How about a bench hitting deck?

glaceon said:
As for Blastiose, the deck is too slow, and Blastiose has to bad of a weakness for it to work.

I don't see how his weakness is so bad that you can't make a deck around him, especially when blastgatr and blastzel are well known decks? Blastzel is set up T3 at the latest just like most other decks and has very little problem with recovery imo.

It isn't BDIF, but it is definitely a good deck and can ohko reshiram with it's techs, not even having to use the main attacker which is pretty good imo.
I,m running a pidgeot tornadus and thats awesome to be using cause i can also cram it with zekrom who counter donphan on some level.

{G}energy saved the prerelease for me cuz my deck was tornadus, whimsiccot, and lilligant it worked pretty well overall
PikabooPikachu said:
Thanks guys C:

I was thinking that. But Maybe a some sort of combo hitting bench and hits the active. I'll keep on looking! :headbang

One that is a little off to the side is Archeops,does 60 to active 10 to bench and has 1 of the best abilities in the game(No pokemon can evolve when archeops enters play).
That simisear is interesting. 20 damage to three pokemon for 1 energy. Could be a good starting point; collect and the inflict damage.
Blastoise/Floatzel is looking like a pretty nice Tier 2 deck. The deck actually makes some nice use of Catcher for stalling purposes, while not being too hurt by it. Unfortunately, the idea of Stage 2 attackers not named Magnezone is pretty scary post-Catcher. But the weakness is VERY nice against Donphans, Reshirams and Typhlosion.
PikabooPikachu said:
How well do you think a bench hitting deck would work? If you know of any cards that do (I've been looking) could you help me out, please? Thanks :)
hmm it could work but you would need to include alot of pre-planning when you use that deck
Captoats said:
I don't see how his weakness is so bad that you can't make a deck around him, especially when blastgatr and blastzel are well known decks? Blastzel is set up T3 at the latest just like most other decks and has very little problem with recovery imo.

It isn't BDIF, but it is definitely a good deck and can ohko reshiram with it's techs, not even having to use the main attacker which is pretty good imo.

I've used Blastgatr and dabbled in Blastzel, so while it's very good in theory, there are a few really important things holding it back. In order, imo:

1) Borderline Autoloss to Zekrom and Magnezone.

Zone can burn two every turn and that's easily enough to score KOs as a rule. ZPS can flatten Blastoise even without the donk, and with Yanmega and other techs being used to help ZPS mid/late game, the matchup for Blastoise gets even worse. It beats the shit out of Reshiram and Donphan, but lightning weakness is nothing to scoff at in this format. Zone and Zekrom are also extremely common in this format in one form or another.

2) Reliance of stage twos.

Whether you run Feraligatr or the faster Floatzel, you still need a main attacker with four energy ready to go for the attack, and an energy acceleration tech to keep attacking. This is very difficult to do consistently at speed without some kind of draw support.

3) Pokemon Catcher

Whether you use the fragile Floatzel or the slow Feraligatr, catcher really hurts this deck. Floatzel might do okay if you set up two of them, but it's still an easy KO. Feraligatr suffers from the same problem Emboar has in a terrible attack and retreat cost. This paired with the current decks in format (other than maybe Reshiram) put this deck in a bad situation. Also, Catcher makes bench sniping a little more redundant imo, as bench sniping pretty much gains the advantage of stalling, which is nice, but with Switch seeing more play, stalling to this point might be inconsistent. Not as big a deal as the above problems, but the slower speed and bad weakness puts a nail into Blastoise's coffin.

All in all, I think Kyurem is a better water based bench hitter. It has a better weakness, is much faster, and has a better use of Feraligatr's Hydro Crunch attack in the event that it does get dragged out.
The thing with bench-hitting decks is just that they don't work that well in this format. Most meta decks have almost no important benched Pokemon that are necessary to the deck's performance- the main attacker can usually just keep hitting away. Not to mention the decks that do have benched Pokemon that are useful to the deck's performance generally have high HP counts- Vileplume, Reuniclus (maybe not so high HP for this one, but good luck hitting for 90 on the bench with a deck that doesn't have autolosses to much of the meta [BlaztZel/BlastGatr]), Magnezone, Typhlosion, and Emboar, for example. And of course, paired with this high HP is the fact that there simply aren't any decks that can hit for solid damage on the bench while also being strong enough to stand up to the meta.
Kingdra Prime + Mandibuzz BW.
Use spray splash on something on your opponent's bench and attack with Mandibuzz before they can set up.

This deck works excellent, and I suggest it to anybody who wants a bench-hitting and fast deck.
Another deck similiar to that is Kingdra Yanmega. You use Spray Splash and Linear attack, and with both of those can ko Magnemites, Yanmas, Horseas, etc.

It good and really fast.
glaceon said:
Another deck similiar to that is Kingdra Yanmega. You use Spray Splash and Linear attack, and with both of those can ko Magnemites, Yanmas, Horseas, etc.

It good and really fast.

So APPARENTLY, this deck that runs a Stage 1 and a Stage 2 (the same as BlastZel) is faster and better. I know it doesn't need energy, but it does need hand equality, which you normally can only draw into. With Energy, you can just use an Interviews and you get what you need. Supporters are not searchable. Energy is. Deal with it. Also, both decks have the same weakness to Lighning on all of their main Pokemon. People still play KingMega. Why not BlastZel as well?

Also, KingMega has an absolutely HORRIBLE late game. The highest you will ever be hitting for is 70. And nothing notable has a Grass Weakness, whereas the top tech and one of the best hitters out there has a Water Weakness, both of which Blastoise can OHKO with weakness from a Catcher drag up, whereas Kingdra needs a PlusPower in both cases.

Another thing about Catcher is that you can drag up a tech Pokemon, such as Emboar, and snipe around it. You can even drag up Pokemon with 1 Retreat in decks with low energy counts, like Stage 1's, the predicted BDIF. Energy is extremely precious in not only those decks, but even decks that run Energy Acceleration and have attacks that are Energy dependant, like Magneboar.

Also, its EXTREMELY hard for you to stall on BlastZel early game with Catcher. The only thing that doesn't have 0 or 1 Retreat Cost is Blastoise, which you can power up quite easily if one gets dragged from the bench, so you really don't have to worry about Retreating most of the time. The only issue then is if a Floatzel gets smashed, whcih isn't too terribly hard to get another one out by the time anything comes in KO range of it.

All in all, BlastZel IMO is one of the best snipe decks out there, one of its only flaws being its weakness to Electric. Being a BlastZel player myself, I know these things quite well.
Because KYJ doesn't need energy so its recovery is much better. It doesn't have an autoloss to Magnezone, even though its weak to it. Fo no energy it can ko Oddish Solosis, and baby Pokemon, and with Kingdra it can ko Magnemite, Yanma, and Horsea. It main attacker is a Stage 1, not a Stage 2, making it more consistant. Kingdra can be used as backup, doing 60 for {W}, and has 130 HP. Floatzel does 60 for {W}{W}{C}, and has 90 HP. Yanmega can easily set up T2, and with Communication, Junk Arm and Supporters, matching hand size is easy. All Pokemon have a free or {C} retreat cost, meaning Catcher isn't as bad. You only have to play 7 energy, giving space for techs such as Zoroark, to make KYJs worst matchups (ZPS and TyRam) not so bad, while still being consistant. KYJ can still work late game (even after Kingdras are ko'd) by using Jirachi. After multiple Floatzel or 2 Blastiose, BlastZel's late gae will be really bad. Also, after a Yanmega is knocked out, another can come up right away and start attacking. You have to wait at least 1 turn after a Blastiose is knocked out (unless you have 2 Floatzel and a DCE, which is unlikely) to get another Blastiose out, and in that time, you'll have to give up a prizes just to get your Blastiose up.
I agree with most of what you've said, but I wouldn't count on Dragon Steam all that much. Reshiram is a really common pokemon in the meta right now.