How rare is this card?


Hi, I was wondering, today I bought a pack of MT and, as usual, pushed the cards very slightly to one side, to check for silver borders (lvl.X!), I saw one and was like "BOOYA! Yeah!", pulled it out and found a card called Time-Space Distortion. Does anyone know if this is a rare card? Its collector number surpass its set number, so is it a misprint??? Thanks! :D
its not a misprint, its a secret rare and they are VERY rare. i think the chances of getting it are 1 in like EDIT: 2-3 boxes.

btw, i have one too :D
They are rare, but not quite as rare as Gman says. I believe it is 1 TSD for every 3 boxes or so. But it seems like they have been popping up absolutely everywhere lately as far as people pulling them from packs. Either way, it was quite a good pull though!
1 in 3 boxes is the generally taken average. Worth depends on where you are, I tend to shoot for the 25-35 Euro range, which would be 35-45 dollars or so.
Wow cool, thats only my second MT pack I'v EVER bought, and I don't think I'v ever got any REALLY rare cards from packs, unless shiftry/mew EX count!

Does It have a specific money value? Preferably in British Pounds, but i could convert from dollars I suppose.

Would it be worth trading it for ALOT of the cards I need for my G&G deck? EG.Gardevoir Lvl.X/2 Gallade/Some other rares for my collection? Or is it better keeping it??
You're not going to get a lot of cards for GG by trading it. I would imagine you'd be able to get The Gardy X and maybe 2 gallade for it. TSD's value has dropped quite a bit since it was first released.
I got one too, but I use Suicune SW as a recoverer (plus you don't need to flip anything) as I run an Empoleon deck. However, I lost a game because of it too, so if you aren't running Water it is a playable card.
Its particulary good in Stage1 decks, who can't afford having to spend supporters on seeking out Night Maintainance'd pokes from the discard-deck. TSD skips the whole shufflebackthensearch part.
Secret rares are Ultra rare. I have a Secret rare Articuno from the FR/LG set.:)
TSD works wonders in T2 decks. So you're lucky if you're running one. Since you want to make gallantry, then trading it away would be the best option. I'm not sure how much it's worth in Britian but in Malaysia it's RM75. So by directly converting, it should be worth maybe 12 pounds at the least.
TSD is a good card...its like premier ball..or..something like holon farmer or night maintenence...but instead of putting it into your put it in your hand...i think it can also take lvl x...but it depends on heads or tails...if you get all heads you can take 3...
I agree with what's been said-- The card doesn't really seem all that amazing in-play, but I've heard it's possibly the rarest card in that whole set. A friend of mine pulled one at her hobby shop, and put it up for sale at $35. I do believe it did eventually sell.

I'd say either a) Hold onto it if you're big into collecting the cards (The art is, after all, kind of beautiful!), or b) Find somebody who is big into collecting the cards and sell it to them, or get a super trade for it. There are people out there who would be willing to trade a lot for it; you'd just need to find the right kind of collector.

If you do end up trading it, I wouldn't accept anything shy of AWESOME. ;)
It's a good card, but not many decks play it. You should keep it, as it's a great collector's item.