Help How do I re-enter the game?

Sakura Nagisa

I haven't played sense the recent format rotation , which shut down my favorite deck. I have no cards anymore but want to re-enter the game. What are the staple cards and whats the cheapest way to get them? What are the decks that are played and how do they play? What makes a card good in this format? What makes a card good? I haven't played sense breakpoint.
What parts of the Pokémon TCG are you most interested in returning to?

What I suggest is a terrible idea if you're all about attending League, tournaments, etc. because it won't allow that. The best budget-friendly way to return to the game is the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online. It isn't perfect, but starting out with it, grinding for rewards using one of the provided Theme Decks, shifting to one of the recent Sun & Moon-era Theme Decks (most of the SM-series decks are among the best Theme Decks) to grind better and get some cards you'll need later on anyway, and eventually working your way up to a "real" deck.

You can do this purely through investing time and not money. If that isn't a priority, then you could also just dump money on buying redemption codes (stick to reputable dealers!) and then trade for what you need (if asked, I can provide good beginner trading advice for the PTCGO). You can also do a combination of both and have it work out just fine.

To return to the physical TCG, you might pick up two copies of the Mach Strike Theme Deck. It is just a start, but skimming out the vital bits will leave you just needing to get some familiar faces like N and Professor Sycamore, plus a few new faces that will become familiar, like Guzma. No, I am not describing a top tier deck, just something pretty easy to use for easing back into the game. If you can find some of the Battle Arena Decks at a decent price, it is also a fairly painless way to get some old staples.

I'll leave the rest to others, especially as we just had a new set drop, but it isn't tournament legal yet. What was working until now might not work as by the 16th (when SM - Ultra Prism becomes tournament legal).
Tapu Lele (added in Guardians Rising) is one of the top "consistency cards" because its ability Wonder Tag lets you pull any supporter from your deck when played to the bench. And that supporter is usually Brigette from BREAKthrough. Tapu Lele is expensive no matter what you do ($40 usually), and most decks call for two of 'em, but it's still cheaper on average to buy them single than rely on pack pulls.

As far as top decks goes, currently those are gonna be Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX, Golisopod-GX/Zoroark-GX, and Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX. Zoroark finds itself in a lot of top decks because its ability Trade lets you discard one to draw two, and it can hit for DCE for up to 150 damage with Choice Band on a full bench. Metal support is strong right now, so things that struggle with Metal such as Psychic and certain Waters, or with Fire such as Grass, are probably not great ideas.

Sycamore and N are still staples; new ones include Guzma and Cynthia.
What parts of the Pokémon TCG are you most interested in returning to?

What I suggest is a terrible idea if you're all about attending League, tournaments, etc. because it won't allow that. The best budget-friendly way to return to the game is the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online. It isn't perfect, but starting out with it, grinding for rewards using one of the provided Theme Decks, shifting to one of the recent Sun & Moon-era Theme Decks (most of the SM-series decks are among the best Theme Decks) to grind better and get some cards you'll need later on anyway, and eventually working your way up to a "real" deck.

You can do this purely through investing time and not money. If that isn't a priority, then you could also just dump money on buying redemption codes (stick to reputable dealers!) and then trade for what you need (if asked, I can provide good beginner trading advice for the PTCGO). You can also do a combination of both and have it work out just fine.

To return to the physical TCG, you might pick up two copies of the Mach Strike Theme Deck. It is just a start, but skimming out the vital bits will leave you just needing to get some familiar faces like N and Professor Sycamore, plus a few new faces that will become familiar, like Guzma. No, I am not describing a top tier deck, just something pretty easy to use for easing back into the game. If you can find some of the Battle Arena Decks at a decent price, it is also a fairly painless way to get some old staples.

I'll leave the rest to others, especially as we just had a new set drop, but it isn't tournament legal yet. What was working until now might not work as by the 16th (when SM - Ultra Prism becomes tournament legal).

I was just thinking about going to my locals and trying to put up a decent fight. Thanks for the advice! I'll pick up the Mach strike deck! Thanks so much!
Tapu Lele (added in Guardians Rising) is one of the top "consistency cards" because its ability Wonder Tag lets you pull any supporter from your deck when played to the bench. And that supporter is usually Brigette from BREAKthrough. Tapu Lele is expensive no matter what you do ($40 usually), and most decks call for two of 'em, but it's still cheaper on average to buy them single than rely on pack pulls.

As far as top decks goes, currently those are gonna be Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX, Golisopod-GX/Zoroark-GX, and Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX. Zoroark finds itself in a lot of top decks because its ability Trade lets you discard one to draw two, and it can hit for DCE for up to 150 damage with Choice Band on a full bench. Metal support is strong right now, so things that struggle with Metal such as Psychic and certain Waters, or with Fire such as Grass, are probably not great ideas.

Sycamore and N are still staples; new ones include Guzma and Cynthia.

Yeah I did hear that Tapu Le Le was the Shaymin ex of this format. Could you tell me why those decks are so good please? I mean what kind of strategies did they use? In the format I played in Trevenant seeked to put a stop to your opponents plays while you do chip damage and Night March put its own attackers into the discard to deal big damage. What does the buzzwole GX/Lycanrock deck do? What are ways that people counter it?
Not super familiar with the decks themselves, but here's why the cards are so good:

  • Buzzwole: Has a couple useful attacks in Jet Punch (30 damage plus 30 to something on the bench) and Knuckle Impact (160 damage, user can't attack next turn).
  • Lycanroc: Can root out things with Bloodthirsty Eyes (basically a built-in Lysandre) and can hit for big numbers with Dangerous Rogue GX.
  • Both of the above: They counter Zoroark, and can hit for big numbers with Strong Energy. However, they can't take much in the way of hits themselves, so heavy-hitters can deal with them fairly well.
  • Zoroark: Already mentioned, it provides draw support and can attack in any deck.
  • Golisopod: Can hit for 120 damage when it switches in, can hit for 100 to decrease the damage it takes, its GX attack switches it back out and can be combo'd with First Impression. Eats Greninja BREAK for breakfast.
Other decks to watch out for are Magnezone/Dusk Mane Necrozma GX, Gardevoir (not so much now due to all the metal support), and Garchomp/Lucario/Cynthia, Glaceon GX variants, Garbodor variants including BuzzGarb, VikaBulu and Volcanion EX. Empoleon is also pretty good.
I haven't played sense the recent format rotation , which shut down my favorite deck. I have no cards anymore but want to re-enter the game. What are the staple cards and whats the cheapest way to get them? What are the decks that are played and how do they play? What makes a card good in this format? What makes a card good? I haven't played sense breakpoint.


-Tapu Lele GX

Tapu Lele GX's price is scary though...