Pokemon How do they do that?!?

articuno1508 said:
Well obviously water Pokemon atomically combine the hydrogen in food and O2 in the atmosphere into water using photosynthesis extremely quickly. The reaction caused by the massive electron transport chaining obviously provides the many kilojoules of energy needed to propel the water. And the grass Pokemon obviously have cells that have evolved(ecologically, not evolved Pokemon style) some sort of reverse nuclear fusion to excract every joule of energy from the surrounding area, light, etc (lololololololol):D:p.
I didn't understand any word you just said.

And yes, to make this non-spam, I've always wondered how many Nurse Joys and Officer Jennies there REALLY are.

My guess is 3,827.

What's yours?

Arcanine out.
My guess is that the little spores in Squirtle and Staryu, have Oxygen and Hydrogen genraters that work on the spot to create water. Otherwise Water vapor?
What about Electric pokemon. Do they just rup there feet on the floor till something happens.
I have the same question as bacon,why arent team rocket dead yet?They get blown up at least 500 times.Anyways,there is a scientific explanation for everythign in the games but not the anime.
Electric Pokemon: They probably pick up static electricity in the air from some conductor (Pikachu's electric sacks, Electibuzz's things on it's head, etc.).

Team Rocket: Let's just say that Meowth was very lucky, and was born with a lot more than 9 lives.....
I think the rocks are launched with a catapult to look like they are flying when the attacks are used like with rock throw for example.:)