Pokemon How Does Squirtle Shoot Out So Much Water?

Re: RE: How does Squirtle shoot out so much water?

bacon said:
I'll just leave this here:


That's incredible!

Sent from Samsung Galaxy S3 to planet earth.
Do pokemon even excrete anything at all? They never really do in the show, games, manga etc. Probably their PokeSnacks are just disgusting wads of nutrients. But back on topic, its probably something to do with the moisture in the air around them. Some pokemon like Simipour actually have a tail that shoots the water like a hose, but Poliwrath doesn't even have a mouth... so i dont even know.
I think water pokemon shoot out so much water by absorbing hydrogen and oxygen molecules and turning them into water inside themselves.
Wait, so all we have to do is put squirtle in an airtight room, with no moisture, no air, and tell it to use water gun to test these theories? Nevermind I don't think that would be a good idea.(The squirtle squad is totally gonna come after me now):(
is the water safe to drink?
I'm sure everyone's seen the meme of the trainers stuck ina desert without water..
Obviously because he's got water guns.

Pose fo me squirtle.



But if we're going with the piss theory, than I guess stuff like rock throw...

And then rock polish.... and mud slap.... oh gawd