I am super-duper stuck! *No longer, leave alone*


Do you loooooves me? <3
OK, so we are supposed to do this Literature project and one of my partners just came back today. The only reason why I picked him was out of niceness. (Besides, I would have been stuck with him anyway) Now, this project is due tomorrow and my group has almost nothing done because this kid cannot take things seriously! I do not want to fail right before I am going to graduate the eighth grade (June 1st is graduation day), so what should I do? I do not want to come off as mean, but I need this person to actually work. I have some sort of plan that I was thinking of executing, which is to tell him he needs to work, otherwise he will get a zero after I explain to the teacher what is going on, then I assign him a section to copy down. Should I stay with this or what, as...
Title said:
I am super-duper stuck!
RE: I am super-duper stuck!

Well, if he's not pulling his weight in the group because he doesn't take it seriously, then mentioning how important getting it done is (the effect failing to complete the project will have on one's grade, for example) may be enough to get them seriously motivated to finish it. (I doubt it, but it's a possibility, I guess.) So I guess... Yeah, the plan you want to execute is probably the best way to teach this kid to get work done or face the consequences. xP

Though... If it's due tomorrow, I can't imagine it getting done if your group has "almost nothing done" - is it the type of assignment where the whole group has to be there to do anything? If so, you said the partner "just came back" - were they sick, absent, or just skipping class, or something? Perhaps your group could get more time to complete the assignment if that's the case (if it is indeed an assingment that requires every member to do anything). Or is there enough done that if the partner starts doing something it can get done in time?

I don't really know anything about the teacher or how long the groups have had to complete the project, so I can't really say anything about how he/she would respond to a request for more time.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. xP I know group projects can be rough, which is why I like working on my own... It stinks when that's not an option, though. Anyway, I hope all goes well!
RE: I am super-duper stuck!

I seriously would just toughen up and tell him if he doesn't take it seriously then he's out and fails. ^Those are the types of people I can't stand :/
RE: I am super-duper stuck!

OK, let me help you clear up the gaps. Let me edit this to bullet it.
EDIT: The lest:
  • We have had since yesterday.
  • My group of three (the other kid was absent) spent yesterday coming up with a basic design and research.
  • This kid always does something like this.
  • The project is basically creating a poster about the Japanese internment camps focusing on 4 of the 6 questions.
  • It is a large project, and the teacher counts points on participation.
  • She may give time, but it may result in massive questioning if we are the only ones.
  • The teacher does listen to problems, as this has happened with other students before.
  • It will effect everyone if the poster ends up cruddy and not complete.
Need more explanation? If so, I will be glad to help.
RE: I am super-duper stuck!

Hm... Given what you've said there, I'd definitely say go with your plan, and if that doesn't get them to do the work, tell the teacher of the situation and ask for more time for your group (with or without the trouble-causing partner) to complete the assignment.

Again, I hope everything turns out well for you! :D
RE: I am super-duper stuck!

Thanks Xous! It should be easy saying that I rushed in one part that I will refine quickly, so it should go well, as long as I address the student ahead of time! If only making the bus company pay for a new Pokewalker they made me lose was this solvable...
RE: I am super-duper stuck!

In case anyone was wondering, the kid did work. We just have one section to do, as everyone has an additional day now.
Yay, Congratz, That Happens with me all the time - I'm the smart one in all my classes so I get paired up with all the Slackers (Annoys the Heck out of me) But I've learned to **NOT TOLERATE IT ANYMORE**