Better question... Why am i not anyone friend
i got Skillz
Dezuray said:You are in my list, "Raichu Person Who's Username I forgot I am sorry." See? I forgot the Number at the end, So... I wrote that. xD Sorry about that, I hope I didn't offend or forget anyone.
LOL. It just pops into my headPokeChamp said:raichupika33 said:Dezuray said:*Ultimate List* (@)___(@) These are some of my friends. Not EVERYONE is here.
Light Venusar is = Jupisaur! or Maybe just Jupiter.
Tip the Milkman = Tip
dmaster = Dmeistro
Kid Blader = KB
Charging Chimchar = C._C. (because ONLY I get to call 'em that!)
Roxas = Rox
Just Some Kid = Jesse
Mai the Milkman = Mai
Black Charizard = BC
Water Pokemon Master = WPM
Xous? = Xous
jboy = L Imposter!
Kurama Schrader = Anthony
(Randy) = Randyz
Dragon9 = PWNUR9
Bippa201 = Bippa-san
Raichu Person Who's Username I forgot I am sorry.
Vencargo = Joey
10806 = Numberz
pythagoras = pytha
Uyoo Milk Carton = Uyuuuuu-chan
TrickShop = Trick
The Problem401 = Problem
Metricus = Metricus
Fizz = Fizzii
Mew rocks! = Mew
person Palkia 5 = RP5
pokemaster2000 = Pokemasta
adlaerxo = Adl
Lex the Milkman = Lex
Michiko = Michiko
Aw I'm not in your list. Oh well, you are in mine.
x War x - War
Xous - Xous
Sprit of Mew - SOM
darkrai master777 - dmaster777
Secretsof2113 - Secrets
d master342 - d master
#1weavile - 1weavile
Chariblaze - cblaze
DawnOfXatu - DOX
PokeChamp - P'Champ
SixaxiS - Sixaxi
xXTogeticXx - Togetic
Dark Marc - DM
Soul Seeker - Soul
Light Venasaur - LV
xxashxx - ash
Dezuray - Yumi
Since when have you ever called me P'Champ?![]()
Dr.empoleon said:Better question... Why am I not anyone friendI got Skillz
FireMeowth said:...I don't have any friends on this forum.
Bippa201 said:I'm crushed. Only Dezuray likes me *tear* *sob*
Here's mine
Martainia - Mart (Sometimes Mr. Mart for lols)
Lou Cypher - Lou (I wanna call him Louie
Po-Po-Pocchama - PPP
dr. Empoleon - Doc
Arceus999 - Arc
Dezuray - Dez
Tip the Milkman - Tippy
Pandamore - Panda
Soul Seeker - Soul
Flygon999 - Flygon
PokeChamp - PokeChamp
Light Venusaur - LV
Water Pokemon Master - WPM
Charging Chimchar - Chimmy (xD it rhymes with Jimmy)
Heavenly Spoon - Spoon
scampy - Bacon
Noobnerd - N00bn3rd (xD)
Riskbreakers - RB
Dark Marc - Marc
Lickylicky Guy - LG
Master of the Shadow - MotS
Juliacoolo - JC
I hope I didn't forget anyone I know. <3 you all and good night.