How much could this deck fetch me on ebay?


So basically, I decided I'd rather just collect pokemon than play it, since even though I don't buy any cards now, it will get more expensive in the future when I need to change my deck, sets are rotated, etc. Not to mention I've only been to one tournament ever, and it wasn't even with this deck. So I'm trying to sell this as a whole deck since a lot of the cards aren't worth much and I think I could get more for the deck as a whole than selling everything individually.

It's Speedrill, here's the decklist (everything is RH - some are certain RH from specific sets, they are listed) :

4x Weedle GE
4x Kakuna RR
3 (2)x Beedrill RR (I currently run 3 of these and 1 GE, but I have another GE I could switch out if need be)
1 (2)x Beedrill GE
2x Uxie LA
1x Baltoy GE
1x Claydol GE
2x Unown G
1x Unown Q
1x Azelf LA

3x Broken Time Space
3x Bebe's Search
4x Roseanne's Research
4x Pokedex PT
4x Rare Candy (Ex emerald)
4x Night Maintenance
4x Poke Drawer +
4x Poke Blower+
3x Super Scoop Up (Ex FRLG)
1x Luxury Ball

6x Grass Energy (EX Emerald)

What are your opinions?
Ugh I wish I could just have the grass energies :(

with 2 RH Uxie and a RH Claydol among everything else, I suspect this would be more in the 100ish range.
Easily above $75-something dollars. Offer at $100, as it IS a pretty good preconstructed deck. Make sure you give good quality sleeves and a deck box, too.

Woah. I'd totally buy that.
But it should be some where from $90 to $115.
With everything being RH it spikes the value. A lot.
It is also a quality decklist not like a theme deck.

I'd say you'd get a pretty good amount for it. :>
Yeh if I was you sell it as the deck, for about $100. Or if you can sell individually as you can get a bit more. Ebay is the best way as people will snap up 2 RH uxie and 1 RH Claydol. Put them on Buy it now for about 2-3 dollars cheaper than your ebay competitor and you should have some quick sales.
my guesstimate is around 120-150.
the 2 rh uxies and 1 rh claydol should fetch you 75. and everything else in rh (especially trainers )should get you at list 45-75 more.