HSM 4 Greenlit

No! I hate the "High School Musical" series! It's like, a bad Indian movie, with really screwed up songs! I always detest all preppy, fan-girl things, but even if I wasn't a total pain in the @$$, I'd still hate it. "High School Musical" 3 was a total peice of (censored). So now they're making an HSM 4, I want to burn the theater they're playing it in! lets rally up the troops, and burn down the set! (Grabs torch)
Blazing Typhlosion said:
No! I hate the "High School Musical" series! It's like, a bad Indian movie, with really screwed up songs! I always detest all preppy, fan-girl things, but even if I wasn't a total pain in the @$$, I'd still hate it. "High School Musical" 3 was a total peice of (censored). So now they're making an HSM 4, I want to burn the theater they're playing it in! lets rally up the troops, and burn down the set! (Grabs torch)

I agree fully! Grab the torches! I'm heading for Disney!

Why, Disney, why must you constantly torture us, why? I was forced to watch HSM3 (parental abuse, LOL), and I hated it! Now, they are going to make another one!
No.....No....the...the rain of judgement is up again... no ... we must stop it....
Gohooohohod goooooood!!

HSM just draws you in, as soon as one person likes it, then there freinds like it adn relavtives and it just keeps growing, like a virus, a virus's must be deleted
HSM Burning song:

I wanna burn, all of 'em,
And burn them like no one has,
To burn 'em all is my test,
Their destruction is my cause...

HSM, gotta burn 'em all!
I know it's my destiny, HSM, oh, how you are my worst enemy,
In a world that loves you so,
HSM, gotta burn 'em all!
I know it's my destiny, HSM, oh, how you are my worst enemy,
In a world that loves you so.

Don't sing or I'll burn you,
Gotta' burn it all, to save our poor ears,

Please Disney, I'll give you all my money! Please, don't do it!

why does disney have to torture millions of people all over again?! I just hope it doesn't go into theatres....
I hate musicals. They don't make any sense at all. Why would a bunch of people just start singing for no reason? It's weird. :p
I hate Disney. I only like a few of their movies.
What?! Another HSM Movie? I hate those movies. It's not catching and amusing, it's just plain boring and irritating.

Bad idea, only die hard fans would watch it. No teenager in their right mind would watch this movie, unless it's just to experiment. I had been forced to watch HS3 with my girlfriend, and I just listened to my Ipod, while my girlfriend watches the movie.

Yawn, I have no intention to watch HSM4. No one could force me to watch it again.
Well the first two weren't THAT bad. It's just something I watch since there is nothing better on. But I ain't spending money to go to theaters for this. Not worth the time and money.

The only reason they continue is because of all the little girls that have a crush on Zac Effron.
Why wouldn't he be in it isn't he the main character :S

I hate High School Musical all of them were bad I mean the songs are cheesy and the Acting is rubbish! Senior Year=3 what's it going to be next, High School Musical 4: The Hope... Gah I hate that movie so much, I'm joining the plane to go to America and I've packed my torches I'm joining you Full Moon!
Eww ._.

HSM 4 won't be as big as the others since there's going to be new characters. Just look at Grease 2. Everybody went crazy over the first one, but since the second didn't have the same characters, people just didn't like it and it got bad reviews..

so in a case, this is good because more HSM haters will join us 0.o