Pokemon How To Pick Favorites


2011 Worlds Winner
OK, pretty much ever since I started playing Pokemon (about 5 years ago) my favorite Pokemon has been the same. But recently, I've been questioning myself why. I thought about it and decided that that Pokemon is no longer my favorite. Now there's only one problem: picking a new favorite.

I have no clue how to choose my new favorite, and I feel that I do need to pick a new one. How should I choose?
I think it's something you'd have to decide for yourself - to me, a favorite Pokémon is one that appeals to me visually and has an interesting background (like abilities and its backstory). However, what makes a Pokémon someone's favorite may vary from person to person - some may like a certain Pokémon because of time they've spent with it in their games, or they may like it because it's so disliked by others, or even something else.

Again, I think it's really up to you to find out how to pick a new favorite.
I agree with you, but I'm not sure I have time to go through EVERY Pokemon and choose ones that work for me.
Flare said:
I agree with you, but I'm not sure I have time to go through EVERY Pokemon and choose ones that work for me.

I think you should just let it come to you - as you play through the games (or whatever aspect of Pokémon you enjoy), one / more should come up in time. I don't think it's really something that needs to be rushed. :3
I Find that I randomly fall in love with Pokemon on my journey for example on the way to Articuno bumped into a Slowbro, love at first site.

Just keep playing till one takes your fancy.
I think you should keep battling and catching different types of Pokemon until you start liking one. Then you can start battling with that Pokemon more. For me I have tons of favorite, so I don't tend to say only one of the Pokemon are my favorite, I tend to have a broad range of different types I like and journey with.

Bottom-line: You should try catching different types of Pokemon and journey with the Pokemon until you fall in love with that Pokemon and think as it as your favorite.
Well, my favorite used to be my Blaziken. Then it became my Luxray, and then my Roserade. It changes game to game. Now, it's my Furru. I'm very weird though, I form attachments to them... Like. I'll freak out if they faint. I'll refuse to use a Pokemon with me in the E4 if I didn't have it in the beginning. I think it feels weird.
We can't choose your favorites for you. It's something you have to decide for yourself.
To psyburn, Darkrai's nightmare, and stEElyDaN909:

I'm not sure you read what I actually said. I didn't ask you to pick my favorite Pokemon. I asked you HOW I should pick my favorite Pokemon. It's like the difference between someone doing a math problem for you and someone telling you how to figure out the problem.
Flare said:
To psyburn, Darkrai's nightmare, and stEElyDaN909:

I'm not sure you read what I actually said. I didn't ask you to pick my favorite Pokemon. I asked you HOW I should pick my favorite Pokemon.

Well...either way, we can't do that either :p. Different strokes for different folks. There's no concrete/irrefutable way to go about picking favorites. It's honestly all about your tastes. Like do go on looks? Power? Speed? Uniqueness?

But if I must, try applying what you like about certain things in the world (what characters are you attracted to in media? And I don't mean it in that way if you get my drift :D) That could help you in deciding what pokemon you like. But like I said, everyone's mileage will vary. Our tastes and how we went on about deciding favorites may/will not be compatible with you. You could end up choosing favorites based on what other people think is right for you, not what you really want. And thats something i'm trying to avoid doing.
What a pointless thread. You choose your favorites by looking at a Pokemon and going "you know what?? THIS POKEMON FREAKIN RAWKS!!!!! \m/ >_< \m/"

Why it rawks is up to you. For example, up until about halfway through 4th gen, my favorite pokemon of all time has been Mr. Mime. Why? Because he looks like a pokemon that no one would like. I felt bad for him, so I gave him some love. Over time, I developed a real like for Mr. Mime, and though he's not #1 anymore, he'll always be high up on my list of favorites.

I didn't particularly like Glaceon the first time I saw it. It just hit me one day...

The same thing will happen to you. And who says you have to change your favorites, anyway? If I hadn't realized how ultra cute and awesome Glaceon was, Mr. Mime (a gen 1 pokemon) would still be my #1 favorite.
Yes as everyone else has said its not something you even have to think about. Your favorite is just you favorite. For me, I love Mew because of the whole story behind it. But I go through stages like when I caught a shiny Absol it made Absol my favorite. Know what I mean? Just enjoy.
someone may like a pokemon because of it's power, someone else may like it because of its looks, or, like samhain88 said, because of their story. I, personally, have liked Charizard since I first saw pokemon, which was when red and blue came out. to me, nothing will ever surpass Charizard :)
I always pick by the age old rule of 'If Pokémon were real and I could only have one...'

To me, I usually appreciate cute looks and something that looks cuddly over something that looks menacing or powerful.
ive loved quilava ever since it evolved from cyndaquil in soul silver! i didnt know when it would evolve, so i had to let it go... now im starting to like mew because of how easy it is to train and how powerful but cute it is, so id say to pick a favorite, take a powerful and cute pokemon use it all the time and then if you dont like it do the same with another pokemon
I say make a bracket of all 493 Pokemon and one by one decide which you like more. An example would be, OK so I like Sneasel more than Lapras and Weavile more than Scyther. Then they go into the next bracket and you decide if you like Sneasel or Weavile more.