ROFLiron said:^oh oh oh, now that we have learned how to pick up chicks, can you do a guide on all the key essentials of a first date. you know like how to make sure to order something small for her at the resturant so she wont get fat and other important things we need to know!
dmaster said:Lol more guides. This is a refined version with funnier lines however. Enjoyable guide that will surely help.
dmaster out.
ROFLiron said:I will subscribe to such amazing doctor Krucifer self help guides!
esperante said:Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?
ROFLiron said:oh it totally is krucifier, my b
ROFLiron said:@krucifier, you could how to lose a girl in the worst way, how to be a PLAYER, how to tell if your current girlfriend has isses/ is a femminist/ witch, or worse is not even a girl
Rummage said:I got a good one, don't call a girl a chick -.-'
InfinityFangX said:this thread makes me feel uneasy for some reason o_0
ROFLiron said:^^chicks love to be called chicks.
Haha. Well, I'm not actually serious. The guide is just a joke.