How Pokemon Cards Affect You Today


Aspiring Trainer
Good afternoon.

I am writing a series of essays regarding the craze regarding Pokemon Cards, from the late nineties to modern day. If any of you would be so kind as to share some stories about how Pokemon Cards affected you, by all means share them. If you don't want me to use your examples, please indicate in your post so I know not to use it in my essays.

Thank you very much.
Sounds like fun!!

Well, Pokémon Cards, although regarded by much of the world as "babyish", are actually much more complexed. Playing the game needs strategy. When Pokémon was first released (As Pokémon Red and Blue on the Gameboy Color) it was one of the first "major" games for a hand held console. Shortly after that, Pokémon cards were released and most of the children playing the video games decided to go for cards. The popularity of pokémon has died a little but many people are still interested in it. It's popularity fell probably due to new crazes masking old ones.

Hope that that helps a little.
Actually for me, i started playing pokemon cards when i first started watching the tv anime series. I fell in love with pokemon since then until around now, although i stopped playing a while ago and restarted again recently. I don't play the cards that often(as in decks and all) but i am more of a collector of pokemon cards. I love the great illustrations and i spend pretty much money on them. That's about it.
For me I started playing when Pokemon was Extremely popular although i was still very young then so I never been in any leagues when i was little. After Pokemon Card as said by others "Died",I stopped for a few years until one of my neighbors introduced it to me again and made me love it again. Also, as i learned about the card leagues I got interested after I got my very first EX. After that I gained new friends throughout the league, I told my friends to go to the league and here i am today. I almost never miss going to the league.

Hope this really helps
They give me something unique to be proud of, since they reflect my strategical insights in an absolute way. However, the people who don't play it (like my exgirlfriend) think it's sad. That makes it kinda hard to talk about with my friends, but I'm still proud of playing it. I even made a couple of new friends at Nats, which I find really cool since I'm not good at making friends. It's probably cuz the Dutch TCG is played on a rather small scale, so everyone knows everyone after a couple of months. I just wish I could visit leagues more, but they are either too far away or are during my school/work.
As for economical issues, I've stopped buying packs a long time ago and have no problems. I like collecting the new DP2 set tho, it has awesome cards and it gives me a sort of goal, since I finally got my Boostcatty deck complete(only missing 1 Drake's Stadium, but that's no big deal). It's just too bad I won't be able to test it, since I won't be visiting any leagues before the first Fall BR will be.
Altogether, it's a great hobby and one of the things I like best to spend my time on. Mainly because every game and every deck is different, and it's a fun to play game. I've played Magic and YuGiOh for a few months too, but it just couldn't satisfy me with winning the same way Pokemon can. I like those trap cards and stuff tho, and I suppose, if YuGiOh was my first TCG ever, I'd be playing that right now. I might get back to it later, but for now I'm pretty happy with Pokemon.
Teddiursa said:
Sounds like fun!!

Well, Pokémon Cards, although regarded by much of the world as "babyish", are actually much more complexed. Playing the game needs strategy. When Pokémon was first released (As Pokémon Red and Blue on the Gameboy Color) it was one of the first "major" games for a hand held console. Shortly after that, Pokémon cards were released and most of the children playing the video games decided to go for cards. The popularity of pokémon has died a little but many people are still interested in it. It's popularity fell probably due to new crazes masking old ones.

Hope that that helps a little.
I believe 100% in what you mean. People thought, oh, Pokemon is person, but when you go up and say, "Hey, I won a $1500 scholarship for playing with this 'person' stuff and you didn't get anything!" That's when they realize that Pokemon is not just cardboard and sparkles.
The game can be so simple yet so complicated and that is what draws me to it. Know matter what age you are the game will give you a different experience each time you play it. From the junior players that get the kick out of there favorite Pokemon taking down there foe and just having fun with the game and the whole world of Pokemon and then for myself I am a master and play only in large structured events due to the amount of time I have to play, but the best thing is creating an idea or combo that rivals even the best of decks. Pokemon for me means evolving your strategy as you play and out witting your opponents! Thanks
Let me add on to what I said earlier. I asked a man at my tournaments why he played Pokemon. He said that instead of having the regular 52 or something in a standard deck of Poker cards, you choose from hundreds to strategize with and face different strategies. It's just so much fun!
When pokemon was becoming popular, I had just moved up to secondary school. Most of my year had never heard of pokemon in my school. But then slowly people started to buy pokemon cards. Soon people were swapping with each other. It was so great because it meant that everybody got to know all the new people in our year. So pokemon had a massive impact on me because it built loads of friendships which may never have happened without pokemon. Pokemon soon became unpopular but the friendships were already in place. It brought me close to people who I am still in contact with now, even though I have left school and do not get to see them much. For many years afterwards I was not a pokemon fan. But I got back into it and now I am here on these forums most days. I may be 19 now but I still have the same craving for good cards, just like when I first loved them. I do not care if I am seen as a nerd/geek/freak etc because pokemon is something I love and I am always greatful.
Back in my country, pokemon isn't that famous anymore. My classmates all think i'm a loser or an idiot for playing pokemon (video games or cards) but despite all these i know that this game has impacted me alot especially in the aspect of friendship and strategy. Something you won't get of other "mature" games.