42. Fossil #1- Rock/??? (possibly Rock/Normal, Rock/Electric, Rock/Poison, or Rock/Ghost)
43. Fossil #1's evolution- Rock/??? (possibly Rock/Normal, Rock/Electric, Rock/Poison, or Rock/Ghost)
44. Fossil #2- Rock/??? (possibly Rock/Normal, Rock/Electric, Rock/Poison, or Rock/Ghost)
45. Fossil #2's evolution- Rock/??? (possibly Rock/Normal, Rock/Electric, Rock/Poison, or Rock/Ghost)
the fossil-business has gotten really stale in my view.. it's 2 fossils with 2 stages every time since... gen3, and gen2 only didn't have any because it was essentially gen1-part2, and gen1 also had a third 1-stage fossil.
I want ANY CHANGE to the fossil formula please.
Like, change in number:
-only 1 fossil rather than 2
-a group of 3 fossils that you choose between like starters!
Change in number of stages:
-1 stage like Aerodactyl obviously, starting strong off the bat
-3 stages fossil, since we don't have one so far at all (or heck, make a oseudo-legendary be a fossil as well)
or make it 2 fossils, but not counerpart, one being a single-stage or a weaker fossil you get early in the game, and the other being a 3 stage with the highest stats of a fossil Pokémon so far (well ignoring Archeops' special stat distribution that makes up for it ability).. don't get me wrong, they've all been interesting so far design-wise and fitting as pairs, but I'd love some changes like these to spice it up.