Pokemon How did Poke'mon change your life??

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Aspiring Trainer
so...how did poke'mon change your life? What would you have been doin now if poke'mon never existed?
1. Woudn't have been on this website
2. Doing homeworks and watching TV
3. Woudn't be even on this computer.
4. Wasted less money
Pokemon chaged my life. I suppose it allowed me to actually have something to do outside of school (with the cards anyway).
What would I be doing if it wasn't for Pokemon? Something more constuctive. Possibly. And also have spent less money, but would probably be spent on something else anyway.
i got beat up more naw just kidding
when i stared every like it now
it just something to do with my friend
but not like yugioh where we just stop
i hoenestly couldn't answert that question, beacuse amny things would of happened good or bad, haden't their been Pokemon, i guess i just would off lost a part of personalty & culture & gained another 1
I didn't...
Oh, wait, I would haven never ever gone to America, I would have missed out on some great friends I have and I would not be here...
I guess I can say pokémon changed my life for the better :)
1. Have more money
2. Use more money
3. Have more friends
4. Don't get bored during Saturdays
5. Quit Yu-Gi-Oh
6. Just caused my mother to have trouble this Saturday because she has to go back to Ipoh
7. Get to eat McDonalds more
Pokemon has changed my life for the better. Money I spend on Pokemon Cards on is money that I won't spend on dumb things. It gives me something to do, something to enjoy with my brother- something that we have in common. It is alot of fun, and instead of arguing I and my brother talk about pokemon.
Pokemon FTW!
If pokemon didn't exist, I wouldn't have a GameboySP, as the only reason I even have one is 'cause I play pokemon. Plus I would have saved loads of money and turned in my homework a lot more often than I do now.
One of the only resons I got into video games was because of pokemon. I would have less friends. I'd probly be obbsessed with something else but if I wasn't I'd be very board. I wouldn't be here.
If Pokemon wasn't created, living in this world is pointless and no fun for me.
Without Pokemon is like losing half of your life. It completes me. haha. If Pokemon is lame ( which is not ) then no other anime would be worth watching too... coz Pokemon is jst the best!
Before Pokemon: I was a secluded, chickless, nerdy, noob loser with no point to life

After Pokemon: I'm a secluded, chickless, nerdy, noob loser with cardboard that will be worthless in ten years.

Ahh good times, good times.:p

Truthfully I'd probably be a full time Naruto junky.
blaze~Charizard, please look at the last post before you reply to a thread as this thread has been dead well over a month. Just be careful next time.

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