Pokemon How to Keep Up With Pokemon!

Most people dont care what you do as long as you dont make a big deal about it, or go overboard.

The kid who goes to my school wearing a legit ash costume every other day, cuddles with his pokedolls at lunch and plays his ds in the hallway will always get made fun of. Deal with it. When you do that, you're just asking for trouble. (And no he does not have any disabilities or communication disorders)

School is for learning anyway. The only time you could potentially be playing pokemon is in lunch or studyhall, where you should be eating/socializing or studying respectively. Even if you find time in your day, people likely wont care unless you give them a good reason to.

From what I remember, such principles are often not yet established in middle school, where some kids can be mean just for the heck of being mean. Most people still like Pokemon in elementary school, and as I explained, people dont really care in Highschool+

Bottom line, if you do get bullied/picked on, Pokemon isnt the reason. It may add on to the reason, but is not the cause its self.
^I agree with a big portion of what Anthony said here. I attend probably the most judgemental high school in my confrence, and most of my friends don't care that I play Pokémon. It's not as if I rub in everybody's face that I loooooooove Pokémon, I just have school as my priority when at school.

If you do want to convince people though, $$$ is a big thing in high school. One of my common arguments is how much money I can make off of my Pokémon cards. People literally look at me with their jaws dropped when they find out that 1 card (cough Mewtwo EX or Darkrai EX) can sell for upwards of $50. I point out to them that if I sell them, that's $50+ I can spend on things like Tuition, textbooks, a laptop, etc. for college.

If you want to continue Pokémon with sketches that's fine, however I don't think you need to resort to that just because your friends are too immature to not give you a hard time.
Blui129 said:
I know that feel bro. I hate it when people are all like "Ur TOO OLD FER POKEMON!!!" I just brush it off and continue with life.

That's what I do :D Im as old as any of you and still love my Pokemon life. Its not something you can just forget overnight. Try your best to keep up and I hope you never loose your interest in Pokemon. I always try to find time aside from school. If you can't keep up with competitive play, you can always play for fun once in a while and after you finish school and have a life with good income and free time ( Assuming you won't have to work everyday. ), you can catch up with everyone in masters.
Actually hearing all of this has me pretty surprised at how people react to pokemon. I'm 19 now and last year when I was in highschool people actually thought it was cool to still like pokemon and no one made fun of me for it. In one of my classes when all of the work was done me and this other kid would get on our school laptops and play the pokemon TCGO. My parent's don't mind it because I have one obsession and that's pokemon. They understand that it's no fun to not have any obsession and not have anything to be happy about. People at work love pokemon and no one says "don't you think you're too old for that?". Seriously I don't understand why people are so hateful over it when most of the people you are around grew up loving it.
My mum doesn't mind me playing my dad does no matter how much I make him proud he still dissaproves.

I don't get the best grades because of my early schooling problems.

I get B's and A In Buisness.

I played football for a team till I was banned from the league so I am looking for a new team at the moment. I have played for the school team mostly last season.

I got into college where there was only 20 spaces on my course out of 280 applicants.
Well, I can't say that I've had a similiar experience. My mom's fine with me liking pokemon, the only thing she doesn't like is driving me around to the league. XD

My friends either share my like, or they just tune out whenever I ramble about it. I don't really mind it, especially since I tend to talk about other things more, like tumblr.

I hope your parents and friends eventually come to consideration of your passion.
I guess I'm lucky to live in a more embracing area. Let's see.. where should I start.
Well, as it goes for most people, everyone in elementary school likes Pokemon, then in junior high/high school, Pokemon becomes this thing for super nerds. Although that primarily happened in my area, it was mainly cause guys moved on the XBox and Call of Duty and the girls grew fond of fashion and drama and what not. But no one really started shunning Pokemon.
For me, I have fallen in and out of being addicted to Pokemon, but never stopped liking it. Junior High was probably the worst time for Pokemon people around me. But still, I've never really had a problem with it. My brother has always made fun of me for liking Pokemon (only when he's not in the Pokemon mood :|) but I just scoff at his impudence and say it's a hobby. My parents support me because I follow in my dad's footsteps and sell Pokemon cards on Ebay (he sells Sports Autographs & Memoribilia). Being 15 now, the only thing I regret Pokemon-wise is blowing the 3 paychecks from my first job on cards :p
Around school, I have found a lot of people who like or just don't hate on people who like Pokemon. Various people show it in different ways. For example, my friend has a Pokemon binder. There is this girl who dressed up like a Team Magma Goon for Halloween day once, which even I found to be a little outlandish, but still, Pokemon is more-or-less socially acceptable. No one goes around flaunting it because they are afraid of getting made fun of, but when the topic arises, I'm always surprised about who/how many people get active in the conversation. On Nerd Day (a day where everyone dresses overly nerdy), I wore a Pokemon Shirt and brought my Pikachu GameBoy Color to school and played Pokemon Pinball all day in class and study hall. I was surprised at how many people were like "Nice shirt" or "Wow, Pokemon Pinball?! Let me play!!"
I'm sad to say that Pokemon has affected my grades though. A perfect example is right now. It's 10:45 pm, I have to get up at 5:30 am tomorrow, and I still have to finish my math hw, but I'd rather be typing this. My grades aren't even that bad though. I have primarily B's and I'm in all AP/Honors classes. I have found that I am growing more and more lazy - probably cause I want to spend more time on my computer and with my cards, but I still put effort into school and sports.

So, all I can really say is embrace it. Try and show your parents a practical use for your love, and if you can't, then just tell them to shut up and deal with it. Just because they don't like it doesn't mean you can't do it - it's not illegal or anti-religious or anything, so there is really no problem - unless of course it is hurting your grades. Pokemon is a hobby, just like sports is for other guys. Anytime someone makes fun of you for liking Pokemon, just turn it around on them and say something like "Aren't you a little too old to be making fun of someone?" or "Making fun of others to boost your self-esteem is pretty immature." Or just call them jealous of your passion/obsession/hobby. Just don't be afraid to stand your ground, but make sure to also speak at the right time (like mentioned above).

Best of luck to all you Pokemon lovers! :D
A select few number of people know I like pokemon and honestly, they dont care. The others I feel would be too shallow and call it immature and would probably try to make me stop. I dont want to deal with that so I dont make it known as harsh as that sounds...I just like it but if they ever did know I wouldnt stop playing or keeping up for their sake! Yeah...so dont stop buying cards if its what you love! and keep on drawing!
oh and 18 as a college sophomore still playing the games since RBY :D
My parents don't really know of my pokemon obsession.
My mum knows that I had played the games a lot but she doesn't really think of the games as childish.. just the anime and such
But yeah they don't know that I actually discuss and battle competitively with it.. and I would probably like to keep it that way
They like to think of me as the brain child who gets good grades and is set up to get into medical school and someone who is a representative rugby league player as well
I've liked pokemon ever since I was little. Sure I was made fun of in late elementary/middle school, but I never really shoved it in people's faces. I have had quite a bit of friends in high school, seniors even that play the Pokemon video games and such. Just try to find your niche. I am even thinking of getting back into the card game competitively again with a friend or two. Like everyone else has side, be confident and proud, and just continue to be a great student and responsible. Of course, there will still be those jerks who just make your life horrible just because they get a kick out of it.
I just recently got back into pokemon. I think it is a bit immature for people in highschool to play pokemon, but i'm still going strong!
Flyer1228 said:
I just recently got back into pokemon. I think it is a bit immature for people in highschool to play pokemon, but i'm still going strong!
Playing Pokémon and not an XBox/PS denotes immaturity? Or do you think playing any sort of video games denotes immaturity?
Almost all of my grade has played pokemon at some point, but a lot don't anymore. Some of my better friends still play pokemon, but we don't battle each other a lot anymore. Just keep your Pokemon profile down low and don't draw attention to it. That's the main reason I always look before buying some cards at the local stores.
Just do what you want to do. It's that simple. I've spent half of my life involved with Pokemon (cards, games, plushes), I don't go around advertising that fact to every person I talk too but if it comes up I have no problem admitting to it either. In college or work I'm not the first to point it out but If I see someone doing something Pokemon related (just last semester a girl in my college class had some Pokemon drawn onto her binder and a guy I work with was playing Soul Silver) I started a conversation with that as a start. We even had a nice debate about the need/want for a remake of Ruby Sapphire. Even the Yugioh league we have which I have attended uncovered some Pokemon players. Bottom line, the people you know will accept it or not. If you can't change it then that's their problem, you just do what you want.

As for the complete stranger who may see me looking at Pokemon cards at Wal Mart, Target, Toys R Us or whatever, if they don't like it they can go jump off a bridge. I could care less what they think. My thought is You think it's stupid that I'm looking at cards, I might think it's stupid that you have (insert anything, alcohol, cigarretes, fishing equipment, sewing stuff, whatever). But that's not my business and this isn't yours.

Again, take Pokemon however you want and others can say what they want, it's nothing you need to worry about.
Puff said:
I have the same problem with my parents, but at school It's not an issue. Here's my tip: learn to bake. It's hard to make fun of someone who's giving you cake.

Tru dat.
(Is it shameful if I know the best recipe for red velvet cupcakes? lol)

Noone hates pokemon at my school, so I got lucky though.
Pokemon is NOT for little kids only. I've played Pokemon since I was little, and I know around 2 dozen others who also play Pokemon TCG & VG, and they're from anywhere from my age (15) to 28. People at my high school say that "Pokemon is for babies" and tell me to "grow up". In truth, if they just open their eyes, they'll see that Pokemon is a good experience for anybody aged from 3 (provided they can read) to 99.

Also, side question for Puff: what does baking have anything to do with the supposed maturity level accusations of being a fan of Pokemon? Not trying to be rude, but I don't really see your point there.
Well...I really don't have problem with my parents about Pokemon.I have with my friends.They don't even know what the.... are Pokemon and they're being so annoying.Damn!Better find new friends... :(
My mom is all like: "Heyyyy, you still like Pokémon? I remember back for 13 years ago when you first said Charmander, do you STILL like Pokémon."

I'm all like: "ofc."

And she's all like: ".. okay."

My dad, though, is worse, he really can't take it. And my friend got it taken away from him when he was younger, just because his parents meant he was too old for it, and he wouldn't "see" it.

I love Pokémon, and have since I was first introduced to it, thirteen years ago, when I was 3 yeard old. o:
My parents used to be supportive of Pokemon, but now it seems as if they don't want me to play anymore because I think they think I'm bad lol.