How much time do you spend on the internet?



HI all...
I spend about 5+ hours everyday to check out forums, emails and games.

How about you guys?
I try to get 2-3 hours a day normally. Then I go on till I fall asleep with my Ipod (When I'm supposed to be sleeping)

I have an extremely busy schedule, so I have to push to get my time.
M-F usually 8 hours or more a day. Sat. 4-5 hours depending on if there is a Premier Event. Sun: 2 hours because I usually work Saturday overnight run a league a few hors then work overnight again.
I am not as hardcore as the lifeless, soulless and humanless being called Galefail, but I do spend a lot of time on it, whether being researching, browsing or idling.
The forums, and at my school we all get laptops so we spend a lot of time there, most likely 5-6 hours
3/4 hours only because I have to go to school. About 7/8 during the Summer.

dmaster out.
int timeSpentOnline = 7; //hours
else if (isSummer&&amDoingSomething){

int timeSpentOnline = 5; //hours
else if (isSummer&&!amDoingSomething){
int timeSpentOnline = 11; //hours
else if (!isSummer && !isSchoolWeek){
int timeSpentOnline = 14; //hours

If you don't speak computer, if its a school week, I spend about 7 hours online. If its summer and I have something to do, I spend about 5 hours online. If it is summer and I have nothing to do, I spend about 11 hours online. Finally, if its not summer or a school week, I spend 14 hours online.
12-4 hours, depends most job's in my town rely on applying online mainly, pokebeach, anime, manga, sam and fuzzy, ro, new movie release's, drawin music(to borin without it), if i have some one on my random account's on various rpg's ask me to prty with them thats a good 4-5 hours, so it really depends. cya
I am usually on for about 2 hours at night and about an hour sometime more during the day when I get the chance. My DS is on for 10-14 hours a day though. I use the D/P/PL Wi-Fi everyday and I stay on Wi-Fi to catvh those that do come on. If I ever get a laptop I will be on much longer or a DSi. Until that happens I stay on Wi-Fi until I get a laptop. Wi-Fi counts as internet also XD.:)
Lol good question.
I would say 8+ on a day off of school.
If I have school like 5-7 hours.
I check pokebeach, and look up stuff, I'm a web surfer.