How many decks do you have?

I have:
Kingdra/Machamp (complete)
Jumpluff DP-on (semi-complete)
PG-13 (semi-complete)
I Could build a lot more, but three decks is enough for me.
Just a question, why do you guys need more than one deck? Is it that much trouble to take apart one and make another rather than purchasing all the staples again and again. It is just a thought.
Right now I have two decks, but I can almost make a third(just need another playest of bts). I always try to have an SP deck, a stage 2 deck, and a stage 1 deck.

There are two reasons to have multiple decks:
1. You only have a limited time at league. If you want to use different decks throughout the day you don't want to spend time sorting them, unsleeving some cards, putting a new deck together, and shuffling a sorted out deck.
2. If you aren't at league and you need to test a deck, you can do it by yourself at home.
Yeah, in the last TCG I played I had at least 5 different decks. Some of them were from other outdated formats that I played for fun, others were rogue creations, and 1 was always the best meta deck out there. So if I had 5 pokemon decks, 1-2 would be from sets before MD, 1-2 would be rogue decks for now, like Scizor prime, and the last one would probably be LuxChomp.
I have 5 currently:
a funny Steelix Prime
Machamp w/funny techs
Exeguter lock (spelling?)