How Did You Do At Your States?

lost 2 games, both against luxchomps. I was beating the last one though, It was 3 prizes to 6 prizes, then he managed to knock out my tangrowth and I hadn't set up my back up attacker yet, so he just swept through my entire deck.

I did manage to beat a REALLY well built kingdra though.

But, I got 11th.
lost 2 games, both against luxchomps. I was beating the last one though, It was 3 prizes to 6 prizes, then he managed to knock out my tangrowth and I hadn't set up my back up attacker yet, so he just swept through my entire deck.

I did manage to beat a REALLY well built kingdra though.

But, I got 11th.

Honestly, with a Tangrowth beating a Kingdra...isnt THAT much of an accomplishment.
Silverwarrior said:
I was in KY. What deck were you using? I know Top8 was 3 Gengar, 2 LuxChomp, 1 FlyClops, and I'm not too sure about the other 2.
I'm in SR's but im not going to say what I played.
I was 4-3 in Florida Masters division. I pretty much sabotaged myself a couple of games but was fun for my first States! :)
I got fifth in Ky seniors. I went 3-2 and would have gotten to T4 but I lost to plox on the last round :F
3-2, got fifth place with a t4 cut. Used Jumpluff and got donked twice in a row.
Silverwarrior said:
I was in KY. What deck were you using? I know Top8 was 3 Gengar, 2 LuxChomp, 1 FlyClops, and I'm not too sure about the other 2.

I came 3rd in masters in Ky. I lost to cursegar.
I came 5-8 in ohio states. I lost to flygon!!!?? He flylockedd me twice.
I came 3-3. Yeah, that is quite a middlesome record, but many people in Illinois States came 3-3. Every match I lost in the tournament was very close. Its just that they had the right cards in their hand at the right moment. I came in 30th place, but that doesn't really hold me back. Looks like I'm working harder for Regionals.:cool:
2-2 drop, started 0-2 due to getting donked, redeemed my self, then had to go to work.
pineapple said:
I came 3rd in masters in Ky. I lost to cursegar.
I came 5-8 in ohio states. I lost to flygon!!!?? He flylockedd me twice.
is your name Mark by any chance?
I went 5-3 and got into T16 and got 13th Place with Gaga.

dmaster out.
I stomped the first three guys, then Had to play against three identical Luxchomp decks. BORING. I won one and lost two.