Hydrapple from “Heat Wave Arena”

Holy shit, this card is hilarious. It actually might have some potential in Festival Lead, this makes me actually want to try out that deck again Plus, the IR is fantastic, and fitting as every other member of the line has gotten an IR.
Holy shit, this card is hilarious. It actually might have some potential in Festival Lead, this makes me actually want to try out that deck again Plus, the IR is fantastic, and fitting as every other member of the line has gotten an IR.
Mega ex’s: Exist
Festival Lead: “And I took that personally.”
Seems like the sort of thing where you could play a Superior Energy Retrieval in the late game to use this attack once? You’d probably need extra Energy too, but it might be worth reworking the deck for this sort of thing.
It's a cool card but I do wish a pokemon that's never gotten an IR/SIR got some love instead
The cool part is we get a lot of those every set too. In Journey Together, for example, Iono’s Bellibolt ex and nine out of the thirteen Illustration Rares feature Pokémon that weren’t previously highlighted on an “alt art” (Fan term for any full art reprint with a more complex illustration than just a 3D model centered on a background. Definition provided just for clarity). Even with occasional duplication of Pokémon being featured in IR’s within the same era, we’ve still been getting an unprecedented number of Pokémon featured on full art cards since the start of 2023.
But yeah, I feel like the Applin divergent evolution line has been eating particularly well where illustration rares are concerned. We’ve now got an IR for every member of the line within the Scarlet and Violet era alone, plus the Hydrapple ex SIR and the Trainer Gallery Flapple from 2022. I personally enjoy the Applin line and the attention it’s gotten, but it’s probably fair to say that Pokémon can take a break from giving it IR’s for a while.
Arent Ice and Shadow Ryder missing too? Also Enamourus turtle form dont even have a card yet

There are plenty of alternate forms, including Megas and Gigantamaxes, that don't have any cards.

What people are celebrating is that every Pokemon (for now) has at least one non-Rule Box card for at least one of its forms. Shadow Rider and Ice Rider Calyrex only exist as V/VMAX cards, but base Calyrex, Spectrier and Glastrier all have a non-Rule Box card.

It's a distinction to me that's never really mattered, but I guess some people care because it makes their card binder Pokedex consistent.
I think other than Dragapult, Festival Lead kinda struggles against Archaludon as well. This could get you the final 2 prizes, though I'm not sure if running this with 7 grass and SERetrieval is worth it.
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