How did you find PokeBeach?

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Someone from another board listed up links where to find card scans, so I found this site.
I found Pokébeach in a finnish pokémon website`s link coner.
I was looking for sites to surf in.=)
I found it when I met a player, and she basically 'invited me over'. I'll be here a bit, as I've developed a hopeless crush on her. :rolleyes:
RE:  How did you find PokeBeach?

Mewbiraxys said:
People posted about trying to bash serebii forums at serebii forums.

wow, as far as I know, I've never seen PB post anything bad on SPP, but WPM gave prove that SPP based PB, but whatever, don't want to start anything here, just to let you know.
Ho-oh master told me that PB is a good source for scans and news. So I took his word and checked it out. And now I find myself here.
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