How old is "too old"?

Just do what you love, it may be cliche but it's true. If you enjoy doing something, do it because happiness can be hard to find. Don't let other people dictate your life.

I feel like you get into pokemon through the video games/tcg when you're like 13 or younger, then 13 - 18? u stop because the stigma is too much or whatever and get back into it in your 20's because you grow up and realize how stupid it is to care what other people think about your love for pokemon. Thats how i see it and that's what happen to me.
Really there are three markers of appropriateness:

3rd grade - Social acceptance: If you go into 4th grade playing/liking Pokemon, you may be teased.

9th grade - Future acceptance: By the time you're in highschool, you have better things to do than play Pokemon.

24 years old - If you still play competitively after 24, it's time to settle down and get a life.

Now, if you play casually or are a parent going with a child, it's fine at almost any age.
I remember Pokemon was the fad in fourth grade...

It will always be one year older than you are. So, lets say someones 15. It will be 16, but thats until there 16. When they're 16, its 17.

Are serious ness (or, at least, more). There isn't really an age.
I don't think I'll still be playing with cards when I'm over 30. I might play it with my kids just to keep them entertained but I'd rather not get back into it by then. I wanted to quit ages ago but they started coming out with some cool stuff so I've sent over 300$ on pieces of sparkly cardboard paper... that 300$ could have been spent on video games or food. Can't help it though. Buying cards is an addiction... good thing I don't spend money on cigarettes and coffee as that would add more pain to me financially.
Im 26 and i still happily buy cards at any store i go in though im now a Brony aka MLP:FiM fan but i wont buy those toys or plushs =/ unless a epic card game is made for it ^__^ or DS or 3DS game is made also :)
Its all about who you know and what they do. If your hest friends play thenbyou should have nobproblem, but if you're by yourself then you may want to invest time elsewhere.
Juliacoolo said:
24 years old - If you still play competitively after 24, it's time to settle down and get a life.

Oh no, I only have 6 months left!

But in all seriousness, I'm 24, married, and have a house, master's degree, and a great job. So by about every definition I can think of I have a life, but still play competitively. I decided now that I'm an "adult" that I wasn't going to let go of the things I enjoyed as a kid. So I have no plans to quit any time soon. Now who I tell about my closet pokemon addiction is another thing.
I have had this discussion several times over the years. IMO pokemon is for everyone. In both the video game and the card game you can make the game as complex as you like. So a kid can grasp the basics of the game while the old players can "abuse" the subtleties of the game. And I am 22 and have been playing both since I was 9 just saying. I really do not see how you can every be too old for a GAME.
There is no such thing as too old.

Play until you don't like playing anymore and not a day before that.

ponies for life
PsychedelicBreakfast said:
Pokemon is definitely thought of to be a little kids game by the general population (or a large number anyway). I'm 25 and I had to cover up the purchase of some boosters a couple months ago, but the check out lady was the one who initiated the entire thing: "So is this for a reward or a bribe?" My brain kind of hesitated for a bit and then I said "Reward" with a smile. A reward for myself! Oh well... I try not to worry about what others think of me or what I enjoy, be it "childish" or otherwise. I've spent too much of my life so far worrying about what others think.

The cashier should never have said that. It is their job to ring up a customer's purchases, not judge what the customer buys.
If Pokémon is for the young, how would you pay for my trip to Toys-R-Us today? The promos cost over $70.
dragonexpert said:
The cashier should never have said that. It is their job to ring up a customer's purchases, not judge what the customer buys.

Very true. I was at a small, rural town's Walmart when I made the purchase though so maybe the cashiers around there just make small talk with customers if the items aren't too "personal." Regardless, she shouldn't have said anything.
"To old" is a phrase that does not exist in my Pokemon Dictionary, I'll play until I can't move anymore! The bigger the tournament, the better! The longer the game, the more I enjoy it! I'm only 16 now but if someone dares to call me to old for Pokemon, I'll tell them that their to old to be childishly taunting me about it! :p
welll I will turn 38 in less then two weeks, and have been playing this game on and off since it was first released. I even run a league that my 10 year old daughter plays. If it really is a little kids game, then how come there were 28 Masters at my BR last weekend and only 7 Juniors?
Anyone that sets an age has their eyesight narrowed by the "hard" laws of social conformity.
Zyflair said:
Anyone that sets an age has their eyesight narrowed by the "hard" laws of social conformity.

^ This. I couldn't have said (or typed :p) it better.
DarkJawa said:
welll I will turn 38 in less then two weeks,
Oh to be that young again. I was about that age when I started collecting Pokémon.
One is never *too old* for Pokemon! I am a mother of 6, a Pokemon Professor, a Pokemon Judge, and a player of the game (tcg and video). I got a new Pikachu hat for my birthday (yes, I am over 30....) and proudly wear it everywhere! Sure I get some strange looks now and then, but mostly people just want to know where I got it, so they can get one too! Besides, why should I give up something I enjoy just because someone else thinks I am too old for it? Same with my MLP's! I will never be too old, and I am proud of it!
I know someone nearing their 40s who plays Pokemon.
Even those over their 40s who play it.

Nothin wrong with it, you're never too old to like Pokemon. I myself am 21 and still get giddy over plushies and new merch.

I only had one recent problem with a judgemental girl at Toys R Us when I bought 2 packs and a Tepig plushie. She kept insisting a gift receipt for who I was buying them for and I said "Oh these are for myself" and she went "Are you serious? You look like a teenager and you still like Pokemon?" initial response was; "Yep, over 10 years of fandom and counting."

To be honest I could tell she was new since...after months of workin at Toys R Us I KNOW you get used to weird things and never judge like that.
I'm 14 and i don't think that is "too old" but my league leader is like 50 years old and he still plays pokemon :p