How do you store your collection?


Aspiring Trainer
As my card collection grows, I find myself needing a smarter way to store it. The shoe box it is in now is soon to be too small and it doesn't allow for easy searching of cards.

I want to know what you do with your collection.

I store my Holos and Rares in a Binder (I'm transitioning a Pokédex-like collection into my binder so I need to get more pocket pages.)
My other cards are kept in a EX:Carry Case Tin, It came with Suicune Promo and Celebi Promo, I think.
The handle broke recently :/
I put my cards sideways in order of type so they're really organized.
I Keep everything in Binders, including Commons and uncommons because I find that a lot of people want to trade for them at tournaments. However, if you don't go to tournaments, just keep your good ones in a Binder.
Hope I helped!
Rares and Holos in a Binder. Commons and Uncommons in plastic boxes. Lots and lots of them.

dmaster out.
I have tons of Pokemon tins, so I store my cards in them. The thing was, I would sometimes spend half an hour looking for some random common, only to find out that it wasn't in any of the tins. So on a boring afternoon, I took out every card I had and organized them into tin by type, then card number.

The only problem now is that I'm running out of drawer space. XD
Binders. Tons and TONS of binders. I've started to use tins for my uncommons and commons though.
I have the 5000 card BCW cardboard box like things. They're made for storing cards, and can be found on eBay. They're pretty neat.

Check out eBay item number 390021068453.
I use Folders/Binders for sets & some trades.
Tins for non-set/deck stuff.
I spent hours upon hours organizing every single tournament legal card I own into alphabetical order. I put all of them except for Lv. X's and Secret rare in a biggggg cardboard organizing box.
I store my cards in a red plastic tackle box. But I keep my holos in the secret compartment in plastic sleeves. I plan on buying a card box for my deck. I keep my theme decks in rubber bands.
Binders for RH, Lv.x's, secret rares. Cardboard boxes for everything else. shelves and a lunch cart for the cardboard boxes
Like 6 full size 3 ring folders and a smallish-mediumish one for Promos...

Might I suggest trying to find zip-lock bags to fit your folders in (2 each), dont forget to add a Hippo*... So in the event of any water, eg: Roof damage, flooding, they will be fine... Hopefully :3

* Hippo for those who dont know what they are, there moisture absorbers, they will stop the moisture in the cards from going :p
Holos go into slicks. Then the whole set goes into page protectors and into a numbered & labeled binder. And finally into a banker's storage box.
i have been collecting for way to long and have found out that keeping cards in boxes or tins (without any sleeves) isnt very smart. air and moisture seem to find there way in and start to mold up and soften the cards ,as if starting to decompose. so i started putting them in a whole bunch of ziplock bags, pushing out the air , then sealing them . then i put them into boxes or tins. thats only for my commons/ uncommons though. rare holos i keep in binders , and my ex's and lv.x's in sleeves/ toploaders.
furiouswildcat said:
I have been collecting for way to long and have found out that keeping cards in boxes or tins (without any sleeves) isnt very smart. air and moisture seem to find there way in and start to mold up and soften the cards ,as if starting to decompose. so I started putting them in a whole bunch of ziplock bags, pushing out the air , then sealing them . then I put them into boxes or tins. thats only for my commons/ uncommons though. rare holos I keep in binders , and my ex's and lv.x's in sleeves/ toploaders.

You may want to buy a dehumidifier then. I've been collecting since the Base Set, and I've always just put them in cardboard boxes in my basement, no problems. Unless you plan on putting everything in a plastic baggy, it's something you may want to look in to...
Blue Thunder said:
I put good cards in a few binders I have, and put uncommons/commons in a two different card boxes.

My Decks are in Deckboxes or sometimes random on my table.
I hold my Lv.Xs, Shinies, Retros, Promos, Holos and RH Rares in a Card Binder.
My Uncommons, Commons and unlimited Cards are random in a lot of boxes :p
That's why I have to search cards around 2 hours if I want to make a new deck -.-