How is this possible?? This makes no sence what so ever!


King of the Mighty Turtwig!
My friend and I were at Walmart and he had 5 dollars with him. He bought a pack of Pokemon cards and it had the best cards in it. I did not think it was possible but it is.

Gardevoir LvX
Honchkrow LvX
Gardevoir x3
Gallade x2
Kirlia x1
Ralts x2

He now runs Gardevoir and Gallade
There are five possible scenarios:

1. the cards were fake ( not likely as oyu got it from wall mart)

2. Your friend has the best luck in the world.

3. There was an error when the pack was put together.

4. He has a guardian angel

5. You are lying.

It is most likely option 3.
My freind also has luck with cards and they always come in pairs.

Like he bought 5 PK packs. First two packs weilded Claydol EX and Metagross EX.

Buys 4 DP packs. Gets two Torterra Lv X's in those packs.

Buys 6 MT packs. Gets two TSD's in those packs.
MKen said:
My freind also has luck with cards and they always come in pairs.

Like he bought 5 PK packs. First two packs weilded Claydol EX and Metagross EX.

Buys 4 DP packs. Gets two Torterra Lv X's in those packs.

Buys 6 MT packs. Gets two TSD's in those packs.

But that is all possible. This case, he has a semi-complete deck in one pack.
Did you actually see him open the pack? Because I'm a bit sceptical about this, with a reason, no way would they make an error-pack like that.

I can imagine that he just had the cards with him and replaced them with the cards that he got out of the pack to fool you, and he did a pretty good job. Did he by an chance already have those cards?
Wal mart has been known to have errors. I picked up some MT packs when the set first came out, and every pack we pulled yielded 5 rares. We went back and bought the rest of the rack! 44 packs yielded us 2 vire Lv. x, and 3 TSD.
I don’t know but that does seem a little to suspicious and unbelievable . I’ve been a tcg collector ever since pokemon came out and the most drastic error I ever came across was only a stupid extra uncommon card in a mt booster. To make it even more special (obviously sarcasm!) the card was placed into the booster upside-down and backwards and Also included a amazingly tasteful and artistic creases throughout (yeah right!) that made everyone else scowl and growl with envy (not). But yeah, it might be somewhat believable if you think about it though . As everyone knows, as the years go on the prices go up and as a result both people and companies have to sacrifice efficiency in order to profit . All I know is that if we benefit from it , its all good! The only thing that sucks is that so far I’ve seen more negligence over anything else .
lol.... sorry i gues i am very negative but if you are not lying he is.... how old are you....?

increpar said:
lol.... sorry i gues i am very negative but if you are not lying he is.... how old are you....?


are you talking to me! i am not lying ,im really that lucky (lol) . oh and im and older poke fan >>>... you could say im getting ready for college . i think its a little pathetic to still like it at my age but i still think that you shouldnt change who you are or how you are just to make sombody else happy.

*****as they say: stay cool,stay in school, get a good job, get lots of cash$$$$$$.... then go crazy with it!
im in part time college and i am a full time social worker (im 21) got real lucky with my job, i voluntered alot....

kids stay in school, make $$$$$$$

sorry bout the liar thing but that is crazy
I know. As I said I was right next to him when he bought and opened it. We were yelling and dancing with a bunch of people starring at us.

any1 got anything to say

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yeah I believe you , I been hearing about errors now more that ever with the newer sets. I’ve heard it all, from boosters with unacceptably damaged holos, boosters filled with nothing but damaged cards, boosters missing both the rare and the reverse , boosters with extra rares , boosters with extra holos, even cards missing the most important thing - the pokemon. Yeah its sometimes cool to come across all these errors due to the companies negligence , but its not so cool when you open boosters only to find out that they gave your rares and your holos to the already too lucky and spoiled kid from across the street. Don’t you just hate it ! But of course if the person getting lucky isn’t really that lucky to begin with then good for them , but otherwise ….. But yeah I believe you , its just that Im a little jealous , aren’t you . Seriously , if it was us telling you this story , would you believe us? Most likely not , you probably would be saying “ha ha” and “don’t believe this liar” , its just human nature.
Fire_Pokemon_Master said:
There are five possible scenarios:

1. the cards were fake ( not likely as oyu got it from wall mart)

2. Your friend has the best luck in the world.

3. There was an error when the pack was put together.

4. He has a guardian angel

5. You are lying.

It is most likely option 3.
hmm 2 and 3 are same i think so i think that that s luck but i will prefer from a lotery ticket haha:)
Thats got to be the biggest joke ever. Errors happen, but nothing like that. 3 gardy in one pack??? yeah, okay. 2 gallade??? Heck, the 2 ralts alone says the pack is a fake. So yeah, you and your friend has to be lieing. Theres no way you get a pack like that, even with an error.
I am not lying I will even prove it. My friend's username is Hidder, PM him and see
Sorry. I am at mrshaun7's house and I typed as my own user. I did get that pull
ok commons and uncommons sound real but 2 gallade!, 3 garvoir! and 1 lvl,x gard! also a hochy that's impossible , even with the chance of a simple small little error . so yeah i tihnk we get the idea so i think mods should lock this now