How Does ZekEels beat Quad Terrakion?

Zek/Eels can easily beat Quad Terrakion by going aggro Mewtwo-EX with Eviolites attached. This is so they cannot two-shot Mewtwo, and so they can't one shot your Zekroms and Zekrom-EX's. Since they'll be keeping energies attached with EXP share, you will pretty much get free fuel for X-Ball, leading to quicker KO's and a quicker win.
Virizion EP + Eviolite + PlusPower is an entertaining way to deal with Terrakion. Just keep using Giga Drain to heal all the damage. At least that's what Pooka suggested on the Gym anyway, plus it gets free retreat with Skyarrow...

Wouldn't Raikou EX be better in ZekEels over Zekrom EX anyway? Skyarrow gives it free retreat despite being a huge target for Terrakion to nab 2 prizes and is less of a pain to open the game with much less bench once you can Dynamotor for bench sniping.
Card Slinger J said:
Wouldn't Raikou EX be better in ZekEels over Zekrom EX anyway? Skyarrow gives it free retreat despite being a huge target for Terrakion to nab 2 prizes and is less of a pain to open the game with much less bench once you can Dynamotor for bench sniping.

First of all, we don't even have Raikou EX yet. But when we do get it, Raikou EX and Zekrom EX are completely different cards. One snipes for 100, which we can all agree is amazing, and one does a massive 150 damage. They are each used for different situations. Instead of having only one or the other, it would be much better to just have both.