It looks to me like those were just low quality sleeve pages, causing the plastic to warp over time. High quality pages such as UltraPro platinum shouldn't have the same issue. I had some cards in ancient Ultrapro pages actually that weren't kept in a binder (the pages were loose), and despite how bad they were treated their storage didn't seem to cause them any more harm other than what they already had from being handled by a kid who didn't know better.
My current storage is to forget about toploaders all together as I think they may be a bit bulky and unnecessary. Instead I double sleeve every card, first right side up in a KMC perfect fit then upside down in a KMC hyper mat (so the opening is facing down). Then that's slotted into an UltraPro platinum page, with the double sleeved cards fitting perfectly, though you can only fit one card per slot that way. May be a bit extreme for more common cards, but it'd look strange if different cards were stored in the binder with different sleeving!