power, period.
You have to dig back to the old Compendium EX for an answer, but the answer is no:

Compendium EX said:
Q. If Meteor Falls is in play, can Mew-EX use its "Versatile" Poké-BODY to copy any pre-evolution attack? Or can it copy attacks from attached Technical Machine trainers?
A. No. Mew-EX can only copy attacks from the Pokémon that are in play. It cannot copy attacks granted by other cards, such as Technical Machines or Stadium cards. (Feb 23, 2006 PUI Rules Team)

Dark Genes uses the same attack copying mechanic. So it can only copy things that are actually printed on the Pokemon itself (or its Level X card), not any attacks granted to it via an effect.

As for Regice, no official ruling yet, but I'm going to say no. The first part of the Power ("Discard 2 cards from your hand and choose 1 of your opponent's Active Pokemon that isn't an Evolved Pokemon") is a compound effect. If you can't do one part of it, you can't do any part of it.
Number two is questionable (The discarding part) , It kind of relates to groudon LA (the powers/attacks do nothing the same)
"discard two fighting energy attached to groudon and this attack does 10 damage to each of your bench pokemon."

with groudon you can discard two and still do 100 if you have no bench.
so regice could still discard but not switch your opponent's unevolved pokemon.
But that's just what I think.
Lion king said:
Number two is questionable (The discarding part) , It kind of relates to groudon LA (the powers/attacks do nothing the same)
"discard two fighting energy attached to groudon and this attack does 10 damage to each of your bench pokemon."

with groudon you can discard two and still do 100 if you have no bench.
so regice could still discard but not switch your opponent's unevolved pokemon.
But that's just what I think.

I dunno - with Groudon, you're still fufilling all the requirements. If you don't have a bench, you've still placed damage on all of your benched Pokemon. But if your opponent doesn't have an active basic, you haven't chosen 1.
As to the question of Regice. This is still open on the Ask the Master's forum on the Gym, so I would take it that the translation is somewhat open to interpretation.

The card reads:

"Once during your turn (before you attack) you may use this power. Discard 2 cards from your hand and choose 1 of your opponent's Active Pokemon that isn't an Evolved Pokemon. Then your opponent switches that pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon"

As the Chairman indicates the discard and selection are a compound act. If you can't do one you can't do the other. If the card read

"Once during your turn (before you attack) you may use this power. Discard 2 cards from your hand and THEN choose 1 of your opponent's Active Pokemon that isn't an Evolved Pokemon. Then your opponent switches that pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon"

You would perform the acts in a sequence when you are unable to complete that action then the "meta-rule" which says you do as much as you can and then stop would apply.

Groudon is a case in point of the latter because in the order of assessing the outcome of attacks, damage to the active comes before other effects.

Let's hope it gets resolved before BRs.
It is a different case with groudon. If you have no bench, you can still attack, as you fulfill as much as you can.

With regice, Im also gonna say no because of the compound effect. If you cannot complete the power, you cant use it.

my reasoning on this is the public knowledge aspect. Using Dragonite d's poke-power. If you dont have a Lightning energy card in your discard, you cannot use his power. Same theory
