It wasn't only the 4 legends, we got other CatS cards too. I will post them later.

*looking up cards*

Yeah, I was wrong. There is 117 cards in the set. 77 from CatS(I counted my self, each one)+ 40 lost link=117. This includes Lithrograph.
This set looks pretty epic. And its coming out so soon? Is it really coming out in November? I'm gunna have to get some money and people together if there's a pre-release... Either way I'm pretty pumped. I better hurry up and get Unleashed and Undaunted finished!
we didnt get any cards from CATS in UD. only the two legends

also, i wonder what the pre-release card will be.... celebi? nahhhhhh

side question: are celebi sleeves going to be popular? is green a popular sleeve color? is celebi a popular pokemon?
I am excited for this set. I like the cards in here.

@Ogeray: I have a feeling they will be popular. I am pretty sure Celebi is popular... at least, it is in my opinion.
i like the green, but cant make it to a store release :(

guess im gonna have to look for it on ebay or something ...
DarkPkmnTrainer said:
Where can I find pictures of all the PR sleeves?

Try this
