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Hydreigon Reuniclus


Entei likes what he sees
3-3-2 Hydreigon
4-3-4 Reuniclus (BW solosis, BW duosion, (3 net force Reuniclus, 1 Damage Swap Reuniclus))
2 Reshiram

4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Twins
3 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Max Potion
3 Switch
3 Rare Candy

12 Psychic energy{P}
2 Double Colorless{C}{C}
2 Special Dark{D}

The idea is to get 2-3 reuniclus out to hit for at least 80 and keep bringing the damage off of my active reuniclus if it doesnt get knocked out. Hydreigon is there to hit hard and i thought it would be fun in here. Reshiram is there for early game bulk and a buffer for damage. Everything else is kind of self explanatory. NEED HELP. PLEASE GIVE ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!!:D
Since you are running a very thick (IMO) hydriegon line you should have 4 DCEs as a staple so you can quickly use its attack. I would also consider running vileplume, but I don't know what you have, what's in your area, or how this deck plays.
i can try to put in 2 more double colorless, do you have any suggestion on what i should take out.
and i don't think i would consider a vileplume for this deck. its A good idea but not my style or for my availability
To be honest, I think max potion is not good thing for this deck! And try for 4 rare candy, look for the both of you have on stage 2 deck! Only 3 rare candy, it will take a long time to make your field! And as everyone knows, the reuniclus, which has the net force will only damage the good field reuniclus more! make up four of them are 3 rare candy! And also for Arm 2 Junk!
how is max potion not a good thing for this deck? that is kind of the whole point of using the damage swap reuniclus, to get away all the damage or to power up reshiram. i understand the candy, me needing one more. but i think if i took out the max potions it would take away from some of the idea of the deck, and then the use of junk arm would be pointless to me.
To be honest, Reuniclus will be 1-shotted by more than half of the metagame and trying to get it to live and stall for hydreigon is probably not gonna work.
You could try running it with some sort of google-esque variant with Vileplume and other hitters. However I'm not really great with that particular style of deck. If you really want to continue with what you have here, I recommend dropping a Net force Reuniclus and some psychic energies for a Vileplume line. Reuniclus is too frail too afford to be catchered up.

With Vileplume, you'd probably want to take out Max Potion and some Switches and try Blissey. Of course, you could just fall behind to take advantage of Twins instead. Another Collector and maybe Pichu would help.
Yes I understand, but if you think man is the Pokémon today even beats a lot of damage! Example Reshiram and Zekron and how reuniclus have low hp can not stand! Only if you put some eviolite! It is for the potion to max it would be nice! reuniclus because the only attacks with an energy! But I still think this deck is a bit heavy!
well most decks now a days have reshiram and zekrom for outrage purposes. besides like zpts and reshiphlosion. so I'm not scared of them. and y'all say its too heavy but you want me to put a vileplume line and maybe a blissey line? where is the sense in that?
Vileplume would go to the trainer! In which case you would not victimize the catcher and something else, and Blissey to cure it, since you can not use because of Vileplume trainer!
zacko2910 said:
i can try to put in 2 more double colorless, do you have any suggestion on what i should take out.
and i don't think i would consider a vileplume for this deck. its A good idea but not my style or for my availability

I would say max potion as reunicluses wont live that long and Hydreigon has a bad weakness.
Have you seen the Truth? It's heavy, but it works. Vilelplume gives you a chance from being run over by the dragons. The dragon's are not your only threat either way. Gothitelle can have fun with weakness as well as Donphan. Blissey with Vileplume only makes sense because you can't use Max Potion under Trainer Lock. I never mentioned it was heavy either.

@willianmendes - .... Eviolite only works for basics
ShadowDark said:
Have you seen the Truth? It's heavy, but it works. Vilelplume gives you a chance from being run over by the dragons. The dragon's are not your only threat either way. Gothitelle can have fun with weakness as well as Donphan. Blissey with Vileplume only makes sense because you can't use Max Potion under Trainer Lock. I never mentioned it was heavy either.

@willianmendes - ... Eviolite only works for basics

hehe sorry! :]
Hydreigon needs to be switched to Vileplume. 90HP is bad, especially for a stage 2 and the nerf to Rare Candy hurts NV Reuniclus too much for it to be an effective swarm deck. Solosis are so prone to KOs because of theier low HP making them ideal catcher targets for easy prizes. Hydreigon will not help much seeing as neither it or Reuniclus has any synergy. I'd go with ShadowDarks advice on running this with a google.dec style build. Vileplume to stop Catcher from ruining your Solosis and also Plus Power.

4-4-3/1 Reuniclus (3 NV / 1 BW)
3-2-2 Vileplume UD
2 Reshiram or Zekrom
1 Cleffa
2 Pichu

Though to be honest, you'd probably be better off dropping the BW Reuniclus for a 4th NV Reuniclus as damage swap won't help you when 80% of the meta can OHKO Reuniclus, but you cna still use Reshiram/Zekrom as a wall to set-up behind. Just be sure to max your Twins count, add a couple of Black Belt because you'll be trading prizes with alot ot decks and at least 2 Flower Shop Lady a Reuniclus is so fragile.
well how is vuleplume going to help this deck? because i need those candies for reuniclus. i NEED 4 out to do as much as possible. without them this deck would not work for me. and even if reuniclus does have low HP reshiram and hydreigon are pretty big walls i can hide behind if i am trying to get more reuniclus out. i understand that vileplume is a good engine and with some decks it is amazing, but i don't think it would help me too much here.
Pokemon Catcher and Junk Arm do exist. Hiding behind Reshiram will do you no good if they can just get around them. Vileplume stops that from happening, though it won't gurantee to stop Solosis geting Ko'd early game, but that's why 2 Flower Shop Lady are needed or even 4 Rescue Energy. Hydreigon is a stage 2 pokemon anyway, so using it as a wall apposed to Reshiram/Zekrom seems redundant. The resources spent to set up Hydreigon could have go to set up Reuniclus, If Hydreigon was the main focus here then i would suggest swtiching the deck up to make Hydreigon the main attaker. You can still keep Rare Candy in the list as well as a Pokemon Communication (3 of each) google.dec variants play that to just be able to get set up early game. Plus that's why i suggest playing a 4-4-4 line of Reuniclus anyway as Solosis is frail, the sooner than cards evolves, the better.

Though if you don't want to use Vileplume then that's fine. Just be aware that you weak bench is exposed. Hydreigon needs to go anyway in place of some Zoroark BW or something as it;s a nice counter to Reshiram and Zekrom. Super Rod and Rocky Helmet would be good as well.
hmmm. i might consider that zoarark. Idk, cause thats a very good idea, but i don't have nor do i want a vileplume in there. how many zoarark would you suggest?
2-2 is all you would really need, though if you're worried or if Reshiram/Zekrom decks or even Magnezone decks are popular in your area then a 3-3 would be better. Though if you're not going to play competitively then 2-2 is fine.

Another tech to consider is a 1-1 Roserade UL or any pokemon that can inflict a special condition from the bench. Reuniclus only needs 1 energy to attack and you're probably going to have no more than 2 Reuniclus up at a time. 3 is possible but unless you dedicate some space to some Defender to reduce damage, then Reuniclus will go down quickly. Having a pokemon on the bench to hinder you opponent or even just cause more damage is always nice. Dropping a spare {P} energy in your hand down onto Rosearde will active its Poké-Power allowing you to poison your opponents active pokemon. If you're interested in this idea then here area few other options:

Houndoom Prime (UD) - Flip a coin, if heads you cna burn your opponents active pokemon. the damage wouldn't be as realiable as well as the power, but it wouldn't require an energy drop and it would put 20 damage as apposed 10 from poison.

Hypno (HGSS) - Same flippy Poké-Power except it just puts your opponents active pokemon to sleep. It's nice to try and stall out your opponent and force them to waste resources to wake up. However just like Houndoom Prime; it isn't very realiable as your opponent could flip heads to wake up.

Obviously Roserade UL would be the better of the 3 options to use if you were interested in the idea.
If you do insist running the dragons, I would definitely run Kyurem in Reshi's place. Kyurem has a much better type advantage than the others, given fire's popularity and lack of water resistance in the format.
yeah, sadly i broke this deck... :'( i had fun with it but i was just too slow... maybe if i find some other way to use it i would, but everyone around me is using magnezone now, so it kinda sucks..