Pokemon (12):
4x Hoopa (Shining Legends)
3x Noibat (Forbidden Light)
2x Noivern GX
1x Oranguru (Instruct)
1x Oranguru (Resource Management)
1x Tapu Koko
Supporters (15):
4x Guzma
4x Professor Sycamore
3x Professor Kukui
1x N
1x Gladion
2x Acerola
Stadiums (2):
1x Devoured Field
1x Parallel City
Items (18):
4x Max Elixir
3x Ultra Ball
2x Nest Ball
3x Weakness Policy
1x Super Rod
1x Rescue Stretcher
1x Float Stone
1x Enhanced Hammer
1x Pal Pad
1x Special Charge
Energy (13):
9x Dark
4x Double Colorless
For a while I've been desperately trying to make a standard deck out of my favorite, Noivern GX. Problem is it's just really hard to make a good deck with him. Here's my latest monstrosity!
The premise is to be generally disruptive. Win by chip damage and locking your opponents out of options. Built off the attacking Hoopa deck, with Noivern GX to item lock.
"Why did you think X would be a good card?"
Kukui: Boost Noivern's Distort attack to be able to KO 70 HP basics like Riolu and Rockruff
Acerola: Scoop up injured Noiverns and bring in GX-immune Hoopa.
Devoured Field: Boost Noivern's Distort attack to be able to KO 60 HP basics like Zorua and Eevee, or in Hoopa's case, 90 HP Pokemon like Octillery or Malamar.
Parallel City: Disrupt opponent's full bench
Weakness Policy: Fighting support is stupidly strong and Hoopa is easy to knock out with basic fighting Pokemon with just a Strong Energy and a Diancie {*}
Tapu Koko: 20 to each and free retreat is nice. Will help land KO's
Oranguru (Resource Management): The other Oranguru is obvious for card draw, but this guy gets some cards back in the deck without using too much deck space for Puzzles of Time.
Been having trouble nailing the right cards or numbers down. Thoughts? Suggestions? Are Max Elixirs necessary? Can this work or is it a bust? What would you add or take out?