RE: HoS's Card Fakes *Miracle! For the first time 3 new cards in one day! 15/1*
These 3 cards look great man. Few minor errors though, but nothing too big.
- For Seismic Toss, I'm pretty sure you can get rid of the last sentence completely. You don't really need it because it's kinda restating the obvious, if you know what I mean. Like if your opponent didn't have any Benched Pokemon you wouldn't be able to choose them in the first place, therefore you don't need to say that it does nothing. Poke-Power looks great, however.
-I would reword the Poke-Body like this: "As long as Woobat is your Active Pokemon, prevent all effects of attack (including damage) done to any your Benched Pokemon by your opponent's Active Pokemon." I really like Knock Out a lot.
-The Poke-Body is worded a tiny bit awkwardly. It should sound like this: "If Oshawott has 2 or more damage counters on it, each of its attacks do 10 more damage to the Defending Pokemon.
-I think you can afford to give this kind of card a +10 HP boost, making it a base of 60. It's not overly powerful for a Basic Pokemon capable of evolution, and I think the extra addition would be good for it.
I think I covered what was there to cover. Kinda had to go all nitty-gritty on it since there are hardly any real mistakes to it. Overall these cards look great. Keep it up bro.