How to Build a Cradily Deck (Future-Cast)

Mora said:
siRisacc said:
Vileplume BC + Blastoise/Emboar + Techs might be be pretty strong too.

Cradily setup seems super risky though, so might as well go all in, right?

I think Vileplume with meta counters might actually be the best build for this deck out of everything I've heard so far. It will require less energy since you only need to hit for 50 to OHKO.

SHHH... don't give away my master plan!
By the way Mora, I think that with Vileplume, your idea of a Cradily corners deck could use Luxray NXD over Eelektross. It'd be a one energy KO instead of 3. Ludicolo or Samurott B/W could also be paired with it quite nicely, to wipe off any damage brought on by flash impact.
Thing to note is if by using Cradily's attack, Stage 2's that are played down will be considered a basic Pokemon.
There's an older card (Maxie EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua) that had a similar effect and it said to treat the newly placed Stage 2 as a Basic Pokemon.
If that happens with Cradily, Prisms will be gold.
TokyoToots said:
these decks will get so many mulligans it wont even be funny

I disagree. I feel like you'd mulligan SO MANY TIMES that your opponent would be laughing too hard to play by turn one. After they get all the cards they want and start getting irritated, they'd start wondering if you play any basics at all, then they'd get over it and sit in wonderment as you shuffle your deck for the 16th time.

MamsPokemon said:
Dragonite PF?
Get that item lock, maybe throw in some hammers.
No? Ok Goodnight! Lol

The issue at that point is what do you pair Dragonite with to make it worth putting it in Cradily, instead of just making a Dragonite Item-lock deck?
Regirocket said:
TokyoToots said:
these decks will get so many mulligans it wont even be funny

I disagree. I feel like you'd mulligan SO MANY TIMES that your opponent would be laughing too hard to play by turn one. After they get all the cards they want and start getting irritated, they'd start wondering if you play any basics at all, then they'd get over it and sit in wonderment as you shuffle your deck for the 16th time.

MamsPokemon said:
Dragonite PF?
Get that item lock, maybe throw in some hammers.
No? Ok Goodnight! Lol

The issue at that point is what do you pair Dragonite with to make it worth putting it in Cradily, instead of just making a Dragonite Item-lock deck?

and then you go first, and play N. GG
Ok so I was thinking a Hydreigon/Klinkgklang deck with all types of Stage 2 (I was also thinking just Klinklang) the only problem i saw with that (besides the deck list etc.) is that I think Klinklang is going to be rotated out ):.
But besides that what do you think I am going more towards the idea of just Klinklang but what do you think (if you think a Deck List will help just ask)
The only problem I can see is that we still don't know if the benched stage 2 pokemon are treated as basics or not. If they are, prism energy can be used, but otherwise those energy movers can be difficult to use successfully. If you can come up with a list you think will be good, go ahead and post it here so we can all look at it and pick it apart. :b
Regirocket said:
The only problem I can see is that we still don't know if the benched stage 2 pokemon are treated as basics or not. If they are, prism energy can be used, but otherwise those energy movers can be difficult to use successfully. If you can come up with a list you think will be good, go ahead and post it here so we can all look at it and pick it apart. :b

I think they won't be treated as Basic, they'll be treated as Stage 2 Unevolved Pokemon. If something affects Basic Pokemon, they'll won't be affected, but if it affects Unevolved Pokemon, they WILL be affected.
If they become Basic Pokemon (TPCi rulings) then Prism would make this deck a rival to the notorious probable BDIF Genesect/Virizion. It is such a coincidence the main cards in both decks are Grass types, and no good Grass types have come along in a LONG time.
Thunder Crown said:
If they become Basic Pokemon (TPCi rulings) then Prism would make this deck a rival to the notorious probable BDIF Genesect/Virizion. It is such a coincidence the main cards in both decks are Grass types, and no good Grass types have come along in a LONG time.

Hahahaha no.

First of all, Virizion Genesect isn't going to be anywhere near the BDIF. If Catcher isn't rotated out, which you don't seem to think it will be, then Genesect's Ability is a waste and probably not even worth running Plasma Energy for. Secondly, Genesect's attack is pretty much worse than Darkrai's as the only notable thing that 100 damage hits that 90 doesn't is Absol, but sniping in multiples of 30 is way better than sniping in multiples of 20. Genesect will do a little better against Blastoise because it can OHKO the stage 2, but that's about it. Keldeo isn't really used an attack much anymore, and BKEX can OHKO Genesect every turn so the matchup is hardly a blowout for Genesect.

Another problem is that your energy acceleration relies on the attacks of another Pokemon, and that Pokemon can't even use its energy accelerating attack unless it has 2 energy on it. This means that if a deck can get the setup to repeatedly OHKO EXes (which some decks can do) then Genesect/Virizion doesn't stand a chance.

Also, Cradily sucks. Its not going to be a metagame deck, let alone BDIF, even if Prism affects the stage 2 Pokemon. Its going to be a rogue, maybe it will win a couple of small events, but unless some new card comes out that helps it a lot/hurts everything else or we have a wacky rotation then I doubt Cradily will ever be tier 1.
Dark Void said:
Thunder Crown said:
If they become Basic Pokemon (TPCi rulings) then Prism would make this deck a rival to the notorious probable BDIF Genesect/Virizion. It is such a coincidence the main cards in both decks are Grass types, and no good Grass types have come along in a LONG time.

Hahahaha no.

First of all, Virizion Genesect isn't going to be anywhere near the BDIF. If Catcher isn't rotated out, which you don't seem to think it will be, then Genesect's Ability is a waste and probably not even worth running Plasma Energy for. Secondly, Genesect's attack is pretty much worse than Darkrai's as the only notable thing that 100 damage hits that 90 doesn't is Absol, but sniping in multiples of 30 is way better than sniping in multiples of 20. Genesect will do a little better against Blastoise because it can OHKO the stage 2, but that's about it. Keldeo isn't really used an attack much anymore, and BKEX can OHKO Genesect every turn so the matchup is hardly a blowout for Genesect.

Another problem is that your energy acceleration relies on the attacks of another Pokemon, and that Pokemon can't even use its energy accelerating attack unless it has 2 energy on it. This means that if a deck can get the setup to repeatedly OHKO EXes (which some decks can do) then Genesect/Virizion doesn't stand a chance.

Also, Cradily sucks. Its not going to be a metagame deck, let alone BDIF, even if Prism affects the stage 2 Pokemon. Its going to be a rogue, maybe it will win a couple of small events, but unless some new card comes out that helps it a lot/hurts everything else or we have a wacky rotation then I doubt Cradily will ever be tier 1.
What do you think the BDIF is going to be? ( I know we can't know until the set comes out. But what do you think?)
I have no clue. It will also depend a lot on what the rotation is. If Prism is still in the format, Plasma will be powerful; Blastoise will probably be good so long as Keldeo, Blastoise, and BKEX are still around, if Dark Explorers is still around then Darkrai could see play. There's no way I can predict what the best deck in format will be if I don't know what the format is. However, Cradily will probably be one of if not the slowest deck in the format, and not terribly consistent either.
Dark Void said:
I have no clue. It will also depend a lot on what the rotation is. If Prism is still in the format, Plasma will be powerful; Blastoise will probably be good so long as Keldeo, Blastoise, and BKEX are still around, if Dark Explorers is still around then Darkrai could see play. There's no way I can predict what the best deck in format will be if I don't know what the format is. However, Cradily will probably be one of if not the slowest deck in the format, and not terribly consistent either.
Lets say no sets get rotated
That's becoming Future Metagame speculation or rotation predictions more than about Cradily, and I'm not going to speculate anyway.
I fear that with as much effort as I put into making this thread, readers may have been put under the assumption that Cradily will be a top tier deck. Unfortunately, that just isn't the case. This deck is really, really hard to pull off correctly, and is super tight on space. Those ingredients don't really mean good things for this decks win-ability. A deck such as this really needs a weird/private format to be played successfully. Something along the lines of 100 card decks, or unlimited bench space, or some other house rule that wouldn't be played outside of a small group of friends. This deck is simply a technical exercise, and shouldn't be taken too seriously. It won't win any tournaments, and it's just for fun, for those of us who want to actually play some stage 2 pokemon.

With all of that said, I'm not trying to deter anybody from playing this deck, I'm just giving out a word of caution about the deck.
Okay, I had a idea that every list should run, Dual Brain Magnazone. It would boost consistency, and you could double Skyla for a fast start. IMO.
Blueinvader said:
Okay, I had a idea that every list should run, Dual Brain Magnazone. It would boost consistency, and you could double Skyla for a fast start. IMO.

What? By the time you get the Magnezone out you're already set up. Magnezone doesn't boost consistency in any deck, even this one. In others by the time they get it out they could've just set up their main strategy, and in this one getting it out means you've already set up your main strategy. Plus, its not even all that good because you need to have an use the extra supporter. There's no way that using 2 supporters in your hand that only search for 1 card, the turn after you've got up a stage 1 restored Pokemon and attacked with it is going to give you a fast start-by the time you're doing that, you're well past the start.
Dark Void said:
Thunder Crown said:
If they become Basic Pokemon (TPCi rulings) then Prism would make this deck a rival to the notorious probable BDIF Genesect/Virizion. It is such a coincidence the main cards in both decks are Grass types, and no good Grass types have come along in a LONG time.

Hahahaha no.

First of all, Virizion Genesect isn't going to be anywhere near the BDIF. If Catcher isn't rotated out, which you don't seem to think it will be, then Genesect's Ability is a waste and probably not even worth running Plasma Energy for. Secondly, Genesect's attack is pretty much worse than Darkrai's as the only notable thing that 100 damage hits that 90 doesn't is Absol, but sniping in multiples of 30 is way better than sniping in multiples of 20. Genesect will do a little better against Blastoise because it can OHKO the stage 2, but that's about it. Keldeo isn't really used an attack much anymore, and BKEX can OHKO Genesect every turn so the matchup is hardly a blowout for Genesect.

Another problem is that your energy acceleration relies on the attacks of another Pokemon, and that Pokemon can't even use its energy accelerating attack unless it has 2 energy on it. This means that if a deck can get the setup to repeatedly OHKO EXes (which some decks can do) then Genesect/Virizion doesn't stand a chance.

Also, Cradily sucks. Its not going to be a metagame deck, let alone BDIF, even if Prism affects the stage 2 Pokemon. Its going to be a rogue, maybe it will win a couple of small events, but unless some new card comes out that helps it a lot/hurts everything else or we have a wacky rotation then I doubt Cradily will ever be tier 1.
Have you seen the madness in Japan? In other words, Genesect is so inconsistent in good that its terrifying. Genesect-EX, even with Virizion-EX, is terrible unless one card exists (which it does); G-Booster. Essentially allowing Genesect to dish out 200 per turn, thats just as deadly as Black Kyurem-EX. With Shadow Triad, being able to recycle it is even more epic. To top that, Genesect's retreat is one, which means he can go into Virizion-EX, accelerate, and since Virizion has one retreat too you start over again. The only thing that stops this is if your G-booster is prized, which is why it is so inconsistent.
And the one card that hurts everything is already released. Guess what it is.