How unfair is this...

LillipupFTW said:
I almost got kicked out of my religious school for calling a teacher a fat piece of ****, and walking out.

EDIT: The last one was not my fault, because the teacher was giving me a rolling punishment. For example, if I did something bad, I would get detention. If I did the same thing again, I would get two detentions, and so on and so forth.
Wow... believe it or not, that IS your fault. It's not as though disagreeing with your teacher's completely appropriate method of punishment gives you a right to say something like that. Just don't do things the teacher tells you not to, and you'll be fine. Honestly, it's not that difficult... and I still fail to see how his/her preferred method of behavioral correction makes it his/her fault that you said that. That logic is just completely off...
I get 108 from my Math tests cause all of them have extra credit :p
And yes I am 10 just really and no I am not a geek/nerd with no life at all
*sigh* reading this thread makes me wish I was still at school, if only you lot knew how lucky you were /end oldman rant

I don't think I can post my unfair storys on the beach :S! judging by whats in this thread so far, I think it would be deemed inapropriate...
I'm trying to get into college (again) and so far no luck, They want me to do a math test WITH Algebra (I SUCK at ALL math) , a $35 test fee, and NO Scientific calculator. I'm wondering if I should pursue a different goal in life, or keep to one of my dreams, which is playing music.
Who do you think you are...

Hmmm OODLES of things unfair happen to me everyday. But that sucks about the church/shoe thing D: I guess... Well theres one that REALLY takes the cake, but I cant talk about it on here. So I'll go with when Global Teacher failed me on a big test because I yelled at him for cheking out my butt. Hes like "Oh, Noelle, You need better manners" And I flipped and yelled out, in the middle of class, "YOU NEED TO KEEP YOUR EYES IN YOUR OWN HEAD!!!" Ohhh I got in trouble, but SO worth it <3

Runnin' 'round leaving scars...
my mom yelled at me for getting a 63% on a social studies test.
i told her i fell asleep in class 1 week before the test.
then i said it wasn't my fault that our social studies teacher bores everybody at my table.
How is this for being unfair?:
Basically I dated this girl for six months, but the last 3 months I wanted to break up with her for fear of her killing herself, which she threatened to do. When she heard from someone that I was thinking about breaking up with her, she started to cut herself. She started turning pyscho and tried to ruin all my friendships with other girls and I couldnt take it anymore and broke up with her. After I broke up with her she went insane, threatened to kill her best friend, got expelled from her school, and went to a mental institute. This was two months ago, and Im still being blamed for all this. I did absolutely nothing to her besides end the relationship, yet people hate me for it, even some of the people I thought I was friends with. So yeah, pretty unfair. :/
Cofagrigus, that's not when you break up with a girl. That's when you help her through it. Sorry to bash your decision, but…

As for unfair things, I was kept out of the highest math class this year because of a 94.32. That's .18 from rounding to an A! >:[

95% is an A at my school.
Isn't 90% an A?
Well, I wake up, and go to check out pokebeach, then my mom yells at me for being addicted to my computer. Then at while later my brother does the same with the TV in our living room, stays on it all day, and my mom never tells him anything.
Cofagrigus said:
How is this for being unfair?:
Basically I dated this girl for six months, but the last 3 months I wanted to break up with her for fear of her killing herself, which she threatened to do. When she heard from someone that I was thinking about breaking up with her, she started to cut herself. She started turning pyscho and tried to ruin all my friendships with other girls and I couldnt take it anymore and broke up with her. After I broke up with her she went insane, threatened to kill her best friend, got expelled from her school, and went to a mental institute. This was two months ago, and Im still being blamed for all this. I did absolutely nothing to her besides end the relationship, yet people hate me for it, even some of the people I thought I was friends with. So yeah, pretty unfair. :/

Yeah that's totally unfair, your girlfriend was threatening to kill herself, she went crazy and you did it anyway? That is so unfair.

Sarcasm aside, you should've tried to get her help.

Anyway, nothing unfair has really happened to me lately, except that this girl, whom is sort of friends with me and we get along okay, and she's now having a laser tag game It's at place I, her and other friends went last year, before exams. And another friend hosted the games last time and now she is hosting another laser tag game on the weekend, and even though we get along more now, she hasn't invited me, I mean, I don't want to go all that much, but still, I think she should've asked me, but she did talk about 3 teams of 3, so there was probably enough people.
No, its not like that. She was literally crazy. I was forced to not talk to her by her parents and my parents.
I try to buy Pokémon cards all the time, but my mum's like' When do u use them? What the point of spending £10 on Pokémon cards?' i get well annoyed {R} >:-( {R}
I can't basically can't go to Regionals now even though I'm paying for the ride, instead my parents buy my sister a free Iphone and I still can't go even though I will be paying to go, really now, come on.
Chemical said:
I can't basically can't go to Regionals now even though I'm paying for the ride, instead my parents buy my sister a free Iphone and I still can't go even though I will be paying to go, really now, come on.

umm... it's not free if they have to pay for it. <_<

So, since we're all complaining, I might as well follow suit. My parents never really drive me anywhere for Pokémon TCG Tournaments. Honestly, I can understand that they wouldn't want to drive me 3 hours away, but the furthest I've ever been taken by my parents is like 1.5 hours away, and that happened only once, and my dad said he would never do that again. (even though I made top four.)

I lost that tournament in top four, because the judge decided that T4 matches would NOT be best 2 out of 3. They would only be 1. I'm playing GeChamp (which has consistancy problems), but the other 3 decks in T4 were all SPs. I feel I could have won. But since it was not best 2/3, I was out, because I lost game one. At least my opponent, who knew I was going to loose, let me stay in the game for a bit, and I ended up getting to Poltergeist for over 600 damage. x)

My parents also never let me go to sunday tournaments. They're very religious. I understand that church is important, but there's never a problem when my dad has a Fantasy Baseball/Football draft on Sunday. Just when their's Pokémon tournaments.
Oh yeah!?

There are no leagues near me. Probably none in my state either. Louisiana.

If you happen to know one, LMK.
^Santa Fe doesn't have leagues either. 'Sa bummer.
I don't feel like talking about unfair things. I tend to rant.
And I feel bad for cofagrigus.
@Cofagrigus: Ouch. Yeah, that was with PSIPaula4, right? I didn't realize she got expelled, though.

Also, I fell behind on my English essay because I had a mock trial for extra credit in another subject (which was during the time I should've been doing it). Now I'm horrifically behind and even though I got an extension, I most likely will still lose points for lateness. That really seems like nothing compared to things like what happened to Cofagrigus.
/me eyeroll

This thread depresses me.

You think you all have problems? You think your SAT and ACT tests are that hard? If you can't get past a four hour test, you can't get past life.

Also, a nice tip, when your girlfriend is going insane and wants to commit suicide, you help her through her problems and call a counselor to talk to her. Just sayin'.