How rare are UF Unowns?

Tomokazu Komiya

He's cool. Sorta.
I have an Unown I, and got it long before my only UF EX (Blissey EX). So, I was thinking... which is rarer, an Unown or EX? I keep all my EX cards in seperate sleeves, and was wondering if I should do the same for my Unown. Yes or no?
for me an Ex is more rare 1,000 times than an Unown... the Unowns got good art, but... I dunno... for me is a waste rare, ... just for collectors
Unown are the same rarity as Matrix energy... which is just under RH, I believe... don't quote me on that though.
Unowns are just as rare as rare-holos. Insted you get an Unown instead of a reverse holo in that pack. -_-
I have L I think and it is holographic from that set and I treat it as holographic and I think they are about the same appearance rate as a holo but I am not sure and EX's ARE alot rare than unown by a loooooonnnnnnngggggg shot so treat it as a holo.:)
I think I got about 7 Unowns in my UF box, which is about 1/5 of a box.

It took me a while but I managed to get all the Unowns. The 1st few are easy but when you have a few left then they're hard to find.
Rare Holo- 1 per 3 packs- replace rare
Unown- 1 per 3 packs- replace rev. holo
UF EX- 1 per 12 packs- replace rare

So far, I've gotten 4 Unowns (BBGQ) and 3 EXs (Blissey Steelix Scizor) And it is possible to get Unown and EX or Unown and holo in the pack.
I got all the Unowns is nice collection but just that, actually have some play but just that, the art in some are great, I personally collect an aditonial copy of the ones that form my name to cut and put in my binder, and it looks cool
=O you cut them????

Maybe, you use those Unowns, form your name, then sort the rest in alphabetical order. Or get Neo ones.