How to deal with Archeops

^I must agree.

Or you can stop the fossil from coming in the first place. Either run a locking deck or run Judge. If they run enough of the fossil to get it quickly anyways, your opponent's deck probably isn't too consistent.
You let the Fossil system deal with Archeops. It will be its own downfall.

Just focus on playing a fast and consistent game and you can easily counter Archeops, especially with catcher releasing the same set.
I don't think that Archeops will be seen at all. I mean seriously, first you have to play a Trainercard (Hi Vileplume!), then you have to be lucky to get the fossil stage 1. While having all those cards in your deck, once you set up an Archeops, the other Fossil Trainers and whatever become pretty much dead cards. Then, your opponent can just pull it up with Catcher, then some damage, kthxbye. You want to play Vileplume against Catcher? Well, no. It sucks. Also, there are still Reshiram/Zekrom/(Kyurem)/Typedudes/Mew, they all don't care about Archeops. I wouldn't play it at all.
It's sad that Archeops is a stage 2, and that the fossils are stupid and luck-based now. I'd say he's unplayable as of now, so I wouldn't worry about it yet.
Besides, everybody on this forum seems to be in love with Tyrogue, so you guys have at least 1 Basic that can attack. LOL.