How fun would it be to clone yourself?

"Better" question: If you could, would you clone yourself?

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Aspiring Trainer
I finally realized today that I have tons of "acquaintances," but not "friends." We hang out, text, and all that cliche stuff typical friends do, but for some reason, I still feel alienated from them whenever I'm doing stuff with them. Now I have this sudden urge to actually become actual "friends" with someone now. I want to feel like I actually belong, and that I'm not just killing time with other people.

And that's when I thought of how cool it would be if I were able to interact and do things with someone who was JUST LIKE ME. Someone who enjoyed doing EXACTLY WHAT I DO. Someone who UNDERSTANDS ME PERFECTLY because after all, you can never truly "get where someone's coming from"...unless of course you're in their shoes. No more misunderstandings that ruin so many "could've been" relationships of any kind.

Picture it - your best bro/sis is...YOU!

So besides the obvious ethics issues that come along with this subject, what's your opinion on this?
That sounds like a fun idea, but I wouldn't like another one of me. To me, it'd be like "omg that person...." "I KNOW." "well you just know every single thing I think of, don't you?" and the conversations would just drop and be silent because it would be like "don't you hate it when....?" and your clone is like "yeah, that's just annoying" and normal conversations would be silent and boring because there's absolutely no debate. That's just my input :p
Hopefully in the future this can be achieved, science is rapidly advancing, personally I like people being different, it makes them interesting to hang out with, plus I hate myself lol jk.
ilovemypikachu...I see you've absolutely proven your point xD. However, you can't deny that playing against yourself in a Pokemon card battle with two completely different decks wouldn't be cool ;)

Hyperbeem, scientifically speaking, you are correct. I'm just pretending that you can actually copy and paste people like little jpeg files and what not, for philosophical purposes. The way you describe it is how it would work in the real world. In my world, you're a trojan virus.

Vulpix Yolk, I feel the same exact way, though. I like diversity and all that, but yet, I still feel awkward around my "friends," even friends I've known for years...

Think of how much more productive one could be, though. Your clone could do your chores while you did your homework. And if you cloned that clone, he could work. A clone of that clone could play sports for you. Etc. What you once only had an hour to do, you now have all day...or heck, even all week. What'd be even cooler is if you could suck all those clones back into you, absorbing what they did and what not. In that sense, I guess it'd be more like temporarily dividing yourself into different people and then coming back a Megazord!
Clone of me could result in having fun at sports such as basketball cuz they'll never know who is who and who they're chasin cuz "who" is who or is it who is "who"?
Either way works...I think o_O
Imagine playing yourself in basketball, though...would any of you ever even score the first shot?

Itd be cool until I annoy myself, kill my clone (suicide?) and then get thrown in jail.
Is it honestly and technically "killing yourself" though? I mean once your clone is a clone, it's a clone, is it not? ;)
Well being a twin myself, I have to sat that it's not killing yourself. But cloning is dumb anyways. The reason friends are interesting is because that are different and unique.
You guys don't have a clue what a clone really is. It's not a exact copy of you per say, as much as it is another organism that happens to share your exact DNA. There are SO many influences on how this clone would grow up, it's very doubtful that it would be exactly like you. It might even wind up to be quite different depending on how it was raised. Again, it would not be an exact copy of who YOU are. It would be it's own individual person, just like you're different from your father or mother.

Cloning people is not a good idea. We should not mess with things that we don't need to mess with.
But that's not what cloning is, so it's pointless to discuss this. :p

*yay for being hyper literal*
^Still, your clone would look nearly exactly like you, and would share many of the same traits. It wouldn't be a perfect copy, sure, but it's likely that its personality would be similar.
I think having a clone would be pretty neat at first, but maybe get boring after awhile. Given the choice, I'd be impulsive and go for it, even if only to be special :p
I would love to clone myself. Another me who I don't have to fear rejection from and can be completely open and honest with? Sign me up~ <3
A much easier way to do this is to make multiple personalities....

Sure, I'd love to have a friend who's a lot like me and understands everything about me, but exactly like me/is me? That'd get boring after a while.

Edit: I'd much rather have my clone do things for me that I'm too lazy to do myself.
While I do enjoy the thought of having someone who is behavorially similar to me, I don't think I could stomach it. Are we, as humans, really able to play god?
I would stab him and he would stab me back lol but yes i am god so i can play "god"!!! Fear me O>O. and i wouldn't need to do any thing i could sit there and get fat and old while my clone dose every thing XD.