Hype about Mewtwo EX

Emopanda133 said:
So build a deck that can beat theirs, and Mewtwo.

You can't build a deck that always wins, it's impossible. Scizor isn't a perfect counter to Mewtwo EX and Mewtwo EX will beat Scizor almost every time.
Well duh, that's obvious, but you can still build a deck that has a chance to beat any deck. And in my experience with Scizor, Reshiphlosion is the only deck he's sketchy against, everyone else uses special energies, including Mewtwo.
Emopanda133 said:
Well duh, that's obvious, but you can still build a deck that has a chance to beat any deck. And in my experience with Scizor, Reshiphlosion is the only deck he's sketchy against, everyone else uses special energies, including Mewtwo.

Just because a deck plays special energies, it doesn't mean they lose to Scizor. You don;t have to attach them, and cather can bring up any guy that's not Scizor
Emopanda133 said:
Well duh, that's obvious, but you can still build a deck that has a chance to beat any deck. And in my experience with Scizor, Reshiphlosion is the only deck he's sketchy against, everyone else uses special energies, including Mewtwo.

They just won't attach the Special Energy though...
I don't think you guys understand the point of mewtwo. It is not its own deck. Cobalion is not a good answer to mewtwo because mewtwo just won't be dropped in the cobalion matchup. That means your opponent has two useless cards in their deck against you... big deal. Any smart player will build their deck with more cards than just mewtwo. The mewtwo-centric decks (Gardevoir2 comes to mind) are not amazing and are definitely not mewtwo's strongest showings. Unless your opponent starts with mewtwo, if you are using an effective mewtwo-counter deck, you won't see mewtwo the entire game. That isn't hurting your opponent. They have many other answers to you... they don't need mewtwo to beat you.

Decks like Coba/Scizor/Klingklang can't beat much in the format. It gets eaten by any Reshi variant (I'd recommend you check your matchups... I already have). It can rarely even beat mewtwo varients due to the fact that mewtwo varients have other cards. Scizor is an interesting hate card against 42 corners, but it really can't do much against other decks. It gets destroyed by Magnezone variants and Reshiram variants.

The major issue is that Mewtwo is a hard card to counter. If you have absolute hate for it, it will never hit the board. You need a proper way to OHKO it out of the blue. Stage 1 cards that OHKO it WILL get catchered... Mewtwo is always faster than Stage 1. No exceptions. Wheezing barely breaks the mold just because it requires a DCE. Because of this, you need to lay and attack with your Mewtwo OHKO'er in one turn. As a result, Mewtwo EX is one of the only proper Mewtwo counters.

tl;dr: It is impossible to truly counter Mewtwo. If you play hate cards, Mewtwo will never hit the board. You need a way to OHKO it out of the blue.
IMO, it is not overrated. Lets look at it this way: How would we have reacted to Mewtwo EX if it was here last format? Not as much as we do now, thats for sure. The only reason that Mewtwo EX is good, is because people use it to get quick kills with DCEs and energy acceleration (the main reason its great). It will be used in nearly all energy acceleration decks for surprise mewtwo revenge kills, or for simply countering mewtwo.
Rougechomp said:
IMO, it is not overrated. Lets look at it this way: How would we have reacted to Mewtwo EX if it was here last format? Not as much as we do now, thats for sure. The only reason that Mewtwo EX is good, is because people use it to get quick kills with DCEs and energy acceleration (the main reason its great). It will be used in nearly all energy acceleration decks for surprise mewtwo revenge kills, or for simply countering mewtwo.

In the last format meaning before Black and white? If so, them my answer is with Skarmory, Steelix, Shaymin, and Aggron. It might've been a little slow against fit decks, but I never lost to a psychic deck, not even VilGar or LostGar (yes, I know they weren't damage decks, but they were still very effective psychic decks.)

As for your energy acceleration theorem, that's why Cobalion is amazing, it counters energy, actually, any deck because you can't attack after Iron Breaker and it get's stronger with the more energies attached to your Pokemon. Head to head, Cobalion is way better.
Emopanda133 said:
In the last format meaning before Black and white? If so, them my answer is with Skarmory, Steelix, Shaymin, and Aggron. It might've been a little slow against fit decks, but I never lost to a psychic deck, not even VilGar or LostGar (yes, I know they weren't damage decks, but they were still very effective psychic decks.)

As for your energy acceleration theorem, that's why Cobalion is amazing, it counters energy, actually, any deck because you can't attack after Iron Breaker and it get's stronger with the more energies attached to your Pokemon. Head to head, Cobalion is way better.
Please stop posting until you figure out what you are talking about. First and foremost, Mewtwo itself is not a deck. There are mewtwo decks that only focus on Mewtwo, but those decks are subpar for the most part. Mewtwo is an easy addition to any DCE-playing deck. It destroys some decks and never hit the board against others. Building a deck that beats Mewtwo is monumentally stupid. Even the decks that play mewtwo against you will never want to drop it, so your entire deck's purpose is to make 2-3 cards in your opponents' decks do-nothings.

Next, your statement about Cobalion is stupid. Cobalion counteres energy? Have you noticed how little damage its first attack does? You need your opponent to have 3 energy on their Pokemon to do 80 damage... that is exactly equal to what its second attack does. . Pokemon will rarely, if ever, have more than 3 energy at one time. There are special cases where they do (Reshiram EX), but that is very rare... Iron Breaker is much easier to avoid now that Skyarrow Bridge is out. A quick retreat for one energy or a switch into a free retreat really negates the effect of Iron Breaker. Also, his statement was far from a theorem. It was an analysis on data based on anecdotal evidence. Learn the difference :/

Also, Aggron has never been a good card :/ I have severe difficulty believing that your deck with a stage 2, a stage 1, and multiple basics to make the deck work does well against any half-decent Lost Gar. You have too many Pokemon to be able to beat that deck. Might I recommend you give more credentials in your next post (if you make one)? Perhaps let us know how good you are in some way, shape, or form. You've posted testing results that are unbelievable for many players. The nonsense you've spewed about Mewtwo only adds to the suspicion.
Zero said:
Please stop posting until you figure out what you are talking about. First and foremost, Mewtwo itself is not a deck. There are mewtwo decks that only focus on Mewtwo, but those decks are subpar for the most part. Mewtwo is an easy addition to any DCE-playing deck. It destroys some decks and never hit the board against others. Building a deck that beats Mewtwo is monumentally stupid. Even the decks that play mewtwo against you will never want to drop it, so your entire deck's purpose is to make 2-3 cards in your opponents' decks do-nothings.

Next, your statement about Cobalion is stupid. Cobalion counteres energy? Have you noticed how little damage its first attack does? You need your opponent to have 3 energy on their Pokemon to do 80 damage... that is exactly equal to what its second attack does. . Pokemon will rarely, if ever, have more than 3 energy at one time. There are special cases where they do (Reshiram EX), but that is very rare... Iron Breaker is much easier to avoid now that Skyarrow Bridge is out. A quick retreat for one energy or a switch into a free retreat really negates the effect of Iron Breaker. Also, his statement was far from a theorem. It was an analysis on data based on anecdotal evidence. Learn the difference :/

Also, Aggron has never been a good card :/ I have severe difficulty believing that your deck with a stage 2, a stage 1, and multiple basics to make the deck work does well against any half-decent Lost Gar. You have too many Pokemon to be able to beat that deck. Might I recommend you give more credentials in your next post (if you make one)? Perhaps let us know how good you are in some way, shape, or form. You've posted testing results that are unbelievable for many players. The nonsense you've spewed about Mewtwo only adds to the suspicion.

First off, the point of the Aggron deck was to stop heavy hitters from touching it, fire could hurt it , but not really much else. The other Pokemon in the deck against LostGar, after Aggron and Steelix Prime were set up were just for junk arm bait. Besides, LostGar or VileGar were easily taken down, trust me, the very first Battle roads I went to I beat VileGar with the nidoking theme deck (the name of the deck escapes me).

Secondly, Cobalion stops energy stackers, not energies themselves. And you have too little faith in Iron Breaker, it adds up both damage wise and cards you've used to retreat the active to keep attacking.

Lastly, I started this thread to show everyone that Mewtwo is NOT as good as everyone says he is. He's just another card, everything can beat it under the right circumstances, so stop putting him into every deck in the world, he's not going to make it better, so there's no use. Stop building the ego (price) of a free two prizes.
Emopanda133 said:
the very first Battle roads I went to I beat VileGar with the nidoking theme deck (the name of the deck escapes me).

That doesn't give you any credibility. How can you show off your player skill if you're using a theme deck at a tournament, even if it is just Battle Roads? Besides, you could've won if your opponent was a really bad player, he or she got an awful start, or if theme decks are just so bad, that Vilegar can't do decent damage do them.
It was my first deck sir, and I bombed that deck with pride, it may not have won me a lot of games, but it was still a great deck. As for VileGar, I talked about that win to show that even a deck with a lot of Pokemon could beat VileGar.
Emopanda133 said:
It was my first deck sir, and I bombed that deck with pride, it may not have won me a lot of games, but it was still a great deck. As for VileGar, I talked about that win to show that even a deck with a lot of Pokemon could beat VileGar.

It still doesn't have anything to do with Mewtwo EX. Not in the slightest.

Anyways, here's my opinion on Mewtwo EX. Zero wins the thread.

Zero said:
I don't think you guys understand the point of mewtwo. It is not its own deck.

Nothing more needs to be said here. At states, you will undoubtedly see multiple people who think they have the greatest straight up Mewtwo list, Gardevoir/Mewtwo list, or Celebi/Mewtwo list. They're all going to lose. Mewtwo cannot be its own deck, it just won't work. End of story, good-bye, the end.

Zero said:
As a result, Mewtwo EX is one of the only proper Mewtwo counters.

As for everybody else, they will probably run 1 or 2 Mewtwo EX, with DCE and Pluspower in their own decks to counter Mewtwo decks that won't win. For example Zekrom. You already run DCE and Pluspower, so dropping in 1 or 2 Mewtwo just makes that matchup pretty much an autowin. Now, you have to figure out how to beat the 1 or 2 random mewtwo techs in the non-mewtwo decks. It's quite simple. The first person to play down a Mewtwo EX loses. It gets catchered up, and taken out for 2 prizes.

Mewtwo is like Pokémon's version of the Cold War. I have missiles, and you have missiles. I'm scared that you're going to fire off your missiles, so I make sure to get my own missiles in case you fire your missiles off. First country to drop their missiles loses because after they destroy a city, or even a group of cities, everybody else fires their missiles back at them, and they get completely obliterated.
Emopanda133 said:
First off, the point of the Aggron deck was to stop heavy hitters from touching it, fire could hurt it , but not really much else. The other Pokemon in the deck against LostGar, after Aggron and Steelix Prime were set up were just for junk arm bait. Besides, LostGar or VileGar were easily taken down, trust me, the very first Battle roads I went to I beat VileGar with the nidoking theme deck (the name of the deck escapes me).

Secondly, Cobalion stops energy stackers, not energies themselves. And you have too little faith in Iron Breaker, it adds up both damage wise and cards you've used to retreat the active to keep attacking.

Lastly, I started this thread to show everyone that Mewtwo is NOT as good as everyone says he is. He's just another card, everything can beat it under the right circumstances, so stop putting him into every deck in the world, he's not going to make it better, so there's no use. Stop building the ego (price) of a free two prizes.
As Futa said, your credibility just isn't very high. Trust me, VileGar was a very good deck last format. I've won many a-cities with VileGar. I got second twice with my vilegar in the Georgia marathon. You know what I lost to in finals? VileGar. Anyways, that is beside the point... that is a discussion somewhere else.

Cobalion does nothing to stop energy stackers. Save for Reshiram EX, no Pokemon really benefit from stacking energies beyond 3 (even mewtwo to be honest... except in extreme circumstances). Even then, its first attack only does 100 damage (nothing stacks beyond 4). Its first attack is almost never better than Iron Breaker. That being said, Iron Breaker is still good, just it is worse than it used to be. Mewtwo will rarely interact with Cobalion. It will only really interact with Cobalion after Mewtwo takes a knock-out. Even then, Mewtwo is still 2-for-1ing, so Cobalion is interchangable with anything else that 2HKOs mewtwo. Mewtwo can just bench itself and wait for good situations to OHKO stuff. You can catcher it up, but it still effectively 2-for-1s you. That is why Mewtwo is so good. Either it OHKOs another Mewtwo, or it 2-for-1s stuff. That is why it is so good. If gets a 3-for-1, it is a godly mewtwo. Decks that can effectively survive Mewtwo's 2-for-1ing can survive. Decks run out of gas quickly, though, so some decks will just die because they can't keep up with Mewtwo. That is the real issue. Mewtwo oppresses those decks. The best way to respond to Mewtwo is by having DCE and Mewtwo in your deck... and when you have those cards in your deck, why not use them against others? The cycle only continues... THAT is why Mewtwo is so oppressive.
I do not believe that this card is overrated, seeing as it can function off of any energy type, and fits the niche of backup attacker and mewtwo ex counter very well in my deck. Also, I know this doesn't mean much, but everyone I have played on PlayTCG uses mewtwo, and to me it seems effective. Its hype is very well deserved. Simply an amazing tech, and it should be implemented in MOST decks. Excluding durant etc.
(All Opinion^)
Oh my god, you don't understand what I'm trying to say people. Ok, look through the deck garage and you'll find that every deck in there has 1-2 Mewtwo's in there TO COUNTER OTHER MEWTWO'S, if people didn't run Mewtwo, we wouldn't need counters for it. Most decks in the meta don't have the energy on, combined mind you, for Mewtwo to one shot these big basics. And with every uncommon card having a second turn 90+ damage attack, if Mewtwo can't one shot it, you'll be down a prize once they second or third turn kill you're Mewtwo, provided you start with it. If you don't start with him, then he has a giant target on his head for catcher bait, and if you didn't take two prizes for killing him, that wouldn't be that bad, but you do, so he is. The point I'm trying to make is, everyone knows how to kill him, whether it be with another Mewtwo or not, and you'll see that quick, and once everyone realizes that he takes space in decks, he'll drop. I know it's going to happen because there's better cards than him, both in the current format and the dark rush set, tgat's why I started this thread, to show everyone he's just another Durant, good when he's built up, but do enough damage, and he doesn't stand a chance (and I'm taking about both Pokemon in there card form, not their respective decks).
Durant is nothing like Mewtwo, and if you don't have your own Mewtwos to counter they are going to sweep you unless your whole deck is designed to counter mewtwo, but then GL going 1-X at states since your deck probably won't be any good against anything else.
@people talking about Scizor:
It's a stage 1. The presence of a Scyther on the board will alert the opponent already.

@people comparing Mewtwo with Durant:
It's nothing similar. Mewtwo is a splashable tech that is very good against certain decks (6 corners, Reshiram EX etc), and runs on DCE/basic energies. Generally you don't charge up Mewtwo because it is too prone to other Mewtwo's X-Ball, and it only has 170 HP after all and will die in 2 hits usually.
Durant can only be a deck on its own. It also doesn't require 'charging'..just slap down 4 Durants, attach 1 energy, mill.
Two completely different things, how could you even compare them? It just shows your lack of knowledge in these two cards.
People run Mewtwo in their decks to counter other Mewtwo. So your logic would be don't put Mewtwo in your decks, so that there won't be any need to counter other Mewtwo. But, if there are no countering Mewtwo in other decks, you should be put Mewtwo in your deck because it's an effective card.

I think you're get where I'm going with this.
Futachimaru said:
People run Mewtwo in their decks to counter other Mewtwo. So your logic would be don't put Mewtwo in your decks, so that there won't be any need to counter other Mewtwo. But, if there are no countering Mewtwo in other decks, you should be put Mewtwo in your deck because it's an effective card.

I think you're get where I'm going with this.

But, people will still play Mewtwo even if it's being countered because it is a good card. If a deck can get up 2 prizes and get their opponent to play 2 Mewtwos down, they easily win.