How much do you buy packs for?

I usually get mine for $3.97 at Walmart and get good pulls.
I checked at Toys R Us and they are $4.49.
Lou, how do you get yours for free?
I get mine for 1.75. The guy at my league thinks a box only has 24 packs, so we get packs a lot cheaper.
Juliacoolo said:
I get mine for 1.75. The guy at my league thinks a box only has 24 packs, so we get packs a lot cheaper.

So basically you rip him off? ;D
SotS said:
Juliacoolo said:
I get mine for 1.75. The guy at my league thinks a box only has 24 packs, so we get packs a lot cheaper.

So basically you rip him off? ;D
well...He sold us it for that much. I went and asked him how much a booster box was, and he said 70 bucks plus 10% off league night bonus. So ya, we kinda rip him off, but he sells it to us.
Muddy68 said:
Lou, how do you get yours for free?

Struck a deal with the joint I host my league. In exchange, my league is open longer then most and gives away more free stuff to the kids.
afstandopleren said:
4 Euro's per pack in Holland everywhere. =/

untrue, the location where nats where held is a league, they sell them there for 3 euros each.
at nats itself too.
and lots of comic stores sell them for 3,50 a piece.
I mostly buy them in boxes or other special deals(wal mart and toys r us have a lot of deals) but when i buy them on there own, local shod has them for 3.95 i think.
Last time I got a pack was the first DP pack, but around here they are $4.27.