How often do you buy your pokemon stuff off the internet?

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I marked once a year for my vote but it depends on what it is. I have bought stuff from PokemonCenter because they were the only place that had the items I wanted either for myself or as gifts for somone. If I could find high quality items at a reasonable price elsewhere, I'd of course go there. Buying things off the internet is not a problem if you just make sure to be smart. I'll have to visit your site if you get to put it up. Good luck.
my personal opinion is let the public deside. have them e-mail you with a price they that feel comfortable with. its worked for me. lol

i love your avitar Growlith and Arcanine are the best.
You should ask questions like:
1.What do you pay for pokemon whatevers (item) at BLANK(a store like target or something)
2.What should I sell
3.What deals should I have
and so on
Hmm...GREAT IDEAS GUYS/GALS! I will think on your ideas at church and come up with a decision. Thanks! (P.S. Thanks for the complement rc, but it is Master of the Shadows work.)
As long as buying off you shop would be cheaper than buying that item at stores without having to buy a huge amount of that item, then I would probably buy off of your shop every once in a while.
Usually the only people who buy games on the Internet is when they can't buy them at stores in town because it's not like the stores can cheat you. >_>
But it is not like I will cheat you. I am 13 years old of noncheatness...unless it is in a game of solitare, with only myself playing. :)