BW/BW2 How to catch Reshiram or Zekrom (dependent on game)

I think that they will be in their own respective caves. Defiantly not hell because hell doesn't have lightning. It would be better the other way around because fire is in hell and heaven is in the sky where lightning happens.
Reply to: NDenizen

Ahahahaha That would be epic. xD Maybe that could happen, and you could go up in the sky on a plane!! Maybe thats where that building which looks like an airport thing on the isshu map comes in!! :D
I think they are awakened by team plasma's castle, then they fly away to Black City/White Forest.
Has anyone thought about them being related to Dragon Spiral tower? - Maybe they aren't awakened at a castle, but rather on that Spiral tower thing.
Maybe both come at one point together. Maybe they try to unleash ice chicken who as a result awakens both legends. Reshizek gets angered and tips the balance because of ice chickens chaos. Chase them out of the castle into the forest/city. Perhaps they dont care which legend is awoken, as long as there is seperation. I want the two girls from a long time ago to be spies that help you out. Ill call them ivory and ebony.
We will probably be able to capture Zekrom and Reshiram probably after the final showdown with Team Plasma's leader.

That's how I see it going down.
if the battle takes place in the air, you would be definetly be riding on the back of zekrom, reshiram with belle and cheren, in a triple battle against N team plasma boss and some other guy... after the battle the thing on Ns neck implodes and they get sucked in to the black hole.
i know how you'll catch reshiram and a pokeball!

i assume this thread is about WHERE you'll catch them and just named wrong. i think you'll catch them in team plasma's castle or a cave