How much time do you spend on the internet?

Maybe 3-4 hours. Soon as I go to college and don't have parents saying 'DO YOUR CHORES! STUDY!' etc., alot more. <__<
z-man said:
int timeSpentOnline = 7; //hours
else if (isSummer&&amDoingSomething){

int timeSpentOnline = 5; //hours
else if (isSummer&&!amDoingSomething){
int timeSpentOnline = 11; //hours
else if (!isSummer && !isSchoolWeek){
int timeSpentOnline = 14; //hours

If you don't speak computer, if its a school week, I spend about 7 hours online. If its summer and I have something to do, I spend about 5 hours online. If it is summer and I have nothing to do, I spend about 11 hours online. Finally, if its not summer or a school week, I spend 14 hours online.


for me, too much, but only on weekdays. 4-5 on mon-thurs, around 30 minutes on fridays, and either a few hours or hardly at all on the weekend depending on whether or not i'm busy. i've had some binge 14 hour computer days during the summer back when i played online games, but i'm over that trend now.. hopefully.
It all really depends on what I am doing. Since I've been laid off, I've been on here so much more often. Alot of jobs I am aiming for is only doing employment online. So I go to the Ohio unemployment job board, search that every few days, same for careerbuilder and monster. Otherwise I'm on ESPN Streak for the Cash as well as here alot.
I go on 4-5 a day, but not everyday. I have a life too, not just the internet.
omahanime said:

yeah endless tower on ragnarok online, 100 level's of fun for the whole party (does not include auto-res and is highly recommended in large number's of 10-20). so thats a good 3-5 hour's depending on the experience of the player's were partying with. cya
on $*:text:* { 
  if ($strip($1) == !computertime) {  
    if ($nick == Wariopower) && ($time == SchoolYear) {
     .timer 1 1 msg $chan I usually spend a few hour on the internet doing PokeBeach, other sites, and stuff for school. Generally it doesn't get too out of control but when it does... oh boy. Like you see here I also like to script a lot so that takes up a good half hour or so.
   elseif ($time == Summer) {
      .timer 1 1 msg $chan There are also some days I don't do any computer because I'm on a vacation or it's really nice outside! ^_^;
   else { 
      .timer 1 1 msg $chan Wheeeeeeeee.

That's pretty much it. :3
I stay in front of the computer the moment I reach home until I sleep. The time I reach home varies daily though so yeah.
It honestly depends on what I've got planned. But on a school day, just when I'm not at school. During a weekend or break, a good amount of the day if im not out doing something.