How did you find this place?


Aspiring Trainer
How did you find this place? My answer is, I found it on most Google searches. A year ago, I joined, but my account got deleted, so I've known this site for two years!
Absolutely no clue whatsoever. I was probably linked to this on Serebii or Dragonflycave or something.
I honestly don't remember. I think i found it by complete accident when looking at a random, unnoticed pokemon website. I looked at it, realized that it was a very good site for information and etc. Signed up, now I'm on the forums everyday (computer and phone) and it is my main source of information!
Well, I found Pokegym through people at league, and then I searched for more sites, and I found this.
Oh I always remember how I found this site! I was looking for Pokemon games and searched 'Pokemon Games that involve moving around' and for some reason this site came up. I clicked the link signed up and here I am today!
I heard about it through the grapevine. I liked it more than another place I went to and found myself able to contribute to it more. PokeBeach really gives it's users freedom. Freedom to avatar, freedom to sig, freedom to post all kinds of stuff. Freedom is good.
I found it throught the swedish pokémon forum. I've been checking out the news here for several years but I didn't register until today cause I thought it could be fun to join a new pokémon forum ^__^
I didn't even look at the forum, I just joined because I though it'd be cool! And it is! ^.^
Someone suggested to check out PokeGym at a TCG Event, but I couldn't get my account right on the site at the time, so I found this site instead and I thought I might as well join.

dmaster out.
Me, well through Pokegym and I was one of the original members on ( No lie.
How did I find this place? Well, children, I found this place by magic. Follow me!
/me fly's over a rainbow.

Hehehehe, same with all the others, google searching stuff like "WHAT R DA NEW POKEYMANZ" for Gen 5 and then I joined. Simple enough.

I woudn't have found this site if I didn't search for Pokémon Games by bordem. Hooray for bordem ^_^!!!
I came to this site through a friend back in 2006.

And he left waayyyyyyyyyy before in like 2008 while I'm still here :eek:
HypnoticLuxray said:
Hehehehe, same with all the others, google searching stuff like "WHAT R DA NEW POKEYMANZ" for Gen 5 and then I joined. Simple enough.
Basically this, except without the caps lock and misspelling. Plus I didn't join the forums until sometime after.