How The Teribble Happened


Ash is awsome.

To prevent some questions, I am creating my own new region and stuff so that’s why some of this stuff won’t be the least bit familiar.

It was a day, not so long ago, maybe a month. I used to wear a red T-shirt and black jeans, I had light brown hair and greenish-brownish eyes, all that changed, my clothes are now ripped, my hair has so much dirt in it it’s nearly black, the eyes that I used to be told were full of joy and life are now full of sadness and fear. This town, it used to be full of life and many kids, until they hit, a group much worse than Team Rocket, willing to give lives to get what they want, and they did. We finally won the battle, but lost lives. I’ll tell you the story. I assure you, this is one adventure I’ll never forget.

One day I started out, my Plusle and Eevee by my side and my poke balls in my pocket. I went to meet my best friend, Star, a girl with red hair and blue eyes, she usually wore a light blue T-shirt and average blue jeans. We hadn’t had the idea that today we’d start the adventure of a life time.

“Hey, Lilly.” Star said cheerfully.

“Hey, Star.” I replied.

My Plusle ran to Star’s Minun and Eevee ran to her Vulpix. We saw two boys coming this way, they had two Pikachu out, one Pikachu had a little fur on its head messed up. I talked to them.

“Hi, I’m Lilly, and this is Star. Who are you?” I asked them in a cheerful voice.

“Hi, I’m Ash and this is Richie.” A boy with messy black hair and brown eyes, he was wearing a blue sleeveless sweater and black T-shirt sleeves coming from the holes where the sleeves would be, it had a light blue half-circle half way down the shirt, his jeans were light blue, he had blue sneakers, and a red hat that was black going vertically across the middle and a green half pokeball in the middle of that. The other had longish brown hair and blue eyes, he wore a green T-shirt with yellow on the ends of the sleeves, he had a dark green opened vest and green pants, he had a blue hat with yellow going horizontally around the middle.

My Plusle and Star’s Minun ran over to start playing with the Pikachus, of course Eevee and Vulpix followed.

“So are you guys beginning trainers or have you been traveling?” Ash asked.

“We’ve been traveling, we just had to stop in our home town to see our families. So I take it you’ve been traveling?” I answered.

“Yeah.” Ash answered.

“Well, are you guys heading to the gym in Rokset Town?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Richie answered.

“Well, we got to get to the boat to get there, it leaves in TWO MINUTES!!!” Star exclaimed.

“Star chill. Rapidash, go. Ash you can ride with me.” I said, I helped him get on and Star sent out hers and Richie rode with her.

We got to the boat as it was about to leave. It went off as soon as we got there. We just said that we’d wait a month for the next one. We went to my house to stay, my sister was already out on her journey and my mom was a professor out at a big convention, oh and if you’re wondering, my dad’s a member of team rocket. I went in the kitchen and got the phone, I hit the speed-dial button. A girl answered on the other line.

“Hello, how may I help you?” she asked.

“I’d like a large cheese pizza and four bottles of soda.” I answered.

“Ok. Name, address, and phone number please?”

“Lilly Masters, 30 Blackstone St. Limeston town, 509-989-4759.” I answered. There was a pause.

“Ok, 30minutes or less, bye.” She said rushing through the last sentence.

Ok, I’ll let you know from what a friend said was going on there, he had been there as a witness.

At The Pizza Place…

“Roxanne, who was that and did you blow our plan?” A man demanded in a loud voice.

“It was Professor Aurora Masters daughter. As far as I know she has no clue about our plan sir.” The girl who was on the food said.

“Her, I’ve seen her, put this in the pizza.” The man told Roxanne.

“But sir..” Roxanne started.

“Don’t worry, It will just make her and her friends sick long enough for our plan to be carried out.” The man had explained.

Roxanne nodded and put it in the pizza.

Back with us…

The pizza got to my house and we started to eat. Unfortunately my friend didn’t get to warn us in time.
Chapter 2
(It might not be that good but I hope you at least somewhat enjoy and if not sorry J)
We each ate a piece. Star started to complain that her stomach hurt and Richie soon after. After an hour Ash fell onto my bed and started to complain too. I sent all three to bed a little early. I started to feel sick to but I told myself I was just feeling sick because as usual I ate most of the pizza, well ash and I had the same amount, but anyway, I went to bed a while later. Ash’s Pikachu and my Plusle gave me company while I couldn’t sleep. I finally fell asleep.

The next morning, we all woke up. The rest of the day I took care of them. By night, I collapsed in my bed, I was starting to feel more sick but I just told myself I was fine. That night I fell asleep first. The next morning I woke up last. Everyone felt better so we went on the route to the next town, we were going to catch a boat there. On our way we went through the woods.

The girl from the pizza place, Roxanne, and a bunch of other people appeared.(Remember we don’t know them yet, I just told you what my friend, Timmy, told me later.)

“You were the person who delivered the pizza the other night.” Star said.

“Wait, you shouldn’t be here.” Roxanne said.

“Why shouldn’t we be here?” Richie asked in a confused voice.

“Don’t you get it? We tainted the stupid pizza! You kids should all be sick right now!!!” Roxanne answered.

“Well, we got sick but we’re better, actually, Lilly never got sick.” Ash replied.

A sound came from a bush.

“Lilly didn’t get sick? She usually eats most.” My friend Timmy said in an astonished voice.

“Timmy?” I asked.

“That’s me. But anyhow didn’t you feel sick even a little?” He asked.

“Well, a little, but I’m fine.” I answered.

“This is bad, I gotta get you guys to Lilly’s really fast, that pizza had stuff in it that could’ve made you really sick.” Timmy said.

“You better. If they don’t get rest soon they might not be back to normal for a long time.” A man said.

“Sir, you promised it wouldn’t kill anyone.” Roxanne said and just then I started to think she wasn’t all bad.

“It won’t, but being in bed for five months might be bad.” Sir answered.

After they just left, no threats, no warnings, nothing. We headed back to my house. I can’t tell you much of what happened on the way home because I passed out. I woke up in my bed, Timmy wasn’t there.

“Where’s Timmy?” I asked.

“He’s out in the yard were he has his Beedrill farm, there honey is the antidote to what was in the pizza.” Ash answered.

Timmy walked in with five bottles of honey, one for everyone, including himself. He handed us each a bottle and a leaf.

“Why did you give us leaves.” I asked.

“Uh… yeah… to tell you the truth I lied, the honey’s to wash down the flavor of the leaves, they’re the real antidote.” He told me.

I ate the leaf. It tasted so awful. It was bitter and the gross type of sour, it was like a mix of rabbit food and… I don’t know how to describe it, it was so disgusting. I grabbed my honey and drank half of the bottle. We didn’t bother for the rest of the day so we went in my living room and turned on music. One of my favorite songs “Too Little Too Late- by JoJo” was on, I got up and started to sing to it.

“Wow, you’re really good.” Ash complimented me.

“Thanks.” I replied and blushed a little.

Plusle, Eevee, Teddiursa, Umbreon, Swampert, and Swellow ran into the room. (Well it is a big house so all of them could be out, and there was nothing important out that they could break and they know not to use attacks in the house unless I tell them to.) Swampert tripped and landed on Ash. I ran over to help him up.

“Ash, are you ok?” I asked and helped him up.

“Fine.” He answered and wiped his shirt.

“Sorry, Swampert can be a handful.” I told him.

“It’s ok, but I wonder why your Pokemon went so crazy, and Richie’s, Star’s and mine were fine.” Ash said.

“Let’s go see. Come on guys.” I said and signaled for everyone to follow me.

I got writers block, sorry. Yes I know, this chapter is terrible. Most of you probably didn’t enjoy. I’m sorry I wasted your time.
i like the story overall. i'm not too fond of using characters from the series unless they are leaders, elite four, or professors, but you incorperated them well:D. anyway, i really like your character. i'm also writing a story, its called The Ultimate Tournament. it hasnt been posted for a few days, due to my homework. but anyway, i'd like to use your character. if you want to be incorperated into my story, just let me know, and i'll tell you what further info i need:D. thanks for your time!

im writing a story called Neils adventure. I have it done, so ill post it on another thread.

Back on topic:
Awsome story! both chapters rule.

10/10 for sure!
Umm, Swampert is really big, right?? It must be a very big house then... LOL! Swampert fell on Ash??

We saw the poor little pokemon, it was terrible. All of them were on the floor. Pikachu, Minun, and Sparky were all fine but the others had been KO, I had no clue what happened. Then I saw the sign the TJ, the Team Jet symbol. Everyone was in the house searching for clues at that point.

“Guys, guys come here!” I had shouted with such shock at the symbol.

“What? Did you find a clue?” Ash asked as they walked in. I was holding up the paper so they could see it.

“No way, why would they do that, how’d they get in?” Star asked through the shock of what happened.

“Why do you think they did it, they’re evil, criminals can get in easily.” I snapped at Star.

“Lilly, calm down. Everyone’s shocked it’s a bad thing that happened.” Ash said and put his hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah, well that was a really dumb thing to ask. I mean come on really, what other answer is there?” I snapped out and through his hand away. That was the first big mistake I made.

“Lilly, just, just, just shut up. Your pokemon are fine, ours are hurt.” Ash exclaimed out at me.

“You don’t tell me to shut up, got it you little, little, little…” I paused.

“You little what?” Ash asked.

“You little JERK, MORON, IDIOT, and EVERY OTHER THING I SHOULD CALL YOU BUT AM NOT GOING TO.” I screamed at him and ran out the door and across the street to the old grave yard.

“Shouldn’t we go after her.” Ash had said back at the house. “And besides, what’s wrong with her anyhow.”

“She gets mad at everything, just ignore the little witch.” Star replied.

“Ignore her? Star, she’s our friend we can’t just leave her there alone.” Ash yelled at her.

“Weren’t you just fighting with her? Anyhow, she’ll come back when she calms down.” Star told him.

It’s really short but I got a big writers block and I haven’t gotten over it in about a week so, I’ll post what I have.
not the best chapter, but you blew up at ash. that makes up for it (i personally hate ash). try to get rid of the writers block, i do feel your pain. try chasing down TJ, or something,
CHPT 3 part 2

You're sure she'll come back?" Ash asked.

"Yes you moron." Star said.

"Well, I just want to make sure she's fine." Ash said.

"I don?t know what the heck is wrong with her, she won't come back for a while though." Star told Ash.

"Guys, I just called a Pokemon Center to come get the hurt pokemon." Richie told them.

"Good." Star said.

"Come on Pikachu, I'm gonna go talk to Lilly." Ash said.

"I told you to just leave her alone." Star told Ash.

"Well maybe she wants someone to talk to." Ash argued.

"I think I know her a little better than you do." Star argued right back.

"I don't give a crud, I going to talk to her." Ash said and stormed out the door.

"Fine, but she?s just going to yell at you." Star yelled out the door.

"Star, once Ash sets his mind sets his mind on something, he goes for it." Richie said to calm Star down.

"Lilly?" Ash asked after finding me with my head down while I was sitting at a big tree.

"Go away you moron." I told him. It wasn?t like I was crying but sometimes I just don't want people around.

"OK, why the heck are you so miserable?" Ash asked.

"I'm not miserable, didn't Star tell you if I want to get away from people I act like I'm mad and then leave." I said and laughed a little, I was thinking how could he be that clueless.

"Wait, no, what the heck?s going on here?" Ash asked sounding clueless, I broke out laughing so hard.

"It was all a joke, the pokemon are fine, just good actors, Star, Richie and I had it all planned. Richie never called anyone." I told him while laughing hysterically.

"That was mean." Ash said.

"Yeah, but funny." I said.

"Pikachu, were you and all my pokemon in on this?" Ash asked.

"Pika." Pikachu said and nodded.

  We went home, I was still laughing. We got in nd Richie and Star were laughing too.

"Ok haha, we tricked Ash let's get on with our lives now." Ash said.

"No way, you bought that hook, line, and sinker." Star said while laughing.

'I hate you guys so much right now." Ash said.

"You can?t hate me." I said and laughed.

"I?ll get you guys for this."

"Oh come on Ash, it was a joke." Richie told him.

"Fine." He answered and left.

I couldn't help but think he was upset by the way he sounded, I knew something was wrong, and it wasn't that we pranked him, it was something of much more importance.
Well, I guess that was kind of random but it was a twist to what was going on, I don't know were the idea to turn it into a prank came from though.
i love the all-knowing first person point of veiw. but did you notice all of your apostraphys (') are ?s it just looks wierd. but good job!
Sorry about the ? marks, I clicked quick edit to fix a mistake and the whole thing messed up.
AshLova1 said:
Sorry about the ? marks, I clicked quick edit to fix a mistake and the whole thing messed up.

all FanFic writers make mistakes. check the spelling in the early chapters of mine. not really too hot. but anyway, could i use your character in my story? it wouldnt be for a while, i just want permission, thats all.

I followed Ash. I was worried about him.

“Ash, what’s wrong?” I asked.

“When I went after you, I met someone.” He replied. “You’ll be getting a visitor soon.”

“Who?” I asked.

“He saw me, he asked if I knew if you still lived around here.”

“Who, what was his name?”

“He said his name was Joe Brodly.”

“Joe, he moved  when I was nine, he didn‘t even say bye, he let my friend Jim tell me, I haven’t seen him in so long, he was my best friend.”

“He’s back, I told him were you live, he had photographic evidence he knew you.”

“Wow, I… I can’t believe it.” I started to cry tears of joy. “What’s so wrong with that?”

“I can’t tell, I just feel upset about it.” He answered. I heard the door open and ran in hopes Joe was here. It was Joe.

“Joe! I’ve missed you so much.” I said and gave Joe a hug. I looked over, Ash looked so upset that the moment was sad. Right now I felt weird, I knew Timmy had liked me but hid it, and Ash’s expression said the same about him, and then Joe, when we were kids I liked him, and now that he’s back I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I figured that Timmy was over me and now he was home so he wasn’t there.

“I missed you too.” Joe replied and returned the hug. “Hey, my dad’s having a big concert thing for kids and there are going to be big time Hollywood producers there and if you and Star are still into singing and stuff you should try out. But, you better hurry, the show’s tonight.”

“That will rule.” Star said.

“Great.” I said.

“Wow, when we were little you were always talking and all, but you’re being really quiet.” Joe said.

“I’m gonna go ride my bike for a while, you know.” I said.

“Ok, I’ll stay here and meet your friends.” He said.

“Ok.” I said and went out. Now I was off. I went to a little spot in the woods that only me and my friends knew about. I sat there alone talking to my Plusle and Eevee. “What am I gonna do? I’ve been waiting to see him again for years and now that he’s here everythings just confusing.” I heard noise from a bush. Out popped Timmy.

“Sounds like Joe’s back.” He said.

“Wait, how’d you know?” I asked.

“Well, I remember being little kids, me always younger by 2 years so I didn’t get all this then, but at  those cookouts you used to tell me all about Joe.”

“I guess, but, just to be sure, you don’t still like like me?”

“No, we’re just best buds.”

“Ok, well I know Ash likes me and I can tell Joe dose too, and both of them are nice and all and I can’t decide who’s better.”

“Well, how ever you feel, express it at the concert tonight in a song.”

“Wait, how do you know about that?”

“Posters around town.”

“Well, I think I know the right song then.”

“Good, then sing that one, the rules are that one has to be by a real singer and one has to be your written work.”

“Wait, I have to sing two songs?”


“Ok.” I picked up my bike and left. “Bye Tim, cheer me on tonight.”

“I will.” He replied.
Ok, next chapter there will be songs and one at least will be written by me.
i love the story! however, i am beginning to question the poke-ness of the story. but, hey, its ur story, do what u will!:D

also, could you p/m me the following?

your main team
any other pokemon you would have but arent with you.


I stopped in a rush. I saw the man called Sir. I realized he was near a bush where two little Azurill lived. I ran over to the man. I started to scream at him.

“Get away from that bush! I swear if you hurt those Azurill I’ll kill you!” I exclaimed at the man.

“Well, well, we’re a little rebel just like our mother aren’t we?” He told me. He turned with an evil smile on his face.

“I said get away from that bush.” I demanded.

“Why don’t you just go call mommy and have her solve all your problems.” He said sarcastically.

“I said get away.” I said getting impatient with the man.

“Fine then. But a little girl like you should be at home playing with her dolls. You may be a much better rival in life to me than a little girl should.” He said and walked away from the bush and closer to me.

“Rival? I don’t even know you. And how do you know me and my mom? And if I am your rival, you should at least treat me with proper respect.” I said to the man.

“Of course, I should treat you with respect, as I did your older sister and mother.” He told me.

“Now you know my sister too? And how do you know them? Why didn’t you do this to my sister? Answer me.” I replied to him.

“Well, I didn’t sense in your sister the energy I sense in you. Your mother and I went to school together, she and I always rivaled each other. I met your sister five years ago when she was starting her journey at ten.” He told me.

“Then, why am I meeting you two years in to my journey? And what‘s your real name?” I asked.

“Well, I didn’t know about you until you ordered that pizza. And my name is Royantal.” He told me. “But anyway, let’s have a battle.”

“Fine. I’ll give you the honor of choosing first.” I told him.

“It would be my pleasure. One on One. Charizard, go!” He exclaimed and let out his Charizard.

“Well, Venasaur, go!” I exclaimed.

“What? Giving me the advantage?” He said. “Charizard, flamethrower!” He told it.

“Alright, Venasaur, do the trick I taught you all those years ago.” I told Venasaur. The trick was that it started off as a razor leaf then send out a vine whip to hit the leaves and break them. Next we’d send out a sweet scent, usually the attack combinations would catch the other pokemon’s attention and get it off guard. Then we’d give it a sleep powder. After it was asleep we could attack the pokemon as much as possible. It worked.

“B-b-bu-but how?” The man asked in complete shock.

“Well, that trick has been one we’ve mastered. Another thing is that, this was my first pokemon, I got it when I was only five, of course I still couldn‘t travel until I was ten. Since then I’ve actually raised it to level one hundred. Oh and I’ve become close friends with it, right Venasaur!” I told the man and smiled at Venasaur.

“This was not our last encounter, I promise you that.” He said and walked away. I ran over to the little Azurill. Fortunately they were fine. I called back Venasaur, hopped on my bike, Plusle hopped on my shoulder, and we went home.

“Hey Lilly. You better get ready for the singing thing.” Ash told me.

“Uhh… Ash, I am ready.” I told him.

“What? No makeup or messing around with your hair?” He asked in shock.

“No way. Lilly would never act that girly.” Joe said.

“Yep. Pigtails, red T-shirt and black jeans. Lilly’s to much of a tomboy, she won’t even where the color pink, or a dress or skirt, or anything girly.” Star explained. She had her hair in a ponytail. She had on a sparkly blue spaghetti strap tank on and a blue denim skirt. She was wearing makeup too.

“Yep, that sums me up.” I told them. We all laughed and were out the door. But I could feel that villainous look the man gave me. I knew he was going to do something horrible.
Ok, the songs will be in the next chapter.
Sorry this chapter took so long, I got a little sidetracked.
Well either way we went off. I kept my mouth shut so that no one got worried. Everyone was talking about the contest. I talked a little but not much. Plusle  kept turning around like it thought that we were being followed. We stopped for a minute. I saw an abandoned egg on the ground. I picked it up.

“Oh, the poor little thing. I hope it hasn’t been here long. I wonder what it’ll hatch into.” I said.

“My Phanpy hatched from an egg.” ash said.

“Yeah, didn’t Misty’s old Togepi hatch from an egg too?” Richie asked.

“Yep.” Ash replied.

We got back to walking. I wrapped the egg up in my favorite sweater. We got there. Joe had been acting really funny. Star and I went back stage. Timmy showed up and joined us. I grabbed him and pulled him to the corner to talk to him.

“Look, Joe has been acting strange lately.” I told him.

“Well, I’ll try to find out what’s up.” He said. “Come on you’re up first.”

I went on Stage. I saw a man sitting there. He wore a name tag that said ‘Simon’. I laughed to myself. I thought of the American Idol guy. He started to talk to the audience.

“Welcome guests, to the Singing Competition!” He said. “First we have Lilly. I should explain that we dropped the whole sing your own song thing and only want to hear the song you picked.”

That was no problem with me. I decided to use a different song than I was planning.

“Lilly will be singing… what?!!! Well her choice, she’ll be singing ‘What Would Brian Boitano Do?’ from ‘South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut’. I hope that she’ll be the only one doing this. Actually, let’s wait until the end for this performance.” He said. I went backstage. “Let’s have Star come out first. Her song is ‘Pikachu (I choose you)’ A good pokemon song.”

She started to sing. The Music started and she easily sang the lyrics.

You know that there's no one so...
I choose you!
There's no else that I'd rather...
Have you by my side!
'N you can help me win this fight!
Because we need to face the challenge that's ahead!

You know there is no other...
I choose you!
Because you are my brother...
In this game we play!
And if we have to go all day!
So w'can leave the other masters far behind!

I've been training all my life!
Waiting all this time...
For this moment to arrive!
'N now that it's here...
I don't have the fear!
Cuz there's nothing left to hide!

It's me and you!
And there's nothing that we can't do!
Cuz in the Pokemon world!
Even masters hafta learn!
They will always find something new!

You know that there's no one so...
I choose you!
There's no else that I'd rather...
Have you by my side!
'N you can help me win this fight!
Because we need to face the challenge that's ahead!

You know there is no other...
I choose you!
Because you are my brother...
In this game we play!
And if we have to go all day!
So we can leave the other masters far behind!

I will never doubt the dream...
As long you're with me!
I know we can reach the top!
We're the greatest team!
This game has ever seen!
And we're never ever stop!

You know you are the one!
I choose you!
There's no else that I'd rather...
Have you by my side!
'N you can help me win this fight!
Because we need to face the challenge that's ahead!

It's you and me!
I choose you!
You and me forever!
I choose you!
You and me!
I choose you!’

That’s the lyrics. People clapped. Other people went one by one. Finally it was my turn.

“Well Here’s Lilly. You already know her song so let’s begin.” Simon told the audience. I got on stage, the music started and I was beginning to sing.

Here are the lyrics.

‘What would Brian Boitano do
If he was here right now,
He'd make a plan
And he'd follow through,
That's what Brian Boitano'd do.

When Brian Boitano was in the olympics,
Skating for the gold,
He did two sow cows and a triple lutz,
While wearing a blind fold.

When Brian Boitano was in the alps,
Fighting grizzly bears,
He used his magical fire breath,
And saved the maidens fair.

So what would Brian Boitano do
If he were here today,
I'm sure he'd kick an ass or two,
That's what Brian Boitano'd do.

I want this V-chip out of me,
It has stunted my vo-ca-bu-lar-y.

And I just want my mom
To stop fighting everyone

For Wendy I'll be an activist, too,
Cos that's what Brian Boitano would do.

And what would Brian Boitano do,
He'd call all the kids in town,
And tell them to unite for true
That's what Brian Boitano would do.

When Brian Boitano travelled through time
To the year 3010,
He fought the evil robot kings
and saved the human race again

And when Brian Boitano built the pyramids,
He beat up Kubela Kong.

Cos Brian Boitano doesn't take shit from an-e-y-body

So lets all get together,
And unite to stop our mom's
And we'll save Terrance and Phillip too,
Cos that's what Brian Boitano do.

And we'll save Terrance and Phillip too,
Cos that's what Brian Boitano dooooo,
That's what Brian Boitano do’

As I finished there was a loud exploding sound in the background. I turned around. Someone had let out their pokemon. It was a Charizard but evil. Joe had a little girl about 5 years old in a head lock. He was yanking at her short pigtails that were like mine. He ripped her grey sweater that looked just like mine. The only thing he hadn’t ripped was her black jeans that were like mine. I knew at that moment it wasn’t him. I yelled over the noise of the attacks and screams.

“Everyone get out, get out right now.” They listened. Ash ran back in.

“Lilly, Lilly come on!” He screamed.

“No! NO! I’m not leaving! Not Without that little girl! Not without getting him back for tricking me! NO!” I yelled at him.          “Take my bag! Let out Venasaur and take all my other pokemon even Plusle!” He did. Venasaur came over to me. “Who are you? Let that little girl go!” I screamed.

“I’m the most important Junior Agent in Team Jet. This was all a trick by us. And I think I’ll do what I want with the little brat.” He said.

“Tell me your name!” I yelled.

“I can only give you the agent name X27443.” He said. The little girl kicked him. He almost had his Charizard bite her but I had Venasaur use a vine whip to grab her. I hugged her. She wouldn’t leave.

I looked at the agent, I thought a second, “Venasaur, RAZOR LEAF!” I yelled. The attack hit the agent. It wasn’t the strongest one ever. It scratched him up really bad. He called back Charizard and ran off. I looked at the little girl, she had tears streaming down her face. “It’s ok. What dose your mommy look like, I’ll help find her.” I said.

“My momma’s on vacation, the person who was watching me was one of those jerks who messed up the show. Mommy didn’t know, she didn’t know!” She cried out. “I wanted to come to see you, I always wanted to be like you.”

“Oh, what’s your name?” I asked.

“Rosie.” She said.

I looked at the egg that Ash forgot to grab. It was hatching. It hatched into a young male Bulbasaur. It was a miracle. I looked at Rosie.

“Rosie, that’s your first pokemon.” I said. “I was 5 when I got my first pokemon and mine was a bulbasaur too.” I told her. Her eyes got big and more sparkly than before. A huge smile came across her face.

“Thank you!” She exclaimed. I let her use my cell phone to call her mom. I was now in charge of her.

Ok, I promise the next chapter will not take so much time.