How to Make a Deck Consistent + Deckbuilding

@bbninjas and @Otaku GREAT feedback. Thanks.

Glad you enjoyed it. You actually brought up a related topic that might be relevant: play style.

Lastly, your play style has a significant impact on cards you choose to use, as well. while some players "feel" comfortable running just 4 DCE in certain decks (e.g., ToadBats), I would not.

I used to butt heads with a player who frankly was better than myself but insisted "play style" was a myth. Not sure if this person plays anymore, but I think by the end I finally had persuaded him that "play style" - the approach you either naturally favor or excel at - was indeed real, however far too many players use it as an excuse. That is, what bothered him was how so many players would ask him for help, but when he pointed out clearly bad inclusions in their decks, many would parrot the line "That's just my play style!".

Good players learn their play style and use it to their own advantage.

Great players learn every play style to free themselves from constraints while turning a reliance upon it into a disadvantage.

Tying this in directly to the topic, one of the hurdles of setting up can be when you are playing a deck that favors a play style with which you struggle. I don't think I'm a naturally aggressive player in terms of resource management. That is to say that even though I've understood how awesome a card like the original Professor Oak was since shortly after it released, I still am loathe to pitch resources I cannot easily reclaim. When I first started using Night March decks I was awful at them. You could give me a great list, explain how it worked, and I'd still only beat the weakest of opponents (and sometimes not even them). I now mostly run Night March and Vespiquen/Flareon decks on the PTCGO, but I still struggle with being willing to trash a lot of important cards when I know from experience if I don't I'm going to lose. I have a bad habit of holding off for a turn to see if my next draw provides an out like a shuffle-and-draw card.