Huge Money Making Opportunity?

"what happens if you don't win the AUCTION (teal). do you get your money back? or do you just lose it?"

There is a Buy-it-Now option giving 60 cents off per wasted bid.
Glaceon said:
"what happens if you don't win the AUCTION (teal). do you get your money back? or do you just lose it?"

There is a Buy-it-Now option giving 60 cents off per wasted bid.

EXACTLY! So if you'er worried about losing money, just use the BIN option if you don't win the auction
NEWS FLASH KIDS: YOU WON'T WIN EVERY ITEM YOU BID ON. You will bid and re-bid and try to outbid some dope from Cityname USA, and just to outbid him some more. You'll buy packages of bids over and over and over for nothing. Then get ready to buy the item for full price anyway since you didn't win it in a bid. Sure, they give you some money back, but they still come out ahead. 60 cents isn't a lot of money! That's like saying it's okay if someone robs from you and keeps some of the money -they'll let you buy a new wallet anyway -or something.

You know how people make money? By getting it from someone else by one way or another, and these businesses are slick about it.
There are two options on quibids with what will happen if you commit to an auction. Let's take a 10$ giftcard for example.

Road A: You don't win the Auction, but you've bid on in with 10$ worth of bids, so you end up buying the gift card for 10$

Road B: You win the Auction, and get it for an amount less than 10$.

To simplify it, shopping on Quibids is like walking into walmart with intentions of buying say, a 10$ item. You show up the cashier, and he flips a coin. If heads, you pay 10$ for the item like normal. If tails, you get an X dollar discount. However, if you know what you're doing, the odds of getting that discount is far higher than 50%.

In the end, you aren't paying more than 10$ on a 10$ item, with a good chance of having a discount.
Let us take Sleeping Snorlax's scenario. The item is worth $60.

JaySee's view is the winner wins with one bid that cost him .60 and 2.00 for the total of $2.60. Great for the winning bidder.

Sleeping Snorlax view is that there are 199 losing bids that cost the losers $119.40 total.

The site gets $122.00 for a $60 item.

The area of contention is because people lost money, it is gambling. If I lose on eBay, it does not cost me money.

Gambling Law & Legal Definition

A person engages in gambling if he stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under his control or influence, upon an agreement or understanding that he or someone else will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome. Gambling does not include bona fide business transactions valid under the law of contracts, such as the purchase or sale at a future date of securities or commodities, contracts of indemnity or guaranty and life, health or accident insurance.
I am astonished by your logic, Snorlax. In a bad way.

Sure, the bussines profits much. So do other shops. You think shops sell you things -70% to loose money? Nah. But what does that mean? You buy shoes for $100 (fex. normal price). They paid $25 - they profit $75.

This particular company gets money in these ways:
- User does not win and does not buy it now => company got money from bids. User lost money, company profits.
- User does not win and buys now => company sells item for retail price, does not get money from this users bid(s) but gets the difference from "retail price"-"what the company paid". User did not loose anything and just bought it - company profits just as any other shop.
- User wins => company got money from bids (from everyone else too!). User profits, company profits form the looser's bids and bought items!

A very nice and innovative bussiness plan, I like it!
Ok teal. I'm sorry that my logic astonishes you so. I guess I'm not as demented as most of the people out there who only care about money. Sure, money makes the world go round but I enjoy earning the money I have without scamming or taking advantage of people. It's disgusting. It's guess if quick rich schemes are your thing teal, then you enjoy yourself with that while I earn my money with an honest days work.
They are not scamming people when the people have the chance to buy it now afterwards, getting money off for each wasted bid.
Wow lol. It's so funny seeing people get so defensive over a website when all I was doing was voicing my opinion. This particular site isn't so much scamming but more so taking advantage. So if the person doesn't win they can still pay the difference for the final product. But if they had already bid a few times using their prepaid penny's on a bid total of let's say a dollar, that's an actual $6. The final winning price was $2 and retail the item is $20. That's a total of $24 the person who lost will have to pay to get the item. This is all based on what y'all are saying.
I think you're a bit confused on how it actually works SS. Correct me if im wrong.

This is how it works, and this exact situation happened to me yesterday.

I was bidding on a 100$ apple TV. I used 100 bids (60$) and did not win. The item ended up selling for 8 something. Quibids then charged me 40$ to buy now. In total, myself, and anyone else who bid and lost got the opportunity to buy it for retail, and the money we spent on bids gets credited towards the purchase.
I have just started my own company. so I understand the site needs to make money, but at the same time I agree with sleeping snorlax. It doesnt seem legit. And more trouble then its worth. Only one person can win the bid, yes those who don't win get a chance to buy at retail price but even then you have to pay shipping which can be $20 and then wait for it to get to you. Going to a store just makes more sence to me. But that's just how I feel.
I started and have so far won a bid voucher, and used not many bids. I'm liking this.
Sleeping Snorlax said:
Wow lol. It's so funny seeing people get so defensive over a website when all I was doing was voicing my opinion. This particular site isn't so much scamming but more so taking advantage. So if the person doesn't win they can still pay the difference for the final product. But if they had already bid a few times using their prepaid penny's on a bid total of let's say a dollar, that's an actual $6. The final winning price was $2 and retail the item is $20. That's a total of $24 the person who lost will have to pay to get the item. This is all based on what y'all are saying.

If you think about it that way than every store on black Friday takes advantage of people. Most of the products on black Friday are older products that they still have in stock. So some one might want a 60" Plasma, but because a 50" LCD is on sale they will but that instead, because they think they are saving money. When in realty they will find out in a couple months that they don't like there TV. Then, thinking "Hey! [insert store name] had a really good deal last time! I'll go and buy a TV from them!"

Also, every company that uses marketing would also, be considered taking advantage of people due to the manipulative nature of marketing. Marketing can make a kid think candy is bad, or that money is bad. During WW II Nazi propaganda could convinced a large portion of the world Jews were evil, by using marketing and PR techniques. So any company using marketing would be a company that takes advantage due to the nature of marketing, if people use that logic.

I don't even care about Quibids, but it seem like a reasonable way to make side some money if you resell the items at say 50%-70% retail price if you got it for 20%-30% retail price, or simply a way to save some money, since you don't lose money off wasted bids if you were going to buy the item any way.
Well you got something right. Every store does take advantage of their costumers lol. I don't like any of it, but we, the population, have no real choice. But when it comes to things like this site, you do have a choice. It just kind of sucks.